back to article US prosecutors drop demand for 1.3m IP addresses of folks who visited anti-Trump site

The US Department of Justice has eased up in its legal fight against hosting company DreamHost, saying it no longer wants all IP logs associated with a Trump protest site. Following a hearing earlier this week in which DreamHost argued that the expansive request for information related to the site was too broad …

  1. Mark 85

    I guess the days of "Oops.... the secretary accidentally deleted all those files." are gone? Oh wait.. that was the Nixon Whitehouse.

    1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

      Re: Oops... those files are gone

      The Dear leader keeps on telling the world the Hillary is a criminal and should be locked up for the rest of her life for deleting emails.

      Based upon the record of the current administration they won't let up on this quest to get the dirty on everyone concerned.

      IF you visited that site then I might want to get a lawyer on speeddial.

      1. Suricou Raven

        Re: Oops... those files are gone

        Yet Trump has made no effort at prosecution, even though it was a major theme of his campaign.

        Perhaps his lawyers have explained that if he tries, at best she will be found innocent, and at worst has fellow Republicans will be terrified of bring next up, given how rampant off-the-records dealing is by both parties.

  2. J 3


    Let's see how hard the DoJ will go after the Nazi organizers.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ok...

      I don't know how many times I have to make this point before it sinks in.

      Sure, let the DoJ go after the Nazis.

      What do you think they will do after that? You have set a precedent that it's ok to go after one group.

      Who decides which groups they can go after?

      1. Rich 11

        Re: Ok...

        Is there something wrong with going after the ones who turned up with rifles?

        Oh, sorry, I forgot, It's America.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Ok...

          I give up. I really do but before I do I'll leave this here,

          You disagree with group A, group A does things you don't like and says things you don't like. They sometimes break the law.

          You belong to group b, group b protests against group A, they aren't as extreme to be fair but they have still broken the law.

          You are happy for the government to use law to expose group A. Group B should be exempt from this because they are on "The good side" and "what the majority believes to be right"

          Good luck with that because once you go down that road there is no coming back. You either protect everyone or no-one. There is no in between or half way house because then someone has to determine who is good and who is bad. Clearly with this it's straight forward, the nazis are c*nts but that's not always going to be the case.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Ok...

            When it's protesters vs. counter protesters:

            I'm going to be on the side that didn't bring baseball bats.

            It's fine to protest, but bringing a bat makes it a riot. At that point, it doesn't matter who you consider "right" but who is there to do physical violence against another person, or property.


            With regards to the article: I have a hard time believing that the DoJ didn't know exactly what they were requesting. They made a weasel move, and got called out on it.

            The protest organizers likely exceeded their "right to protest" and was intentionally disruptive. So, I don't have a problem with the information request (warrant). But I do wonder if it's worth the bother, since as far as I can tell, it wasn't violent.

            1. veti Silver badge

              Re: Ok...

              Sadly, the "weasel move" was to demand the data, then back off only when the demand was made private. They haven't been called out on that at all.

              Sure, they're not getting the data - but they never really wanted it. After all, what could they actually do with it?

              But by demanding it and, crucially, waiting for Dreamhost to go public before they moderated the demand - they've already had the "chilling effect" they wanted. Now, every American will be that tiny bit more - thoughtful about what links they click on and what websites they visit. And criticism of the Dear Leader just got that little bit harder.

              Mission accomplished.

          2. Robert Helpmann??
            Paris Hilton

            Re: Ok...

            ...There is no in between or half way house because then someone has to determine who is good and who is bad...

            There are a number of simple logical fallacies in your arguments. First, saying both groups have broken a law makes them equivalent is simply wrong. Under such logic, jaywalking and mass murder have the same standing. This is neither the way the law actually works nor the way society as a whole views things. However this is exactly the position put forth in many political "discussions". Points off for False Equivalence.

            Framing rights in absolute terms is likewise incorrect. Under legal frameworks of which I am aware, there are limits to rights. This is particularly evident in which the exercise of rights by different groups brings them into conflict.

            Likewise, it is possible to frame laws in such a way as to be applied to everyone in the same manner and yet discriminate against a class. This may be done for the benefit of society (preventing access to weapons on the part of known violent offenders) or to its detriment (implementing a poll tax in order to vote). While you touch on this concept, your statements fall down on the implications.

      2. kain preacher

        Re: Ok...

        Amy group that advocates violence or uses violence or breaks the law.

  3. TheElder

    The answer is simple

    Stay OFF anything that originates in the Ugly Shithead Area.

    My server is physically in Toronto with electrified barb wire fencing.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The answer is simple

      Server in Toronto? That's worst than being in the USA. Of the Five Eyes Canada is the most closely connected.

      1. TheElder

        Re: The answer is simple

        I work with some of them some of the time. I just detected a hack of the federal government. It is under investigation. I killed another hacker today. I sent them to (I do not recommend going there). I have permission to say this.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Give them space, give them love.

    I think we can all agree that once more, Trump and the US Government are trying to do the right thing. So come on folks, give them a break, and give Donald and Melania the space to make America great again. I'm a church-going Christian and I know goodness when I see it.

    I know sometimes votes don't always go the way you want. There are some people who are a bit peeved about Brexit - although we're all God's children, despite borders - and some people who are a little bit miffed over Trump. But I think it's a bit like when you lose a favourite pair of socks. You can be sure they'll turn up in the darnedest of places! Or you can buy some more socks. Or wear sandals.

    So when you're about to get unhappy and angry - and I think TheElder, this is advice that will do you well - just give yourself a little hug or a pat on the back, or whistle your favourite hymn. Because, you should always look on the bright side of life.

    So when you've finished reading my words, can you find it in your heart to take five minutes of time and say 'God Bless America! God Bless Trump! God Bless Melania! God Bless Jared! God bless Ivanka! God bless her clothing. And his hair. Amen'.

    1. Rich 11

      Re: Give them space, give them love.

      Hallelujah, brother! (And I know you're a brother. Not just a brother in Christ, but a white brother. A brother who really gets it.)

      Get your stopwatch. My five minutes of 'God bless Trump!' starts right here, right now.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Give them space, give them love.

      Come on, someone own up.

      Who taught the red necks to use computers?

      1. kain preacher

        Re: Give them space, give them love.

        Sorry I need the extra cash. I did not think it would end like this.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Give them space, give them love.

      Irony does not always travel well on the Internet. I mean, I thought it was obvious (and quite funny) but clearly a few people didn't. Anyway, an upvote from me. And a suggestion that reading Euripides is a good place to start to the downvoters.

      1. hnwombat

        Re: Give them space, give them love.

        = [...] reading Euripides is a good place to start to the downvoters.

        Marc Antony's eulogy of Julius Caesar wouldn't be bad either. :-)

      2. kain preacher

        Re: Give them space, give them love.

        I got it. I knew there was no way a knuckle dagger of that quality could even turn on the a pc let alone find el reg.

      3. Hstubbe

        Re: Give them space, give them love.

        I think you underestimate how close to what the rest of the world thinks is normal behaviour for us citizens the post was. I, for one, think all yankees are full of christ and bullshit, and do actually talk like that.

    4. Someone Else Silver badge

      @AC -- Re: Give them space, give them love.

      I think we can all agree that once more, Trump and the US Government are trying to do the right thing. So come on folks, give them a break, and give Donald and Melania [sic] the space to make America great again. I'm a church-going Christian and I know goodness when I see it.

      Congratulations! You managed to peg both the sarcasm and bullshit meters at the same time.

    5. This post has been deleted by its author

    6. Florida1920

      Re: Give them space, give them love.

      Give them space, give them love.

      Bah! Give me pasta!

    7. Captain Badmouth

      Re: Give them space, give them love.

      "But I think it's a bit like when you lose a favourite pair of socks. You can be sure they'll turn up in the darnedest of places!"

      I see what you did there...

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Let Dreamhost do the filtering

    Presumably the DoJ will first filter the logs to exclude folks lawfully exercising their democratic rights. So they could give Dreamhost (and the public) the filter parameters and ask them to supply only the data which meets their criteria for unlawful conduct.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My IP Address Is

    And if that doesn't work,


    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: My IP Address Is

      No it's not.

      That's my server IP address.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: My IP Address Is

        Oh now I feel all embarrassed, all three of us are wearing the same (ad)dress!

        Back in a mo, just going to change into

    2. kain preacher

      Re: My IP Address Is

      Mines is

      1. TheElder

        Re: My IP Address Is Sounds Chinese. 8 is a lucky number in China...

  7. Christoph

    So what they are claiming is that they aren't evil they're simply massively incompetent?

  8. Mad Chaz

    I love how they go "we didn't know they had it so we couldn't exclude it". To me, it sounds like it should be "you specify exactly what you want" not "let's get everything but this".

    But IANAL

  9. FSM

    Isn't this all a huge smokescreen?

    Who is in any doubt as to whether the authorities already have logs of internet traffic, especially HTTP(S) IPs/domains visited?

    Of all the things we know the NSA is capable of, this sounds rather primitive. I'm certain I've read that this level of information has been required to be collected by ISPs in the UK for many years.

    1. veti Silver badge

      Re: Isn't this all a huge smokescreen?

      Quite possibly the NSA could provide that information - but catch them sharing it with the DoJ, particularly on a pretext like this...

      You seem to be forgetting that the intelligence community as a whole despises Trump. They would call the DoJ out on its bullshit request in a heartbeat, if it were addressed to them.

      And what's worse, it wouldn't be made public. Which means we'd all miss out on the not-so-subtly-coded warning in this story: "careful what sites you visit".

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Last I heard they have splitters in San Francisco and near Denver. Also, last I checked most traffic from Western Canada first goes to Seattle then back into Canada. That makes it legal to listen to anything on the net and phone systems.

    1. FSM

      Re: smokescreen

      Oh wow, did we submit more-or-less the same message at the same time, both with the word "smokescreen" in the title?

      What's the probability of that? (Unless you copied me!)

  11. TheElder
    1. Jamie Jones Silver badge

      Re: It's about time

      A controlling stake would cost $6 billion. Good luck crowd-sourcing that!

      1. TheElder

        Re: It's about time

        Top shareholder pulls a lot of weight. I recall that it has already been a pretty close call. It will also attract a lot of attention like has done for me.

  12. TheElder

    Why the Trump (words I will not say)

    1: There is genetic evidence he has real brain pathology

    2: It isn't just about racism. That is just part of it. He show no capability to do anything that makes sense. No trace of logic. The downvoters are clearly just surfers, not programmers. Or maybe they constantly crash.

    3: He specializes in causing harm to as many people as possible.

    4: He is a corrupt as they get.

    Here is a good example:

    US Probes Corruption in Big Pharmaceuticals

    In the history of mankind, no greater crime has ever been committed than the genocide organized by the pharmaceutical drug cartel in the interests of the multi-billion dollar investment business with disease.

    1863: Foundation of Bayer and Hoechst – the Origin of the Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel

    1913: The World's Richest Man Invests into Pharmaceutical Drug Cartel

    1918: "Spanish Flu" Fears Boost Drug Sales

    1925: German Drug Companies Get Ready for World Domination

    1929: American-German Pact Divides the World into Interest Zones

    1930s: Suppression of Life-Saving Information by the Drug Cartel

    1933: Hitler's Rise to Power and the German Enabling Laws

    1940: Drug Cartel's Zyklon B Gas as an Element in Planned Genocide

    1941: Drug Cartel's Role in Medical Experiments Conducted in German Concentration Camps

    1942: The Wannsee Conference – Eradication of Jews Planned

    1945: U.S.-"Report on the Investigation of I.G. Farben Industry AG" Published

    1947: The Nuremberg Tribunal Against I.G. Farben

    1951: Reorganization of the Drug Cartel After World War II

    1954: Bilderberg Group Founded

    1963: Codex Alimentarius Commission Founded

    1973: Trilateral Commission Founded

    1974: The Kissinger Report on "Population Growth"

    1983: Drug Cartel's Own Chancellor Helmut Kohl Elected in Germany

    1996: Frits Bolkestein and the Drug Cartel's Influence on the EU Commission

    1997: Corporate Interests Plan "New American Century"

    1999: Drug Cartel Sentenced for Establishing a Vitamin Cartel

    2000: The Bush Administration and Its Corporate Connections

    2001: The Baycol/Lipobay Scandal and the Aftermath of the 9/11 Events

    2002: The Department of Homeland Security and Its Historical Example

    2003: Spreading Fears with SARS and the Background for the Iraq War

    2004: The Vioxx Scandal

    2006: Spreading Fears with Bird Flu

    2007: The Election of Nicolas Sarkozy in France and the Unveiling of Nuremberg Tribunal Documents

    2008: Planned Coup of the Cartel Against the President-elect Obama and the Movement of Change

    1. veti Silver badge

      Re: Why the Trump (words I will not say)

      1. There may be "genetic evidence", but you give no references and I seriously doubt you're privy to it - if anyone is.

      2. Trump isn't (particularly) racist. He despises everyone equally. Racism is merely a wedge issue that's useful because it gets angry crowds out onto the streets, and that image fuels fear and builds support for a "strong" (= unaccountable) leader.

      3. See (2). You're confusing means with ends. He doesn't want to cause harm - that's incidental. He really couldn't give a monkey's how many people suffer - any number between zero and seven billion, it's all the same to him. "The benefit of controlling a modern state is not the power to persecute the innocent, it's the power to protect the guilty."

      4. Is there anyone, even among his supporters, who doesn't know that?

      1. TheElder

        Genetic evidence

        On the below link drop down to page 1111. On that page look at section "D". In that chart of correlations with intelligence look at the top correlation with Alzheimer's. Trumps father had Alzheimer's. Look at the list of correlation negatives for mental health and intelligence. It is a very close match.


        As for harm, he has stated he intends to cancel NAFTA. That will harm most people in North America. Then there is all the shit he is dumping on people in the medical system. That includes my mother.

        1. TheElder

          Re: Genetic evidence

          Clearly somebody doesn't like truth.

      2. TheElder

        He despises everyone equally.

        Apparently not the women he assaults. One should also be concerned about his fascination with women's blood. It is also interesting to speculate why he often wears a blood red tie that reaches his crotch.

        Then there is the basic fact that he is a pathological LIAR.

        Truth Squad

        Times he has simply told a falsity = 146 since Aug 23

        Pants on fire = 69 Obviously he likes doing the 69. The only question there is gender.

        Based on the fact that he says some very odd things on the birdshit forum one must wonder what drugs he is taking.

        Then there is the tiny issue of destroying national security.

        The list is much longer.

    2. TheElder

      Re: Why the Trump (words I will not say)

      For the downvoters: Finally some agreement. I very much do not like corruption. I would downvote it too but it won't let me.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    government lawyers claim

    "government lawyers claim they had no idea that the information requested was so broad"

    And we have no idea that you, government lawyers, are idiots. Oh and we also have no idea that one liner statement was so broad either.

  14. Florida1920


    I for one am shocked --SHOCKED!-- that 1.3 million people took the trouble to even find an anti-Trump website. Bet you won't hear him bragging about that yuge crowd!

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Call Me Paranoid...

    I just don't bloody care anymore.

    Well, I do.

    Tonight, I got hijacked. I was drugged. I was taken to a lab that just totally freaked me out.

    Normally, I'm not a nut, honestly.


    1. Florida1920

      Re: Call Me Paranoid...

      Tonight, I got hijacked. I was drugged. I was taken to a lab that just totally freaked me out.

      Interesting. I wasn't aware Trump was speaking anywhere tonight.

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