back to article AR and VR in data visualisation – can it ever be useful to our puny human minds?

Advocates of data visualisation using virtual or augmented reality argue that both let your brain do what it does best. Namely, pick out and memorise patterns by walking through the data using 3D and assisted by colour, movement, sound and even touch to represent extra dimensions. See that cluster of bright red, bobbing orbs …

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  2. Tom 7

    It doesnt matter what colour or note you give to data.

    Given a pivot table seems to be beyond the understanding of most accountants and heads of sales.

    I'd suggest we're pissing in the wind.

    I do feel we need some kind of open-source bootstrapping business software to allow people who can understand pivot tables and more complicated things to climb up above the management canopy that seems to shade them from the energy they need to survive and grow.

  3. Flakk

    Couldn't Get It to Work

    ...spent six months trying to get his firm's software to work in VR, but eventually decided to stick with monitors. He is sceptical that viewing a 3D visualisation is any better in VR than on a flat screen.

    Cry more, n00b.

    Then again, at least he had the sense to give up. Who knows what Magic Leap has been doing with over a billion dollars of VC since 2011?

  4. Skylab72

    More to it than that

    While I appreciate the timeliness and significance of the issues in Mr. Matthews article, I am disappointed in the myopic view presented. From the top there was no identification of the core issue which is actually an old one, man machine interfaces. Over fifty years ago we identified a core principle that so long as direct wetware - hardware interfaces remain a pipe-dream, will remain paramount. “Man rate the machine AND machine rate the man.” The idea being no matter how “intuitive”, humans will need “experience” with any complex system to achieve anything near optimal effectiveness. Never forget wetware is a neural network, and neural networks thrive on “training”.

    Secondarily, I was disappointed there was zero mention of the “Giants that have gone before”. The power of the scientific method is in the accumulation of data, information and knowledge. Ignoring the incredible contributions of brilliant practitioners who precede you leaves you to spend much time re-inventing the wheel. Specifically, given that the whole motivation to promote both AR and VR in rooted in the fact the broadest bandwidth channel available into wetware is visual, one would be crippled to be unaware of the work of Edward R. Tufte.

    Lastly, allow me to urge resisting the temptation to shoehorn solutions into problem domains. Both AR and VR will be game changers in selected domains. There is no AR Versus VR, there are only real world problems. Some are more effectively attacked with one tool, others are more effectively attacked with another.

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