back to article Chelsea Manning leaves prison, heads straight for booze and pizza

As expected, leaker extraordinaire Chelsea Manning has left the United States Army's Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, after her sentence was commuted in the last days of Barack Obama's presidency. Manning was jailed after leaking more than 700,000 documents to WikiLeaks in 2010. She came across the documents …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Prisons are like onions. They have layers

    Treat yourself to a mug of victory gin. Smoke a victory cigarette. Cause you're still livin in a prison society.

  2. Winkypop Silver badge

    Hey Donald

    That means there's a spare cell in the federal penitentiary....

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Here we go again

    Manning was not pardoned, so Assange's promise is irrelevant.

    1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      All of his promises are irrelevant. He is irrelevant. For some reason, the media keeps listening to his noises though.

    2. Lee D Silver badge

      Re: Here we go again

      Assange is irrelevant.

      Certainly to the point where he gets ignored as someone who thinks they can stand on the prison roof and shout demands that their friend in America gets released, while below the judge waits to sentence him for breaching bail.

    3. Brangdon

      Re: Here we go again

      Assange did not use the word "pardoned". The tweet was: "If Obama grants Manning clemency Assange will agree to US extradition despite clear unconstitutionality of DoJ case". Clemency means, to moderate the severity of punishment due. Early release is clemency.

    4. JaitcH
      Thumb Up

      Re: Here we go again

      Chelsea Manning's recent accommodation is formally known as the United States Disciplinary Barracks (or USDB, popularly known as Leavenworth).

      One thing Obama did right - the general officer offenders get a 'kiss' for a sentence and Chelsea was victimised.

      Good luck and success with the rest of your life, Chelsea!

  4. chivo243 Silver badge

    You can change the name

    and the plumbing, but she still has man hands.

    Yes, my coat with a copy of Seinfeld's The Bizarro Jerry episode in the pocket...

    1. katrinab Silver badge

      Re: You can change the name

      Actually, a lot of trans women do have "female" hands.

      The difference is the relative lengths of the fingers either side of the middle finger. In men, the finger between middle and pinkie is longer than the finger between middle and thumb. In women, it isn't, either they are the same length as mine are, or the finger between middle and thumb is longer.

      The reason they usually match is that they develop at the same stage of pregnancy as the brain.

      1. Francis Boyle Silver badge

        Re: You can change the name

        I've just looked at my hands. Seems I should start calling myself "Frances". Either that or human physical and mental variation is more varied than our concepts of gender.

        1. katrinab Silver badge

          Re: You can change the name

          Sure, it isn't 100% accurate, but the shape of your genitals isn't either.

      2. Tikimon

        Re: You can change the name

        The relative length of those fingers seems to be directly controlled by testosterone vs estrogen, giving longer or shorter fingers respectively. Among men, differing levels of testosterone will cause variation within the gender. So really, it's an indicator of testosterone expression in the individual.

        Here's a good one...

      3. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: You can change the name

        "In men, the finger between middle and pinkie is longer than the finger between middle and thumb"

        that's actually considered a "hyper-masculine" trait.

        "Finger length (specifically the lengths of the ring and index fingers), have been correlated with high and low levels of fetal androgens" "it is generally believed that having a shorter index (or 2nd digit) than the ring finger (or 4th digit), corresponds with having higher levels of prenatal androgens"

        So color ME "Mr. INsensitive", as I exhibit stereotypical "hyper-masculine" aka "macho" behavior, while telling political correctness to PACK SAND, and let women know they're "good lookin" and stare at their boobs instead of their faces. Because _I_ have that "hyper male" characteristic, where my 'ring' finger is longer than my 'index' finger. It's in my genes. I was BORN that way!

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Limits of pragmatism

      There's always got to be one wanker who delights in displaying total tospottery with their blatant transphobia.

      Never miss an opportunity to place your hatred and ignorance in public view, right chivo243?

      1. chivo243 Silver badge

        Re: Limits of pragmatism


        At least I was only joking (you seem to have taken it differently), hence the coat and mention of a comical reference, and I post with my handle... Sorry to have upset you.

        Joke Icon for the Trolling AC

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Limits of pragmatism

          Just because you felt what you said was funny doesn't make it ok.

    3. This post has been deleted by its author

    4. MyffyW Silver badge

      Re: You can change the name

      @chivo243 your gender is what you identify as. It's not necessarily the same as the genetic "hand" that nature dealt you.

      Big hugs on your release Chelsea - as you can see from El Reg comments, the struggle carries on.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: You can change the name

      I wish I could see the humour in your post! I'm not offended by it. On the contrary, I'm merely reminded of how much loathing I have for the parts of my body that are, I am told by gatekeeper-experts, "within the range of typical female" but nevertheless constantly paranoid about (shoulder-waist-hip ratios, hands, throat, breast development, etc). *sigh* The limitations of modern medical technology.

    6. Stevie

      Re: You can change the name (4 chivo243)

      You forgot to tell her to go easy on the pizza 'cos she needs to watch her figure now.

  5. This post has been deleted by its author

  6. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Coming Soon to Phishing Screens Phorming You .... or Already Covert Default Operation?

    Assange later back-tracked on that promise and added previously un-mentioned conditions to any US visit. ...... Simon S

    Proof positive that Assange be made of Prime Sub Prime Parliamentary Party Leadership material, Simon?!. I wonder if he has ever thought of standing for popular representative election to the Great Public Mad House of Private Shenanigans for Virtually Remote Pirate Actions which are invariably always ineffective reactions to chaotic second and third party proactions ....... produced and hosted by the MultiMedia BrainWashing Machine for Magic Energy and Ethereal Power Generation to Current and Future Presentations of Virtual Realities/Advanced Augmented Artificial IntelAIgent Worlds/Alien Existence.

    And ..... it is great fun to consider whether that reveals where everything is going to, or where everything is coming from, with the one being in command and control of the other and leading the the great unwashed rather than the latter following and responding to crazy media tales and fake news trails.

    And now not so much of a Top Secret and National Security Treasure for Sensitive Compartmented Information Ware Fairs and Greatly Advanced IntelAIgent War Games.

  7. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    I'm sure the D is not a man known for his vindictiveness

    But perhaps Chelsea should consider moving to somewhere a little more sympathetic to their gender status?

    Zimbabwe comes to mind.

    1. katrinab Silver badge

      Re: I'm sure the D is not a man known for his vindictiveness

      Her mother is Welsh, so I believe she could move to the UK.

    2. Lost In Clouds of Data

      Re: I'm sure the D is not a man known for his vindictiveness

      Or she can stay in the United States, which, by and large is getting more accepting each and every day. Granted there's always going to be a contingent who feel it's their gawd-given right to hate on trans folks (and oddly many these same said people also claim to be followers of Christ, but I digress) but them aside the outlook is looking up, current political landscape aside.

      TBH, she's going to have a lot more problems given the public reaction of what she did, her real gender will be used just to beat her up more because of, as opposed to in spite of, what she did.

      1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        "Or she can stay in the United States, which, by and large is getting more accepting"

        I'd like to believe that but wasn't an EO on transgender rights one of the first things the D binned on arrival in the oval office?

        Not to mention how weird some folk get about claims of treason.

        Personally I believe a sane society would applaud her actions and vilify their government's behavior and lack of security.

  8. John G Imrie

    You can tweet from a US Prison?

    1. James 51

      It is possible to tweet from a computer, novel I know.

      1. DropBear

        Some modern-day dinosaurs can even do it without a computer, inside OR outside any prison!

  9. David Webb

    Chelsea Manning now walks free. An epic victory for which many good people fought--including Chelsea herself. I can't wait to meet her.

    Oddly, can't see that happening, Chelsea is unable to come to the UK (criminal record) and Assange is unable to enter the UK (he's a wanted criminal, jumping bail and all that), but if Mr Assange wants to visit the US to see Chelsea, I'm sure Trump will arrange a free air ticket (fuck it, I'll pay just to get the policing bill down).

  10. Alistair


    Scarily, they can *both* go to about 118 other countries in the world. Its not like the US and UK are the end of the world.........

    Hmm. Trump. May.

    Perhaps they arey.

    1. David Webb

      Re: @DavidW

      But, and this is a big but, Assange would need to go via the UK to escape, unless Ecuador send in a stealth helicopter to whisk him away. He's basically trapped in a prison in the UK until he leaves the prison and enters the UK where he will be arrested and sent to prison (and then probably America afterwards)

      1. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: @DavidW

        "He's basically trapped in a prison in the UK"

        I thought Assange was in Ecuador? /me researches... ok, Ecuadorian embassy in the UK. Got it.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Dear Assange . This US is currently fucked up and we have other things to worry about. well unless you personally insult trump. Then the US might accidentally on purpose nuke the embassy you are in. Of course it might take a few times as the current pres could not find Canada on a map let alone the UK.

    1. Huw D

      Re: Assange

      "as the current pres could not find Canada on a map let alone the UK."

      You appear to have mistyped "as the current pres could not find his own arse with both hands, a map, and sat nav, let alone the UK."

      1. kain preacher

        Re: Assange

        In all fairness the sat nav would point towards his mouth.

      2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: Assange

        You appear to have mistyped "as the current pres could not find his own arse with both hands, a map, and sat nav, let alone the UK."

        Well, to be fair, his hands a re a bit...erm....tiny so it might take a bit time to feel his way around, although he's a had some practice with finding other peoples arses, allegedly.

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