back to article Another career suicide as reporter leaves The Register for broadcaster

After just over two years at The Register my contributions from now on will be dropping to the comments section. After the small luxury of the forthcoming long weekend I'll be embarking on a new adventure as a technology reporter for Sky News. I'm certainly going to miss my exceptionally talented [patient – Ed] colleagues and …


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  1. Vimes

    The J is important? But no dot I notice...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Short middle names matter!

      They seem quite common, or maybe those who have them are sick of people ignoring them and want to make sure they're out and proud.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    1. TRT Silver badge

      Re: That important J

      It stands for Jay. Hence the Simpsons reference.

  3. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    goodbye and good luck

    Your diminished audience (compared to this place) will no doubt welcome a new face.

    Sadly I know that I'm not alone amongst those who comment here who have made a concious decision to boycott anything controlled by the Murdoch family so we won't be able to follow your career at this point in time.

    However, I am sure this assignment is a mere stepping stone to greater things and once again we can enjoy your wit and barbs.

    1. macjules

      Re: goodbye and good luck

      "If you're desperate to send me personalised hatemail,"

      Once you are in Sky you will find that their Spark service is quite capable of doing that for you.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Reporter leaves The Register

    Please be Andrew, please be Andrew.

    "Talented and handsome man"

    Please don't be Dabbsy, please don't be Dabbsy.

    1. Jamie Jones Silver badge

      Re: Reporter leaves The Register

      Hiya Dabbsy!

    2. a_a

      Re: Reporter leaves The Register

      Me (everytime):

      Reads first paragraph, this makes no sense.

      Reads second paragraph, it's just random words thrown together.

      Dawns on me, scroll up, ah yes Andrew Orlowski's byline.

      1. Sir Runcible Spoon

        Re: Reporter leaves The Register

        Regardless of what you think of Mr Orlowski's articles, he *is* a part of the furniture now and has earned his place (I admit that the furniture in question might be a little bit bit worse for wear after having the local kennel club round for a sleep-over :) )

        Good luck Agent J ;)

    3. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      Re: Reporter leaves The Register


      Please don't be Dabbsy, please don't be Dabbsy.

      He's just biding his time for a call from Barbara Broccoli...

  5. frank ly


    You get to write your own sub-headings for your final article?

    Good luck and please try to bring some knowledge and intellectual rigour to your new environment.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: So,

      He's off to News International. I think he has more chance of finding Alien Life/Elvis/Honest Politician/Shergar/Unicorn Poo/Broadband in rural areas of the UK.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: So,

        Shhh! He's gone undercover to investigate the past murkiness of the current CIO of King's College London.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: So,

        "He's off to News International. I think he has more chance of finding Alien Life/Elvis/Honest Politician/Shergar/Unicorn Poo/Broadband in rural areas of the UK."

        Be fair though, he'll raise both the average IQ and journalistic standards, so he's doing the world a favour.

  6. Will Godfrey Silver badge


    Just kidding.

    Good luck... you might need it :o

  7. Your alien overlord - fear me

    Did Sky offer him the job thinking el Reg commentards will now go easy on them?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Do you think a vile, lazy nepotistic behemoth like Sky even know of the existence of the Commentariat? And if they did, would they give a flying fuck?

      I'm reckoning "no" and "no" respectively.

  8. kend1

    You will be missed

    ...unless you stop darting around so much. "The ashtray, the remote control, the paddle game, and this magazine, and that icon".


  9. MrT

    Move #1...

    ... in the ElReg annexation of News International.

    Phase two will be signalled by the key word "boffin" being read out by Sky Newscasters, and the introduction of 'linguini' and 'brontosaurus' in any story that requires accurate dimensions to be conveyed. Steer clear of introducing the ones about volume for now...

    Fare thee well!

    1. John Gamble

      Re: Move #1...

      Move #2 (stop that giggling) I think, as another El Registite went to the Wall Street Journal maybe a couple of years ago.

      The annexation proceeds.

      1. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

        Re: Move #1...

        Over the past two decades or so, we've had vultures fly off to Bloomberg, NYT, WiReD, the Telegraph, WSJ, Ars, Channel 4, Guardian, Times, I've probably forgotten some others, and now Sky News.

        The Regification of global technology news continues.


        1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

          Re: Move #1...

          How about guest articles from the ex-vultures?

          It'd be interesting to see if their reg-ness has amplified or declined.

          Beer of course :)

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Move #1...

          We'll know that the reverse happened and James has been Borged into the Murdoch/Fox collective when stories appear under his byline about "Terror on the Internet! Five rights you can surrender to defeat ISIS and the child predators!!" or if James is named as an accessory in a phone hacking scandal.

        3. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

          Re: Move #1...




        4. Mage Silver badge

          Re: Over the past two decades or so, we've had vultures fly off

          I see a plan...

        5. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Move #1...

          "The Regification of global technology news continues."

          Resistance is futile!

        6. Stoneshop

          Re: Move #1...

          Over the past two decades or so, we've had vultures fly off to Bloomberg, NYT, WiReD, the Telegraph, WSJ, Ars, Channel 4, Guardian, Times, I've probably forgotten some others, and now Sky News.

          There's also not flying off at all anymore, not unlike a Norwegian Blue.

  10. Dr. G. Freeman

    Good Luck etc. etc.

    So, how many more have to go before you can afford the Moderatrix back ?

    1. David Haig

      Has anyone noticed she disappeared around the same time e.l. James appeared ....

    2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      When the Moderatrix left,

      these were her parting words...

      However, as a special leaving gift to my faithful submissives, I've taken an intimate boudoir portrait for you to remember me by...

  11. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge


    AJM is not replacing RCJ at the BBC

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Pity

      Click! has its odd moments, that's about it, regarding Tech on the BBC. So little imagination with their programming/presenters, stale and staid.

      Just predictably, establishment scripted and dull, 99.9% of the time. Zero technical debate of any substance, think Andrew Marr v Amber Rudd. Talk about a scripted narrative / accepting the answer wholesale, to push the desired objective.

      The whole Whatapp/Privacy issue came across as BBC fed, Government Propaganda.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Working for Sky...

    Just wait till the frustration sets in, having to write 'technology-lite' articles. Communicating BT/Ofcom press releases verbatim, knowing it's total bullshit. You'll regret leaving El-Reg pretty quick, I'm sure.

  13. i1ya

    What? Suicide? Where? The Register?

    Scrolls up, re-reads... ah, nothing to see here, just headlines a-la Reg as usual.

    P.S. Good luck on new job.

  14. Bob Vistakin

    The price of freedom

    Murdochs bags of silver may well be larger, but his pens are smaller.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The price of freedom

      His pen is smaller.

      FTFY. Huh huh.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The IQ rating at Sky just dipped a few more points

  16. Colonel Mad

    всего наилучшего Mr Martionsky.

  17. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

    Suicide? Nah

    This is what really happens when a journo wants to leave...

  18. Frumious Bandersnatch

    Good luck!

    I especially enjoyed your articles about privacy legislation. I probably need to get out more often.

  19. Mage Silver badge


    So Sky News Tech reporting will be much better. What's the percentage increase?

    Sorry to see you leave.

  20. SniperPenguin

    He obviously has a desire to write high level reviews of new phone handset with no technical substance , as well as tomorrow's world "fluff pieces" on a developing tech that won't be usable for 50yrs

    "This is Andrew Martin, Sky News, signing off" ..... :(

    1. Sir Runcible Spoon

      Who's Andrew Martin?

  21. Trollslayer

    I was going going to say you'll never survive reality but it's the BBC.

    1. Sir Runcible Spoon

      What's the BBC?

      1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

        BBC = Boxing Board of Control

        time for a beer shame it is only Heiniken around here {very rural France on the Ardeche/Haut Loire border}

  22. Miss Lincolnshire

    Andrew who?

    The only Orlowski I am a fan of is Teresa

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: Andrew who?

      Have beer and an upvote.

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Bon chance

    ... mes brave.

    You'll be swimming with the sharks now instead of flying with the vultures.

    Sharks have teeth - keep yours sharpened.

  24. Florida1920

    What is "Sky"?

    Oh, I see. Looks like a subscription thing. Well, good luck!

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: What is "Sky"?

      Something cloudy, I think.

  25. jimdandy

    Scaredy-cat. Trump still won't love you.

    Unless you have a sex-change. And he doesn't know about it.

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