back to article Linus Torvalds lashes devs who 'screw all the rules and processes' and send him 'crap'

Linux 4.11's first release candidate has been released, but not without a little friction after Linus Torvalds railed at the quality of some code sent his way during the merge process for the new update to the platform. Torvalds has a few gripes, writing that “if you cannot follow the simple merge window rules (this whole two- …

  1. kain preacher

    Few things that was tame for him. You must have a set of balls and be the ultimate narcissist to send code to Linus that does not even build.If you are stupid enough to try and ship code that does not build you should be perma banned from touching anything thing. Sounds like these people did not do a single test or had some ultra weird setup requiring vague modules,api to build right.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Assuming it actually happened.

      I'm in no position to judge on that part but I do consider it a bit odd to read that someone wouldn't even test their own stuff. Making you all the more curious to who Torvalds is shouting at yet today this detail wasn't being shared. Even though he was previously all the more eager to directly address RedHat representatives and call them out for their horrid update. Yet now he choses to keep up anonymity?

      I have no reason not to believe him, but it would have made more impact on me if he called out the people who actually did it.

      In my opinion: seems some are good enough to be scolded at in public and some are special enough to be kept safe. Takes away the impact and reeks of double standards.

      Of course: calling 'm out in public also gives the other party a platform to actually talk back.

      1. Wensleydale Cheese

        Re: @kain

        I do consider it a bit odd to read that someone wouldn't even test their own stuff

        You have never seen the results of outsourcing a large piece of software which was until that point well engineered.

        I claim my 5 pounds.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "If you are stupid enough to try and ship code that does not build"

      Probably it does build somehow. On their systems exclusively. It looks Linux is undergoing the same issue Windows underwent some time in the past too - the arrival of lame developers. It happens to any platform as soon as it becomes widespread enough.

      1. WatAWorld

        Re: "If you are stupid enough to try and ship code that does not build"

        Except that MS paid its developers rather than depending on charity donations of time from them.

        1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

          Re: "If you are stupid enough to try and ship code that does not build"

          "Except that MS paid its developers rather than depending on charity donations of time from them."

          Who writes Windows drivers?

          1. WatAWorld

            Re: "If you are stupid enough to try and ship code that does not build"

            @DS "Who writes Windows drivers?"

            Sometimes MS employees, but usually paid employees of the hardware maker.


            1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

              Re: "If you are stupid enough to try and ship code that does not build"

              "usually paid employees of the hardware maker."

              And these are donated to Windows.

              And if you look who contributes code to Linux it's mostly paid employees of H/W manufacturers or distro makers such as Red Hat.

              Either both cases are charity or neither is. Is that beyond your understanding?

        2. hplasm

          Re: "If you are stupid enough to try and ship code that does not build"

          "Except that MS paid its developers rather than depending on charity donations of time from them."

          They were robbed.

        3. Vladimir Nicolici

          Re: Trojans

          Maybe, but MS relies on charity donations of time from the users to test their products.

      2. cream wobbly

        Re: "If you are stupid enough to try and ship code that does not build"

        Except that Microsoft didn't -- and judging by their efforts I've seen, still don't -- have the same calibre of gatekeeper.

    3. ElReg!comments!Pierre

      > Sounds like these people did not do a single test or had some ultra weird setup requiring vague modules,api to build right.

      That certainly rings a bell. *cough* *cough* systemd *cough* cough*

      1. kain preacher

        you I did not stop to think about systemd . Some day it might work or it might a me a more screwed up version of the windows reg.

      2. Sproggit


        I regret that I have only one up-vote to offer you.

        But you're *so* right...

        SYSTEMD = Screwed Your Machine 'Til Everything's Maliciously Destroyed.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Torvalds = Trump?

      Ever see them together?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Torvalds != Trump

        Linus has an attention span and a command of English grammar.

        Anon because, NOT Torvalds.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Torvalds != Trump

          Linus serves point and has contributed to the world. Also when Linus goes off on person he has a reason and facts.

  2. Palpy

    I for one would welcome --

    -- a team leader that set such clear standards for work. But I think the word for someone submitting code that does not build is not "narcissist" but "masochist"?

    1. kain preacher

      Re: I for one would welcome --

      You have to admit you must have a massive ego to submit that kind of code to Linus. Lets say massive ego + masochist. I'm surprised there was only one cuss word. That is tame rant for a boss let alone Linus.

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: I for one would welcome --

      I think the words are closer to "stupid fucking idiots".

    3. WatAWorld

      Re: I for one would welcome --

      But I think the word for someone submitting code that does not build is not "narcissist" but "traitor".

      That assumes they owe you some loyalty.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I for one would welcome --

        One wonders why there isn't a CI system which automatically rejects submissions that don't build?

  3. jonfr

    Not surprise reaction from Linus

    This is not a surprise from Linus, bugs do happen and due to complex Linux is something A not working with something E, G and D is hard to avoid at all. Lack of quality of code happens due to pressure and rushing things along, even if its just in rc builds.

    Disclaimer: I'm not yet a programmer, but I've been looking into it as a next step in learning more about computers.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Grasshopper ...

      ... allow me to impart some of the wisdom of the Ancient Coders: Do not begin to write code without first understanding full extent of the problem.

      1. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: Grasshopper ...

        The day I get a full spec will probably be the day after I retire. If I'm allowed to retire in the glorious future that awaits us.

      2. Tom 7

        Re: Grasshopper ...

        But its only in writing the code that the full extent of the problem is revealed.

      3. WatAWorld

        Re: Grasshopper ...

        "... allow me to impart some of the wisdom of the Ancient Coders: Do not begin to write code without first understanding full extent of the problem."

        That is ideally true in the vast majority of cases, especially those with recently written in-house software at companies who've always had high quality staffing and procedures.

        Then there are:

        - The poor bastards stuck in shops where they're afraid to ask questions because they'll either be called stupid or ostracized as newbies.

        - The poor bastards told to fix the current problem because it is urgent and that ramifications can be taken care of laster, and

        - The poor bastards stuck in shops where most documentation was destroyed by people worried about their personal 'job security'.

        More applicably to operating systems and massive shrink wrapped applications: There now there are systems installed in such a vast variety of companies all around the world, each using it for different purposes, different alphabets, each customizing it in their own way, each with different unforeseen needs, running on a vast variety of imperfect hardware, and then you'll realize that a detailed total understanding of the full extent of the problem is not always possible.

        Understanding the full extent of the problem with mega complex massive multi-user software will come with sitting in your ashram chamber and accepting that your knowledge is not detailed that there will never be bug fixes, future releases and future versions.

        You try to insist on get a sufficient understanding of the problem that you won't introduce bugs, while accepting that in such complex situations nothing is 100%.

        (I think maybe that is how 'security researchers' see the world -- as a bunch of small shops with simple specs and simple human interactions, something that a human being can totally understand with a couple of months effort. That would explain why they think project scheduling, analysis, coding, unit testing, system integration testing, regression testing, beta testing and production roll-out, done over 15 countries with 45 different cultures and delivered to 137 countries in 55 languages should never take more than 90 days.)

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Grasshopper ...


          If the extend of the problem is unknowable, they should be clear on what problem they think they have solved, and what the gaps/risks are i.e. what they have not tried to solve.

          I agree it is not always possible to understand everything when approaching a solution, but it is normally possible to frame your effort in what you are, and are not capable of achieving and what the constraints are.

      4. DJ Smiley

        Re: Grasshopper ...

        If he's read (and understood) the entire Linux Kernel then he's a better man that me (and most probably Linus who'd be happy to admit it too.

      5. d3vy

        Re: Grasshopper ...

        "Do not begin to write code without first understanding full extent of the problem."

        Didn't anyone tell you, we're agile now... Apparently that means no spec ever. Just a vague idea of what the user wants.

    2. WatAWorld

      Re: Not surprise reaction from Linus

      Lack of quality code comes from getting your code second hand, built by people paid to fulfill some paying companies own project, and then trying to send it out to the world.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Not surprise reaction from Linus

        "Lack of quality code comes from getting your code second hand, built by people paid to fulfill some paying companies own project"

        The biggest single contributor is usually Intel. Their "project" is the Intel processor line. Of course, given some recent experiences you may have a point....

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Good. Praise in public, bollock in private

    I like the new Linus. Evolving. Like the kernel.

  5. Hstubbe

    And still master bully Torvalds and his sado-madochistic slaves are unable to release a version of their hobbyist kernel that mskes.the wifi in my 5 year old laptop work


    1. 9Rune5

      Arguably, the amateurs who assembled your computer should have made sure that all the components came from respectable vendors supplying drivers for all major operating systems.

      And the amateur buying said computer should have verified that the vendor was in the business of selling proper computers and not mere toys.

      Good device drivers is mainly the hardware oems' responsibility. Many Windows installations have gone the way of the dodo due to dodgy third-party drivers. (MS writes very few drivers themselves)

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "supplying drivers for all major operating systems"

        Just, if they supply drivers as binary ones, the GNUs will moooooooohhhh...... and well, is Linux desktop a "major" operating system given its very small market share?

        1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

          Re: "supplying drivers for all major operating systems"

          "is Linux desktop a "major" operating system given its very small market share?"

          Are you sure?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: "supplying drivers for all major operating systems"

            Is Chrome Linux? Can you install and run any Linux software on Chrome? Google will of course write drivers for the Chrome hardware, getting all the needed info from the OEM, signing all the required NDAs, and maybe won't publish them either. Android too is not Linux, is a Google proprietary OS built on top of the Linux kernel.... just like macOS is not FreeBSD. There's a reason why the macOS driver framework is not the FreeBSD one...

            1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

              Re: "supplying drivers for all major operating systems"

              "Is Chrome Linux?"

              Chrome OS is (as distinct from just plain Chrome which is a browser)

            2. Lars Silver badge

              Re: "supplying drivers for all major operating systems"

              Thanks, you got it, Linux is a kernel.

        2. HieronymusBloggs

          Re: "supplying drivers for all major operating systems"

          "is Linux desktop a "major" operating system given its very small market share?"

          Now that systemd has forced desktop-related features onto everything from web servers to supercomputers, I'd say yes.

        3. Daniel von Asmuth

          Re: "supplying drivers for all major operating systems"

          Linux has a market share of 2 % on desktops (that's literally millions of 'computers'), a very competitive market share in servers, a majority in embedded devices, some 81 % of smartphones and over 99 % of all supercomputers.

      2. WatAWorld

        Let us get definitions straight here:

        If and only if you are normally paid for your work are you a professional.

        If you work for free you're an amateur.

        1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

          If and only if you are normally paid for your work are you a professional.

          If you work for free you're an amateur.

          Could you explain a little further.

          Are the devs working for Intel being paid or not? Assuming they are that makes them professionals. Intel donates their work to the Linux kernel for free. Does that make them amateurs?

          1. WatAWorld

            "Are the devs working for Intel being paid or not? Assuming they are that makes them professionals. Intel donates their work to the Linux kernel for free. Does that make them amateurs?"

            As covered in one of my other posts in this topic: The amature contributions to Linux and then the professional contribution to Linux.

            The amateurs work for free, for experience or as part of class work.

            The Intel, AMD, nVidia, etc developers are professionals paid by their employers. So are the developers working for banks, governments, consulting firms, and other companies that donate code to Torvalds.

            Those professionals are employed by those other companies, not Linux.

            With some exceptions, the objectives of the projects they are working on are not to improve Linux, but rather to get THEIR product to work with Linux, or to change Linux so it will play nice with THEIR internal app, or to eliminate some bug in Linux that affects their company and their clients.

            - Their jobs are to fulfill the needs of their employer and their employer's clients.

            - Their loyalty is to their employer and their employer's clients.

            - They surely don't want to hurt Linux. They probably all want to play nice, because of professionalism and so their companies aren't banned.

            - But their loyalties and objectives are not to make sure that Linux runs fine and bug free on obscure stuff at other companies. When their boss assigns them to a new project, regression testing of the old project ends.

            So this stuff is created so Linux will work with their equipment or their internal applications, and it is donated to Linux for free. It is written by them so their stuff will work. And they're donating it to Torvalds for free. Even if it has bugs, it is arguably worth the price Torvalds pays for it.

            Is Torvalds not even giving them a registered charity donation receipt so they can claim their effort on their income taxes?

            1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

              "With some exceptions, the objectives of the projects they are working on are not to improve Linux, but rather to get THEIR product to work with Linux, or to change Linux so it will play nice with THEIR internal app, or to eliminate some bug in Linux that affects their company and their clients."

              Upvoted because this is actually an interesting comment.

              The point at which I think we diverge is this: you're seeing Linux as something separate from these contributors (and here I'm including the employers such as Intel as contributors), as some external product which they have to improve.

              I think you're looking at it wrong. Linux is, collectively, their product. Torvalds could step away from it today and people (including those companies) would still go on contributing because they see it as worth their while to have that product there and continuing to evolve.

              One other interesting aspect of all this discussion is the role of the companies who contribute vs those who don't. If some H/W manufacturers such as Intel find it essential to contribute to Linux by sharing IP what, really, does it say about the self-image of those who seem to think it essential not to? Do they really think they know something Intel doesn't? Or do they not know something Intel does? Or, as someone said in another comment, are they ashamed of the quality of their code?

        2. This post has been deleted by its author

      3. Daniel von Asmuth

        Drunken Drivers

        Many perfectly good PC components and peripherals have gone to garbage dumps due to lousy or missing dirvers.

    2. hplasm

      Aw Diddums...

      Stick to Win 10. It sounds just made for you.

      1. Dazed and Confused

        Re: Aw Diddums...

        > Stick to Win 10. It sounds just made for you.

        Which doesn't work* on any platform in my (all be it limited) experience.

        * for an acceptable value of work.

      2. Tom 7

        Re: Aw Diddums...

        More TV stick ashley.

    3. Ken Hagan Gold badge

      Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?

      (Clue: The answer in the majority of cases is "no", whether it be wifi, graphics, printers, ...)

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

        And why should they? It's their IP, not yours. Make your printer, GPU or wifi chip, if you want to publish all the specs...

        1. AndyS

          Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

          > And why should they? It's their IP, not yours

          You're an idiot, right? The man was complaining that his wifi doesn't work on Linux. The response is that, the vast majority of time there are missing drivers, it's because the manufacturer hasn't published specs, making it impossible to write drivers. And you ask "why should they?"

          So, are you on the side of the guy who wants his computer to work with Linux? Or the side of the people saying it's difficult to do without manufacturer support? At the moment it seems like you're just... stupid.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

            No, you're an idiot - because you like to offend people who have a different opinion than yours - or better, Stallman ideology you all worship.

            Yes, the OP was complaining about the not working wifi, and the answer was complaining of the lack of published specs to write open source drivers. So my answer stands: why they should publish their IP for free? Because of course even binary drivers are evil in Stallman "paradise", right? So, who looks stupid? Maybe those who prefer not to have drivers because they're not open code based on open specs?

            MS is able to get companies write drivers for Windows. Ask yourself why Linux is unable to obtain the same. Maybe less ideology and better collaboration would help? Even if Stallman moooooohs?

            1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

              Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

              "So my answer stands: why they should publish their IP for free? "

              And so does mine. Drivers exist to sell hardware, not vice versa.

              Unless, of course, you think they should go a step further and not publish Windows drivers either. That would really keep their IP under wraps, wouldn't it?

            2. WatAWorld

              Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

              " why they should publish their IP for free? Because of course even binary drivers are evil in Stallman "paradise", right? So, who looks stupid? Maybe those who prefer not to have drivers because they're not open code based on open specs?"

              I don't think the specs are written in open code, I think they're written in English with graphics.

              Are you thinking of example code that you can clone?

              Marketability is the jurisdiction of the sales department. That the product is marketable requires usability. The sales department at the device manufacturer should ensure that either drivers are published or the specifications for drivers are published, for all the important operating systems the device will be marketed for.

              And sale departments have their limits:

              1. They can't override human resources and force employees to work with abusive contacts.

              2. They often won't care about salability to tiny markets.

              Inability to work with others is a big problem in Linux.

              I mean, look at all the problems with Windows and Apple (the Apple problems are hidden from the public, but you're professionals so you know).

              All those problems and Linux can't give away its product when the alternatives both cost money and are so bad.

              And it isn't only home users who avoid Linux. It is the professionals at banks, governments, electronics manufacturers, engineering companies. They use Linux, but sparingly, only when they have to.

              Ask yourself, why do those in the industry with so much varied experience in so many industries not go with Linux all the time? Is everyone else stupid and you're the only smart person? Or are your needs different than theirs? Or do you not understand your needs?

            3. nijam Silver badge

              Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

              > MS is able to get companies write drivers for Windows.

              Sometimes they pay those companies, if the device is one that MS sees a strategic or market significance in. Sometimes the company writes a driver because ... oh, you know, the device is useless without it. And there you have it - a device with no Linux driver is useless to anyone who is using Linux.

            4. jbuk1

              Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

              "No, you're an idiot - because you like to offend people who have a different opinion than yours - or better, Stallman ideology you all worship.

              Yes, the OP was complaining about the not working wifi, and the answer was complaining of the lack of published specs to write open source drivers. So my answer stands: why they should publish their IP for free? Because of course even binary drivers are evil in Stallman "paradise", right? So, who looks stupid? Maybe those who prefer not to have drivers because they're not open code based on open specs?"

              No, it's definitely still you who looks stupid.

            5. Lars Silver badge

              Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

              There is more or less no Stallman in Linus in case you did not know that. And I am not bashing Stallman as he has done good stuff too.

        2. Paul Crawford Silver badge

          Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

          "And why should they? It's their IP, not yours."

          To make it work?

          The IP is in the chip, not in the API. Unless of course its a bug-riddled pile of sh*t that has many workarounds in the driver code and they don't what that available without a NDA?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

            The APIs may tell a lot about the architecture of the chip itself, and you may need to know a lot of the chip architecture to use the low-level APIs proficiently. Thus, a company that has invested not a little sum of money to design that chip, may not want to give that IP away for free.

            I know, it's always far easy to be munificent with someone else money.... and in my experience, those same people are the most greed when it comes to their own IP - if ever they have something valuable.

            1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

              Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

              "I know, it's always far easy to be munificent with someone else money.... and in my experience, those same people are the most greed when it comes to their own IP - if ever they have something valuable."

              Who are those "same people"? The ones who donate their IP to projects such as the Linux kernel, the Gnu toolset that surrounds it, KDE, Gnome, LibreOffice...?

            2. nijam Silver badge

              Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

              > The APIs may tell a lot about the architecture of the chip itself, and you may need to know a lot of the chip architecture to use the low-level APIs proficiently.

              That is just (very) bad design. If the device does not have a clearly-specified function that can be encapsulated as a clean API, the implementation is probably just as shit inside as the API looks from the outside.

              1. BinkyTheMagicPaperclip Silver badge

                Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

                It is not poor design - have you ever looked at chipset specifications? It's frequently of the form 'send this request, wait at least this time, then send this. Don't send this when this other thing has been sent. This can be used only up to a maximum of n. etc.' This all helps reveal what the hardware is capable of.

                There are many devices that can be permanently broken if incorrectly programmed. This is not rare.

                Also, it does not matter. What matters is if it works. There are plenty of cases where a supposedly technically superior solution has failed against an architecturally inferior but better implemented solution. Obviously this may be an issue if the way the hardware works maps more closely on to one operating system than another..

        3. Adam 52 Silver badge

          Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

          "Good device drivers is mainly the hardware oems' responsibility"

          "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

          "if they supply drivers as binary ones, the GNUs will moooooooohhhh"

          It seems to me that these are, if not mutually inconsistent, then at least confusing. In Windows land if you don't supply a driver, or fit with one of Microsoft's, then your product won't sell.

          With Linux someone might produce a half-baked driver that's just about good enough by reverse engineering. Even if you do make a driver some distributions will reject it. So Linux ends up with inconsistent and poor quality drivers leading to a poor quality user experience unless all device manufacturers give away their code for free and take the reputation/support hit risk of Joe random developer breaking it.

          You can see why hardware manufacturers don't want to take the risk.

        4. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

          Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

          "And why should they?"

          Because what they sell isn't the driver, it's the device it drives. The driver only exists to make the device worth buying. Drivers are essential to sell the device. That's why.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            "Because what they sell isn't the driver, it's the device it drives"

            Sure - but they probably make a decision about how much they could earn from Linux users, and how much will cost them to make their IP public - and any code under a dangerous license like the GPL. The result is often it's better to leave the few Linux desktop users without drivers.

            Even server devices may have proprietary drivers available for distros like RedHat (which care far less about the "purity" of the drivers), and not Debian and its purists.

            1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

              Re: "Because what they sell isn't the driver, it's the device it drives"

              "not Debian and its purists."

              Searches package descriptions for "firmware". Finds 116 packages.

              OK, some of them aren't firmware themselves, such as b43-fwcutter, Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware, but others are, some explicitly non-free.

              All told I've got 14 of those packages installed, several of which provide binaries. Do I care they contain binaries? No.

        5. dajames

          Re: "Does the chip vendor publish enough to let someone write a driver?"

          And why should they? It's their IP, not yours.

          The clue is in the word "vendor". The chipmaker wants to sell the chips they make ... which they will find easier to do if they publish the interface specs so that people can actually use them -- that's everybody, not just those who can make use of any binary drivers the chipmaker may deign to provide.

          The IP can be protected by copyright (so others can't clone the chip) but still published so that people can write software that makes use of it,

    4. jake Silver badge

      You've had the bloody thing for 5 years ...

      ... and you seemingly can't even manage to use the keybr0ad properly. Why do I suspect that your wifi works just fine, when in the hands of a professional?

    5. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      "mskes.the wifi"

      If you're going to call out people for alleged incompetence it would look better if you could avoid it yourself. Maybe your problem is closer to home.

    6. Dan 55 Silver badge

      You've never heard of a USB WiFi adaptor?

    7. Justicesays

      Did you try ndiswrapper?

    8. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Hstubbe: maybe you can share the name of the manufacturer of your laptop to see if we can grill them long enough to provide anything useful for getting your wi-fi going.

      In the mean time, reading through your other postings, what happened to the idea of buying a Mac and running VMs in there to end your troubles?

    9. Lars Silver badge

      Last time my wifi didn't work the problem was between the chair and the keyboard as I was too lazy to put my glasses on and got that "wifi code" wrong. Could it be that you have misunderstood the "out-of-the-box" regarding wifi. Just trying to help and as for those who talk about a wifi card a five year old laptop should have an inbuilt wifi and could be broken and does that wifi of yours work with some other device and how old is your Linux distro, perhaps you need some help.

  6. A Non e-mouse Silver badge


    Man known for shouty & sweary outbursts....has a shouty & sweary outburst.

    Up next: Where *DO* bears go to the toilet? Our exclusive investigation.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: NEWSFLASH!

      "Man known for shouty & sweary outbursts....has a shouty & sweary outburst."

      You really should have read the article before commenting.

      Shouting? There's scarcely an expletive to report in Torvalds' post, which is rather tame compared to past missives.

      Even better, read the announcement the article links:

      Go on, read it now.

      What was that you were saying?

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Many eyes...

    ...all looking at pr0n

  8. wolfetone Silver badge

    So many commenters

    Have quite obviously read 50 Shades of Grey.

  9. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    No excuse

    As a very minor developer, I regularly test my code on three completely different systems. I'm getting a Raspberry Pi soon so I can also test on that.

    How can anyone working towards something as important as the Linux kernel not do at least at much?

    1. Robert Sneddon

      Testing Testing Testing

      "How can anyone working towards something as important as the Linux kernel not do at least at much?"

      Nobody has created comprehensive code testing processes for Linux. Nobody is continuously improving those testing processes. Nobody is working to ensure all code submitted gets tested to a high standard. Nobody is paying them to test their own code. Nobody is standing over them ordering to test their code. Nobody gets their code and tests it independently. Nobody reviews their code. Nobody provides the sort of expensive hardware systems to run exhaustive tests on their code to ensure a high level of hardware compatibility over multiple platforms (not just two or three).

      Linux is Open Source written in the main by folks who are doing it as a hobby. I have a vision of Mr. Torvalds standing up on a stage screaming "Testers! Testers! Testers!" while throwing chairs.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Testing Testing Testing

        "Linux is Open Source written in the main by folks who are doing it as a hobby."



        Oh dear, you've missed the edit window by a couple of minutes.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Testing Testing Testing

          Oooh, it will be a hard discovery for all those anarchist basement Linux users who truly believe they are fighting "the system" and the evil megacorps using and promoting Linux... believing Linux is written by anointed druids of open source, wearing white robes, living of just pure water, happy to share for nothing, and never touched by the evil of money....

          The megacorps say "thank you"....

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Testing Testing Testing

            > fighting "the system"

            It's the bit, as you say, "happy to share for nothing" that's the important part.

            If the development has been corporately funded, I don't care a jot so long as the source is free.

          2. LionelB Silver badge

            Re: Testing Testing Testing

            "Oooh, it will be a hard discovery for all those anarchist basement Linux users..."

            Eh? Never personally met any Linux users like that. Most, like myself, use it at work because it does the job better than the alternatives, and at home because it fulfils their home computing needs better than the alternatives.

          3. Orv Silver badge

            Re: Testing Testing Testing

            "...believing Linux is written by anointed druids of open source, wearing white robes, living of just pure water, happy to share for nothing, and never touched by the evil of money...."

            I think you're confusing Linux with OpenBSD. The politics over in that camp make Linux's look tame.

            1. BinkyTheMagicPaperclip Silver badge

              Re: Testing Testing Testing

              OpenBSD has a very clear philosophy, a fairly unforgiving community, and a willingness to plough their own furrow. The size of the developer base affects things, too.

              It may at times be spectacularly inconvenient not to be able to use any firewire or bluetooth devices, or any Nvidia card newer than 2009, but that's because they're sticking to their principles, or there are insufficient people available to engineer a suitable solution.

    2. Chemist

      Re: No excuse

      "I'm getting a Raspberry Pi soon so I can also test on that."

      As a little footnote to all the people claiming as usual that LInux is flaky, difficult, cli driven - I've just set a Pi up as a temp. measure after my wife's laptop died after she spilt water all over it . She wanted access to the laserprinter which lives on my file-server. So I installed the GUI printer controller from the (GUI) synaptic software installer and when I clicked on it it had found the printer and was all set to go. That was even easier than on the laptop (OpenSUSE 13.2)

      1. Orv Silver badge

        Re: No excuse

        Have you managed to get stable WiFi on your Pi? I have a couple old A-model ones here and I have yet to find a USB WiFi adapter that will stay up for more than a few days at a time.

        1. Chemist

          Re: No excuse

          "Have you managed to get stable WiFi on your Pi? I have a couple old A-model ones here and I have yet to find a USB WiFi adapter that will stay up for more than a few days at a time."

          Well most are Pi3s with built-in WiFi which have no problems but 1 Pi2 has a USB Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5370 Wireless Adapter which as been running continuously for ~ 150 days without a prob.

          (Just had one of those phone calls, funny accent from "Windows Repair Centre". "Please press Windows key and .... well I wasn't listening really just grunting and saying 'Yeh' etc. Described the desktop - which was mostly blank - he eventually twigged it wasn't a Windows machine so accused me of lying about the Windows key 'because you have a Mac'. Needless to say it was the PI I'd setup for my wife. Well it amused my and wasted 10 minutes of his time...)

        2. Tom 7

          Re: No excuse Orv

          Have you tried sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? There were a few problems with the earlier sw ( or rather I have some wifi problems but they went away with software updates. Just got a Pi-ZeroW and there are no problems at all with that - after two hours that is. But for ~£20, a TV and leads and keyboards from around the place I'd challenge anyone to find a better value for money piece of hardware anywhere.

  10. ntevanza


    His talent is wasted on Linux. He needs his own TV show. I hear there's a vacancy on The Apprentice.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Linus

      Another one who couldn't be bothered to read before commenting. I've given the link in a previous comment. Go read it.

  11. WatAWorld

    Charity case Torvalds gets what he he pays for.

    If Torvalds were to treat his workers like human beings and pay them like professionals and he'd attract better quality developers.

    Instead he's mostly got amateurs working for the glory of being associated with their spiritual leader / demi-god.

    Aside for the amateurs, he's got donations from other companies, from people who work for the good of other companies, people who work to fulfill the needs of other companies, who are loyal to those other companies, and who follow the procedures, rules and leaders of those other companies.

    Torvalds, you're getting what you pay for.

    Be grateful for the charity. (And do you even hand out charitable donation receipts so people and companies can claim their donations to you on their income tax?)

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Charity case Torvalds gets what he he pays for.

      "Leading the way were Intel employees with 10.5 percent of Linux code to their credit. Following Intel was Red Hat, 8.4 percent; Linaro, 5.6 percent; Samsung, 4.4 percent; IBM 3.2 percent; and SUSE, 3 percent."

      Maybe it's Intel & co who are the charity cases. Torvalds is managing their product development for them.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Charity case Torvalds gets what he he pays for.

        "Maybe it's Intel & co who are the charity cases. Torvalds is managing their product development for them."

        OK, all this rhetoric is fun but it's obscuring the real situation. Let's get down to reality.

        For most of its existence Linux has been supported by the Linux Foundation. The Foundation supports and manages which is where the work is done. That, AIUI, includes paying Torvalds' salary.

        The Foundation is supported by those businesses I included as "Intel & co" - and, yes, they include Microsoft. So Linux is, and has been for years, their joint product, collectively developed. And, we have to suppose, developed for what they think they can get out of it.

        Organisationally it's an interesting situation. Collectively they contribute to pay Linus and separately they pay most of the individual developers. Yet Linus has no place the the line management of those developers, can't hire or fire them, doesn't perform their annual reviews or otherwise discipline them and can't even dictate what they work on. The only influence he has is the content and tone of feedback. I'm not sure what most of us would do in that position.

    2. HieronymusBloggs

      Re: Charity case Torvalds gets what he he pays for.

      "If Torvalds were to treat his workers like human beings and pay them like professionals and he'd attract better quality developers."

      You're sounding like a stuck record. I'd venture to suggest that reading some of the links you've been pointed to might unstick it.

  12. kain preacher

    WiFI seems to be hit or miss. I've seen intel wifi do weird things even under windows that required and update that was buried deep in the web site. But it's not limited to just wi fi. I had a gigabyte mother board with an on board NIC that hated Ubuntu. It would disconnect and reconnect to the network every 30 seconds. Worked fine on windows 7 and PCBSD. The real problem is these OEM folks that write drivers that are just good enough for windows and all other OS be screwed. Hell the drivers are flaky on windows and you want other OS support. I'm looking at you hapauge . Your USB products are shit.

    1. Down not across

      I had a gigabyte mother board with an on board NIC that hated Ubuntu. It would disconnect and reconnect to the network every 30 seconds.

      Sounds like what the usual Realtek crap ones do if you actually try to push any real traffic through them. I've given up on them and always install intel NIC. They just work. The Realtek is fine for emergency ssh, bit of SNMP,etc but trying any heavier traffic locks (at least some of) the RTL NICs up.

      Not to mention dual/quad Intel NICs are dirt cheap on tat bazaar so it is not worth fighting with the Realteks.

      1. kain preacher

        It was a low cost broadcom. Back then broadcom was having weird issue. You might have to broadcom chips that look identical but the issue was they had different drivers. There were also different version of the drivers depending on the version of the chip.

        I wound up going to a electronic scrap yard and score a dual intel nic that was also a TCP accelerator.

    2. Ken Hagan Gold badge

      "WiFI seems to be hit or miss. [...] But it's not limited to just wi fi."

      WiFi is particularly prone to flakiness, however, because it depends on the quality of the WiFi at the other end and that's usually some "new" (at least when the router was built) chip, chosen for cheapness and driven by equally new (version 1.0) driver code and never updated since.

  13. alain williams Silver badge

    Which bridge is being repaired today ?

    Something must have caused the Redmond loving trolls to come out into the sunshine.

    1. hplasm

      Re: Which bridge is being repaired today ?

      The bridge is being 'updated' and will reboot 17 times today.

  14. Hans 1

    > "Make it look like you know what you're doing, and make damn sure the code was tested exhaustively some other way.”

    Linus @Microsoft, no release for 150 years!

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Linus Torvalds or Donald Trump?

    I couldn't tell! Both are idiots who can't control their mouths.

    1. hplasm

      Re: Linus Torvalds or Donald Trump?

      "I couldn't tell! Both are idiots who can't control their mouths."

      Said an idiot.

    2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Linus Torvalds or Donald Trump?

      "Both are idiots who can't control their mouths."

      And yet another numpty who hasn't read the article before commenting.

      Pro-tip - sometimes you can't rely on el Reg headlines. You really have to read the article.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It doesn't matter what Torvalds says any more...

    ...because all the new stuff goes straight into systemd.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You have to be careful picking hardware for Linux. I bought a cheap USB 3.0 card that didn't have drivers. I found another cheap with a good chipset, and no problems. Video cards might be a problem, but I suspect Linux drivers don't get such frequent updates as for Windows: most of the changelists I have seen seem to be focused on settings for specific Windows 10 games. The version numbers may also be imperfect for comparisons. Last year, a Windows user told me the version I was using was a beta, It was the code then being released with Ubuntu.

    There don't seem to be any big problems with video drivers. NVIDIA release fairly up-to-date Linux drivers, the latest is v375.39, released last month for Linux, while the Windows drivers have reached v378.xx.

    I'm not much into games, though Kerbal Space Program works fine. I'd say if you're looking for a specific game you might have a reason to choose Windows. I'd worry more about Amazon's Kindle reader. What do you worry about?

  18. UncleMark

    Just wrong on the squiggles

    There's all kinds of code I considered contributing to the Linux kernel, but while Linus insists on accepting code only with squiggles in the *wrong* places, he can go F himself.

    1. HieronymusBloggs

      Re: Just wrong on the squiggles

      "while Linus insists on accepting code only with squiggles in the *wrong* places, he can go F himself."

      So you don't like the way the one's complement operator is used in the linux kernel. Don't you think you're over-reacting?

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