back to article Jesse Jackson to Apple CEO Cook: Hire black

Reverend Jesse Jackson urged Apple CEO Tim Cook to hire more Black and Latino workers at the company's annual shareholder meeting – just moments after a diversity plan that would tie executive compensation to meeting greater diversity goals was defeated by a 95 per cent No vote. "I want to address the immigration, H‑1B issue …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Kook Jesse Jackson

    Jesse Jackson is not the fucking King of all Black People. The problem with Black and Latino folks not choking the hallways of the fruit factory are this; in poor areas, white, black, brown, all of them do not place any value on knowledge. Plain and simple kids that are smart are picked on, and stupid kids become the dominant class. Very few kids are entering any of the sciences, either by being dissuaded through violence in their community or by not having any mentors or teachers that can help set them on the right path to a higher education. The problems are in the schools and local communities, NOT with Apple not hiring enough black people this past quarter. Jesse Jerkson was there to elicit donations to his foundation. He was not there to help anyone but himself. Apple is a highly diverse company, I know, I was there. Three times I worked for them. Are there a lot of white males? Yes, they have the education and experience, it's not because their white, they just are. When people of color start creating communities that encourage success, and higher education, and science THEN we'll see some of those trees bearing fruit. Not before. Right now it's a rare occurrence if someone can make it out of a ghetto and into a classroom.

    As a person of color, let me tell you; Jesse Jackson is a fucking useless asshole pretending to be the spokesman of a race of people. He is just an idiot, and letting him into your boardroom only makes things worse. He should really just go away.

    1. Herby
      Thumb Up

      Re: Kook Jesse Jackson

      It is too bad I can't do more than one upvote!

    2. BillG

      Re: Kook Jesse Jackson

      Jesse Jackson is even worse than that. In the 80's and 90's he was a famous extortionist.

      Yes, donate to the Rainbow Coalition, he'd say, or I will call your company a racist and organize a boycott. Google Jesse Jackson and Coca-Cola to see how vicious and greedy this man can get - the same anti-Semite that famously called New York City "Hymie-town".

    3. Public Citizen
      Thumb Up

      Re: Kook Jesse Jackson

      You are so right about the attitude towards knowledge and education in too many minority communities.

      It is the "crab pot" mentality where, instead of giving a leg up to those attempting to climb up to the edge of the pot, a point where it is possible to reach down and pull even more up, those still in the pot try to pull down to their level the one striving for something better. Everybody looses with this sort of thinking.

      Jesse Jackson is, and has always been first and foremost, for Jesse Jackson. He is one of the lowest forms of grifter on the planet, using the title of "reverend" in his hustle whose principal beneficiary is - Jesse Jackson. When he shows up he is looking for a Big Check, very little of which gets used to benefit the communities he purports to represent.

    4. kain preacher

      Re: Kook Jesse Jackson

      "When people of color start creating communities that encourage success, and higher education, and science THEN we'll see some of those trees bearing fruit. "

      Are you aware that blacks make up 2.3% Santa Clara county and make up 2.0 of the PhDs in Santa Clara county? I saw plenty of black and latino people when I went to NASA AMES. Yeah that does not quite work in Silicon Valley which is mostly Santa Clara valley.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Kook Jesse Jackson

      I'm a great fan of Stafford Beer's maxim POSIWID - the purpose of a system is what it does. It's an analytical tool that has yet to let me down. From its perspective, the purpose of many if not most black cultures appears to be to hold back black people.

      Cui Bono? Not, I think, the majority of white people: we'd all be happier and better off with a reduction in underclasses, identity politics, and racial strife. Therefore, the beneficiaries must be those doing well from and perpetuating the status quo: despots, and 'community leaders' such as the 'Revd' Jesse Jackson.

  2. Youngone Silver badge

    Is this the end?

    Of course it's not, Apple has way too much money and sales have not exactly fallen off a cliff, but I can't help wondering what they will sell to people in 10 years time.

    25 years ago I sat down behind a Mac to learn how to do page makeup in a pre-press house.

    The reason it was a Mac is because there was no choice, really.

    About 10 years later, the same pre-press house was doing most of their work on Windows 2000 boxes because they were good enough and 2/3 the price.

    I have seen the same with iPhones. They were the best smart phone around in 2007, but now they're not even cool any more.

    If Apple don't have a "must have" type product, do they wind up focussing on margin or something. They might wind up like IBM or HP.

  3. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Lure young people into science

    Says professional devotee of sky beard ...

  4. Frank N. Stein

    Apple doesn't give a flying frack about creative professionals, and cares even less about "diversity". That doesn't fill management pockets with cash. That is all that matters to them. If Apple cared about creative professionals, they wouldn't have an all mobile product line devoid of upgradability. They would have consumer lines and business lines, in order to gain profits from both markets. That takes Vision, which Cook clearly lacks. It's funny, because you see Macbook Pros in sales and management, but as far as general use below the management and sales positions in businesses, no one is going to pay MORE for a Mac when a PC will get the job done for less, for most staff members who aren't in management. The bean counters won't allow it. Apple wouldn't be against customers repairing the equipment they bought and paid for, saving themselves piles of cash that Apple would prefer be paid to them for repairs, instead. And the notion of the iPad replacing a PC? Perhaps for someone who just wants to consume content and doesn't create or produce anything. The iPad doesn't replace a Mac or PC. It's an add on device that's primarily for content consumption, not content creation. The iPad Pro isn't exactly flying off shelves and innovating, like crazy. Let's see how long those lines are for the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. Apple can cook the books on that all they want, but not producing enough phones to sell at launch, does not equal high demand.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Its non-white workforce grew by a single percentage point last year, while white employees increased by two per cent to 56 per cent.

    Can someone explain how it possible for the non-white workforce to increase by 1%, and the white workforce increase by 2%? Is there a third category I'm missing that declined by 3%?

    1. Richard 12 Silver badge

      Re: Math

      I had thought I understood the sentence until I got to the "to 56%" part.

      Then the words and numbers became meaningless stupidity.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Math

      I came to the comments section just to complain about the same thing.. its the most skewed representation of reality I have read in some time :)

      I think I have managed to work it out (almost):

      Its non-white workforce grew by a single percentage point last year = the total number of non-white people in the company increased by 1 % since last year (not 1% point higher compared to total employees, or white employees, just 1% increase on the previous number of non-white employees).

      separately, white employees increased by two per cent POINTS, from 54 to 56 per cent, compared against the total number of employees (white and non-white). If the number of non-whites had not changed from the previous year, then that would mean that the number of white folks in the company grew by 3.7 % from last year. However, since at the same time the number of non-whites also increased by 1%, and the total value of whites employed still went up to 56% (of the total number of employees), that means that the company added MORE than 3.7% additional white employees since last year.

      Short version: apples non-white employees increased by 1% since last year, apples white employees increased by over 3.7% since last year (probably somewhere around 4.5%, but I can't be bothered to do the math just now).

      1. DrM

        Re: Math

        Torture numbers! They'll tell you anything!

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    How does Apple compare to other tech giants?

    Is there a place that compares them with Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Intel, Cisco and so forth?

    44% non-white sounds fairly diverse to me; that's just about the overall makeup of the US. Of course, I'm sure many of the non-whites are Indian and Asian, and black and Hispanic would be seriously underrepresented, but surely that's true at any large tech company, because the latter graduate with a tech-related degree in much lower numbers.

    Likewise, 32% female isn't where the overall makeup of the population is to be sure, but I doubt there are any large tech companies that hit 50%. So neither number sounds as dire as the article tries to make it sound, but without the context of how they compare to others one can't say for sure.

  7. Dan 55 Silver badge

    Cook gave a number of vague answers to real concerns about Apple's future, in particular: its ability to find a new product line to help balance the company's over-reliance on the iPhone as a source of revenue

    Not helped by killing off product lines to focus in the iPhone.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Which product lines are you referring to that they killed off to focus on the iPhone? Missing the iPod shuffle, are we?

      1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

        They killed the Newton, and I never forgave them.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          >They killed the Newton, and I never forgave them.

          Americans like the poetic ambiguity of pound (mass) and pound (force)

          - I'm not sure if it is entirely Apple's fault

      2. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Airport Express & Extreme, Time Capsule, Displays (they now recommend LG ones which have problems), Macbook Pro (the Macbook Air is the new Pro), Mac Mini Server, XServe, Pro software.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Famous Race Hustler Hustles Race

    Colour me surprised.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Famous Race Hustler Hustles Race


      There's no way to colour you in an approved manner.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Famous Race Hustler Hustles Race

        In other words, he is not a person of color

  9. joeldillon

    So the company simultaneously become 1% more not-white and 2% more white? How does that work?

  10. DrM

    Hiring based on skin color

    Ah yes! We must become color-blind and stop treating people differently just because of the color of their skin.

    So carefully study the skin color of every applicant and make it a determining factor in whom you hire. Even if less qualified, select based on skin color.

    Right. Sigh.... And you wonder how Trump became president?

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What is the next euphemism to replace "of color" going to be?

    Is being orange "of color" or just a trumpism?

    The 1955 film "The Dambusters" was shown on British TV recently with a warning that there was some language that some viewers may find offensive. All we could come up with was the name of Guy Gibson's dog.

  12. Fritzo2162

    Isn't asking a company to hire a certain race in itself racism?

  13. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

    "Cook gave a number of vague answers to real concerns about Apple's future"

    All they have right now is no ideas and a big pile of cash.

    (You'd think for 200 bn USD you could build an AI robot Steve Jobs, but apparently not.)

  14. Howard Hanek

    Or What?

    Where Jackson's waning 'influence' still holds some sway, the crime ridden Southside of Chicago, current murder capital of the US, the 'residents' undoubtedly steal more than they buy. So, if I were Tim Cook I'd tell Mr. Jackson to check his black privilege but if he has the resumes of some 'qualified' people he'd be happy to review them.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Cooks diversity

    Tim Cooks idea of diversity is hiring more gays.

    That is HIS agenda. Jackson just want to get paid to leave.

    The problems, noted by others, in the "Urban" schools are caused by liberals.

    They want to keep the kids there, and keep them down.

    The answer they hate is: School Choice.

    Let the kids that want to do better, go to schools that only accept kids that want to learn.

    Leave the kids that want to reach 18 and push a broom, or just have babies paid for by Uncle Sam, in the failing schools.

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