back to article Nimbus Data dedupe patent

Nimbus Data has been granted a patent covering deduplication. The patent number 8,751,763, is entitled “Low-overhead Deduplication within Block-based Data Storage”. The abstract states: A write-data hash value corresponding to a block of write data is generated within a deduplicating data storage system. A block of lookup …

  1. Nuno trancoso

    So, they have a hash A that can be split into B+C. Using a block of data that is a lookup table of B+pointertodata you can read another block of data that is a lookup table consisting of C+pointertodata+usecount. How non trivial...

    Next patent, you use a hash function big enough to be split into 4 pieces, so that yaddayaddayadda.

    It's crap like this that gives software patents a bad name through and through.

  2. CaitlinBestler

    Totally obvious

    I agree with the first comment, Claim 1 is obvious that I would not have even

    considered it to be a good answer to a computer science quiz on "how do

    you index a large binary key?"

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