back to article Catz: Google's Android hurt Oracle's Java business

Google’s free distribution of Android damaged Oracle’s business – according to Oracle. The database giant reportedly told a US federal court that giving Android to handset makers for free destroyed the revenue it could have made on licensing Java. Oracle's co-chief executive Safra Catz reportedly told a San Francisco jury …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    waah waah waah

    Its not fair Google released a more interesting and profitable open source platform that undercut our efforts to foist our heavily licensed, crap, vulnerable and not fit for purpose technology.



    1. energystar

      Re: waah waah waah

      You're profiting over our shoulders. Keep at it. Pay Us and Shut Up! </mocking>

  2. Rob Crawford

    Want to try that again

    Google co-chief executive Safra Catz

    Are you sure?

    1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      There does seem to be some confusion here. When I googled 'Safra Catz', I got this link - which puts her squarely at Oracle.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Can't think catz without thinking ultralisk drops.

    1. Voland's right hand Silver badge

      You are thinking it wrong

      The correct turn of phrase is: Hurding Catz. It describes Oracle strategy fairly well.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: You are thinking it wrong

        You can't herd CatZ he'll send half his workers to your main for harass.

        I think you mean herding cats. Unless this is an exciting pun on GNU Hurd. In which case, fine play.

        1. Eddy Ito

          Re: You are thinking it wrong

          @AC It's not a GNU pun but this may shed some light on the matter.

      2. msknight

        Re: You are thinking it wrong

        "The correct turn of phrase is: Hurding Catz. It describes Oracle strategy fairly well."

        Whoa... whoa... whoa.... hold on there.... Oracle has a STRATEGY ?!?!?!

        Where the hell did that come from?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: You are thinking it wrong

          I am inappropriately amused by this thread.

          An oracle is an essential component to early harass.

          Hurd is an operating system. Oh I see even better. I like this thread more and more.

          CatZ is cheesy.

          Herd is what you do with sheep. Hurd is what you do to CatZ. Unless he's Zerg, then you use oracles.

          Ultralisks are now op.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: You are thinking it wrong

            I think you'll find the pun to be in the names of the co-CEOs, Mark Hurd and Safra A. Catz

        2. Chemical Bob

          Re: You are thinking it wrong

          "Oracle has a STRATEGY ?!?!?! Where the hell did that come from?"

          Little Larry Ellison

          Had an episode again

          Eating a <Festive Season> pie;

          He put in his thumb,

          And pulled out a... strategy,

          And said, "What a good boy am I!"

      3. energystar

        Re: You are thinking it wrong

        Oracle couldn't credibly hurd more than two.

  4. Richard Jones 1

    Could This be a New SCO?

    It is sounding like a hopeless hollow case of the sort that makes such a rich vein for lawyer's to mine for income.

    1. CAPS LOCK

      Re: Could This be a New SCO?

      SCO vs IBM is still running. SCO had little resources (although not none, thanks to you-know-who) whereas Oracle has huge resources. This might run forever. (Even Jarndyce and Jarndyce ran out of steam eventually:

  5. Voland's right hand Silver badge

    What a twit

    One of the reasons why Java has not become a niche language is exactly Android.

    Having it as the only language for a platform this size makes up for a considerable change in economics of Java, its toolchain, educational interest and potential, etc.

    In any case, the whole spat is about a massive case of sour grapes: SnOracle tried to artificially restrict and prevent the use of the full Java potential in mobile (retarded idea No 1). SnOracle tried to artificially restrict any security mechanisms on a multi-application java platform to be "internal" and Java only instead of a combination of external (uids + zygote) and internal (retarded idea No 2). Google showed Oracle the middle finger on both and delivered.

    In reality, both restrictions should have been subjected to competition law scrutiny wrong ago. Google should have started with that first (it would have succeeded at that point too).

    1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

      Re: What a twit

      "In reality, both restrictions should have been subjected to competition law scrutiny wrong ago"

      Really? I suspect we would still be waiting for the count verdict and the last decade of phone development would have been at a snail's pace (unless Nokia or MS had really stepped up to challenge Apple, and they seemed to struggle at that due to bureaucracy).

      Otherwise you are quite right, Sun seriously mis-stepped on mobile and Oracle appear to simple want Java to sue Google. Given the current piss-poor state of Java, after several years of Oracle's finest guidance and support, in terms of compatibility and security it manages to make Android's lack of patching seem almost benign. Almost.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Google vs Oracle

    You know, I have problems rooting for either :)

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    JAVA hurt both Oracle and Google

    Anyone who's ever used an Oracle Java webapp knows what a mistake that was, and that's entirely Oracle's fault. By flooding the corporate world with that garbage, Oracle undermined Java's value. Maybe that was part of a plan to acquire Sun at fire-sale price, but that acquisition and subsequent lawsuit(s?) were the final nails in Java's coffin. What a greedy, boneheaded company.

    I can only imagine that the Android devs chose Java in their formative years due to the popularity (among geeks) of JVM languages like Scala and Clojure at the time. LLVM would've been a better choice if its future had been more certain back then.

  8. WonkoTheSane

    Let me check...

    Nope. I don't have a violin small enough for this!

  9. Paul Smith

    Positive spin

    Just think. All of the lawyers getting rich off this spat are lawyers not trying to get rich off something that matters.

    1. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

      Aha, an isonomikos!

      Is the supply of lawyers in the universe held constant, then?

  10. Paul Shirley

    Oracle excluded themselves from smartphones

    Oracle flat out refused to licence full strength Java for mobile, insisting on crippled J2ME. Their own actions excluded Oracle from licensing in the smartphone market, where J2ME is totally unsuitable.

    You can't lose licensing income in a market you're refusing to take part in.

  11. NanoMeter

    Time for Google to pay up...

    Buy Oracle and get rid of the problem.

    1. tom dial Silver badge

      Re: Time for Google to pay up...

      If only they would. I tried to upvote twice, but it doesn't work and I'm too lazy to create more logins just for that.

    2. Tom 7

      Re: Time for Google to pay up...

      But that would imply Oracle had value.

  12. hellwig

    Java's Release

    I followed that archive link. I can't believe the balls on Eric Schmidt:

    "It’s essentially C++ without the guns, knives, and Mace; all right."

    - That's fine if you need a babysitter, but if you want a soldier, seems like you need some of those things.

    "We don’t let the Java program do many of the classic virus kinds of behaviors"

    - Well, thanks to Java, we saw plenty of NEW virus kinds of behaviors.

    "And finally, because of the way the language was designed, and the virtual machine was implemented, that system is machine-independent." ... "I believe that ultimately Java will be seen as a replacement for C++."

    - Yeah, except what will people program their JVMs in?

    1. Blank Reg

      Re: Java's Release

      JVM's have been written in Java, though that is a chicken and egg sort of problem.

  13. Dan 55 Silver badge

    Samsung gave them $40m for J2ME!?

    I wouldn't have given them 40p.

  14. Graham Triggs

    Hurt... how?

    By including Java in Android, they've driven up the number of JVM installations and Java IDEs for developers / helped consolidate the use of Java / JVM as a server technology.

    Microsoft weren't going to go anywhere near the JVM for a mobile OS after having been slapped down by Sun, and Apple were going their own route anyway with Objective-C and Swift. Oracle never had - and likely never would have - a play in the mobile OS space.

    So, I can only figure that Oracle have been hurt by keeping Java relevant, when they would rather leave it to fester.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hurt... how?

      They could have continued to dominate mobile, but they tried too hard to play nice and let the manufacturers do whatever they wanted to do with phone design. That was the root cause of Java ME fragmentation issues, not the software, but rather the huge diversity of device capabilities.

      There were efforts to fix that, but because they were trying to work within the JCP it took far too long and never took off.

  15. Mark Exclamation

    Oracle is playing to the Jury. The jury have no technical knowledge; Oracle made sure of that. The readers here at The Reg know what is going on and which way the verdict SHOULD go. However, I fear the jury is going to find in Oracle's favour, simply because their lawyers are playing the game better than Google's are. If Oracle does win, it will have had nothing to do with facts.

  16. Pomgolian

    Shurely Shome Mishtake?

    So... ASF produces harmony/dalvik, based on Java, and Google pinches it and runs it on Android. Oracle couldn't make anything stick against ASF, so how on earth can they expect to make it stick against Google? Google surely were permitted to do what they did under the terms of whatever Apache licence the ASF attached to harmony/dalvik. Surely a case of nothing to see here or am I missing the point? Oh Yeah. Larry is a ****.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Shurely Shome Mishtake?

      It's very simple really, the open sourcing of Java including a field of use restriction that prevented open source Java from being used in mobile devices. Google knew that, their own engineers even told them that and suggested they just license Java ME and pay the licensing fees.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Android impinges on Oracles Java?

    I thought Android violated Microsoft intellectual property. Does this mean Microsoft will be suing Oracle if they win.

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