back to article Tesla production executives depart as 'leccy car maker reports narrowing loss

Tesla might have pleased Wall Street with its latest financial results, but the company has also lost a couple of high-profile production executives in the last 24 hours. With around 400,000 reservations booked for the Model 3, the 'leccy car maker needs all the build nous it can find, but Bloomberg reports the departures of …

  1. Peter Ford

    Cutting costs?

    If the current controversy about pay awards to CEOs in the UK is anything to go by, losing C-suite executives looks like a good way to bring Tesla into profit. Every little £14m helps :)

    1. Nigel 11

      Re: Cutting costs?

      In general terms I agree. Most top-level executives have someone working for them, two or three levels down the organisation, who could do their jobs better than they do and would gladly do it for a fraction of the salary. Many of those executives spend considerable effort on keeping these underlings down.

      Given what Elon Musk's organisations have accomplished in so little time, his executives may be truly valuable exceptions. In which case the chances are that there is someone ready to step into the shoes of the person who is departing, or that the CEO knows how to find a truly good replacement.

      1. DocJames

        Re: Cutting costs?

        Given what Elon Musk's organisations have accomplished in so little time, his executives are unlikely to have managed to contribute much if anything.

        FTFY. I see the executives and am sceptical that they can provide major benefits in the short time Tesla has been active. OTOH I suppose they haven't messed everything up, which is better than many execs.

  2. macjules

    And where are they going?

    Bloomberg reports the departures of production VP Greg Reichow and manufacturing VP Josh Ensign.

    Apple perchance? Dear Mr Cook, if you are nicking Tesla staff could you please, PLEASE also purloin the guys who developed the downtime software updater? I really could not get in an Apple car that demands you connect to WiFi halfway along the M4 and install the latest (of many) security updates.

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: And where are they going?

      Detroit. Somebody finally woke up and made offers that could not be refused.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Firings in disguise?

    Given the problems they have had with the Model X being delayed due to production line issues is it too much to hope that perhaps this is for once, someone having the balls to get rid of a bad apple, and giving another guy a second chance? I'm probably deluding myself, but it would be lovely to think that the people in charge actually were forced to take responsibility for the problems and were dealt with accordingly.

    Quite blatantly AC, because even the people in charge of my salary are capable of reading The Register.

  4. Nosher

    Please. Stop. Writing. "'Leccy".

    It's a slang word, not a contraction

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken




      (Brit, informal) electricity




      Informal. a person who snacks, especially one who does so often or continuously.

      Source: Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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