New articles no longer visible without scrolling. Erm..

This topic was created by Daggerchild .

  1. Daggerchild Silver badge

    New articles no longer visible without scrolling. Erm..

    Full screen browser.

    Visible: One huge ad. One huge picture. Pictured article link. Top 3 articles in sidebar.

    Not visible: Anything else, not even the latest articles.


    1. Marco Fontani

      Re: New articles no longer visible without scrolling. Erm..

      Have more info? Browser, a screenshot, etc? webmaster@ this domain.

      1. Daggerchild Silver badge

        Re: New articles no longer visible without scrolling. Erm..

        To emphasise, I mean not visible unless you scroll/page down after it's finished rendering. 1280x1024, firefoxish thing.

        The huge ad has wandered off now, so I can now see three stories on the full screen front page again. Bigger desktop at home can get half of the next three as well.

        1. Daggerchild Silver badge

          Re: New articles no longer visible without scrolling. Erm..

          It's back. It's 970x250

          alt="Accelerating productivity. 7 out of 10 of the world’s largest companies use Hewlett Packard Enterprise Mobility Solutions. Learn more. Accelerating next. Hewlett Packard Enterprise."

          Bye bye all new front page articles again. And its javascript is SO heavy that the title bar plus sidebar grinding their many images to do its dancing numbers' pretty animations actually hurts my work PC.


  2. This post has been deleted by its author

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