back to article Jurassic World: All the meaty ingredients for a summer blockbuster

Over twenty years later, the Hollywood dino franchise is back with a fourth film, Jurassic World, that ignores numbers two and three and attempts to recapture the magic that made the first an industry-changing, blockbuster ride. And it mostly succeeds. Whether dinosaurs can still interest the public twenty years later is, …

  1. Graham Marsden

    To quote from Mock the Week...

    "The dinosaurs are killing everyone! WHY do we keep re-opening this park and WHO keeps giving us Public Liability insurance???"

    1. Suricou Raven

      Re: To quote from Mock the Week...

      They don't need insurance. Everyone remembers what happened to the last lawyer to try to close the park.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: To quote from Mock the Week...

      They should work in another gag where their liability insurance holder is AIG, the once-worlds-largest-insurer that blew up in the financial crisis because it insured all those collateralized debt obligations that were based on crap-quality mortgages.

      Then again, the reference might be a bit dated though.

      1. fritsd

        Re: To quote from Mock the Week...

        A film about the dinosaurs of the financial world!

        "We're too big to fail!"

        yeah, right ....

        and then the geniable Bernie Madoff could take a group of investors for a ride.

  2. Chris Miller

    I'm afraid Chris Pratt will always be Andy Dwyer (Parks and Recreation) in my head.

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Haha! The 'handsome hunk' character, played by Joel McHale, in Park and Recs' sister show Community spent an episode in mock-bitterness at Chris Pratt's success with Guardians of the Galaxy:

      "Chris Pratt is always out there, mocking me with his muscles and success!"

  3. Dave 126 Silver badge

    IT Angle

    Does this new Jurassic film have a "It's a UNIX system! I know this!" moment?

    The original movie also critiqued hardware product design:

    Accountant: "Is it heavy?"

    Children: "Yes!"

    Accountant: "That means it's expensive. Put it down!"

    Icon: Nuke the entire site from orbit etc

    1. Apriori

      Re: IT Angle

      We could have had "It's a Windows 8.1 system, anyone got a clue how to find the applications?"

  4. Nanners

    I'm more interested

    in the new Bond flick. Looks beautiful.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: I'm more interested

      I've seen the "Spectre" trailer, and like Jurassic World there is a serious zoological/biological credibility issue--no white persian cat!!!

      How can you have SPECTRE as the bad guy without the proper feline accoutrement? (Sigh) Another piece of my childhood chipped away. Thanks a lot, MGM!!

      1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

        Re: I'm more interested

        I believe tanks of pirhanas to drop unsuccessful henchpersons into are far more important. In fact, this may be what finally happened to the cat...

  5. Grifter


    "discoveries like the Spinosaurus aegyptiacus and Gigantosaurus."

    Giganoto, not Giganto.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I saw Jurassic World recently. I really liked the nostalgic references back yo the original park/films.

    Tiny spoiler: The original Jurassic Park t-shirt on Ebay moment. Great fun.

  7. James Pickett

    Have Apple sued over i-Rex yet?

  8. SmellyOdour

    The top headline is a movie review?


  9. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge


    no middle aged Brit thespian as the 'bad guy'/mad scientist ?

    Hollywood casting must be getting senile.

    Doomed to be a failure (sss Icon)

    1. 100113.1537

      Re: Wot!

      But the "indian" owner has a British-Indian accent so it got past the censor.

      When you know the dino's are coming, you can't do the suspense trick (water glass shaking), but if you can watch it in D-Box seats that shake with the action - dino footsteps work well in that case, as do the first person shooter scenes.

    2. werdsmith Silver badge

      Re: Wot!

      Have you seen San Andreas?

      Good guy was British (played by an Aussie). Evil cowardly snake guy was an American white collar architect type.

  10. Dana W

    Another movie for 13 year old boys of all ages.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      ...and of both sexes. The Cinema in Winnersh had more women than men in my showing...

  11. eJ2095

    Same plot as the first film

    Except park is open,

    Dinosaurs escape etc etc eating etc etc

  12. forger

    Product Placement

    There wasn't enough Samsung and Mercedes products in it for my liking. At one point they dropped them for dinosaurs. Shurely some mistake?!?!?!?

  13. David Austin

    Not Bad

    Annoying Kid didn't get eaten. 8/10.

  14. Merchman

    Just one thing

    Can anyone tell me where the younger kid got the matches from?

  15. Tikimon

    Jurassic Clone, the Search for More Money

    While we're warming over the Same Old Story again, why not rehash one they haven't rehashed in this series yet? The old J-Park facilities are raided for dinos to turn into bio-weapons. Which of course escape and start killing people, you know how it goes. You might get more cheers if congresspeople were being menaced instead of kids.

    I loved dinos back when they were uncool and misunderstood. Now that we know what amazing animals they were, it's a shame to see them jammed into the same mold as every other movie villain. They act in human ways, with human goals and motivations, always focused on KILLING THE HUMANS. Yawn...

  16. JamesPond

    "Both Pratt and Howard are instantly likeable"

    Not...Pratt plays the same role in every film I've seen him in, and Howard is cold and aloof and not at all likeable, At least Vincent D'Onofrio plays a great, if small, part as the baddie.

    It killed a two hours on a rainy Sunday afternoon but I won't be going back to see it again, unlike the first one which had a proper storyline and characters you cared about. Honestly I would have laughed if the young kid had got eaten, he was such an annoying whinging brat (so well played if that's what the director was aiming for). At £6 for an adult 3D ticket at Odeon at least it wasn't too costly, glad I didn't fork out £16 for the IMAX version.

    1. werdsmith Silver badge

      Re: "Both Pratt and Howard are instantly likeable"

      Unfortunately I paid iMax for the whole family.

      Bloody hype. When will I learn?

      Last 10 minutes was OK.

  17. Pete 48

    a summer blockbuster?

    I'll be sure to go and see it in 5 months when it's summer here.

    Mines the one with the finger sleeves and bear ears

  18. Apriori


    Apart from the obvious Jurassic Park references, were there others?

    The cylinder kicked out of the speeding van was definitely Jaws, the apatosaurus was very ET-like, and the desktop dinosaurs could have belonged to Wash. Not that any developed like their originals

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