BT rewritting email standards? No hyphens allowed?

This topic was created by xj25vm .

  1. xj25vm

    BT rewritting email standards? No hyphens allowed?

    I've just had a call from a client trying to setup their BT Vision package, and after much faffing on the phone with BT support, it turns out that BT systems won't allow him to input his existing email address because it has a hyphen in the domain part. Apparently the BT account interface claims hyphen is not a legal/allowed character. We are talking about inputting their existing email address - not about creating a new BT one. BT "kindly" offered to endow him with a free BT email address!

    I also found this post, which seems to confirm that BT's systems can't cope with hyphens in email addresses:

    And I've also been told of another person who can't login into the wifi on some hotels because they have a hyphen in their email address. They have to use another email without a hyphen. I know BT manage many public paid-for wifi nodes on behalf of hotels etc. - I wonder if that is why this third person can't login into these wifi AP's?

    Anybody else stumbled over this?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: BT rewritting email standards? No hyphens allowed?

      nice and good post



    2. Chozo

      It gets worse

      BT customer support? Hi there .. I want to login into my new BT broadband account but you never sent us a password or asked us for one during setup, all we've got is the username email-address thingy.

      No problem, the default for all new accounts is ********

      Uh.. ok can I read that back to you to be sure I've got it.. E, I, G, H, T, Z...

      No it's all numbers just like it sounds

  2. asddf

    I don't have a problem with using it - though there are certainly cases where wires would make more sense - but I do have an issue with the simple quantity of the damn things.

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