back to article NO TIME to read Facebook? Delegate the task to your FUTURE SELF

Apparently some Facebook users complain that there's never enough time to see all the stuff that gets stuck up on the site. Now Facebook has announced the cure for all that. Facebook Save Because life isn't complicated enough "Every day, people find all sorts of interesting items on Facebook that they don’t have time to …

  1. Shannon Jacobs

    Better economics: Couch Potatoes of World, Arise!

    Time is a precious and limited resource. I already lack enough time to pay attention to the data I am receiving now.

    Here's my offer. I want to let you legitimate companies bid for some of my time. I'll say how much advertising I'm willing to receive, and say what I want to buy now, and you can bid to reach me. Of course I can't advertise that information, but I'm willing to split the auction proceeds with the intermediary that protects my privacy.

    The profits will mostly pay for content that I actually want to see. Some people might use the money in other ways, but I want some substantial and meaningful data about the real world, NOT 24/7 filler when there is NO REAL NEWS.

    I actually did write a longer (if still incomplete) economic analysis of an economic system aligned along these principles. I wasn't joking about the couch potatoes.

  2. adnim

    Every day,....

    people find all sorts of interesting mundane items on Facebook that they don’t have time want to explore right away at all.

  3. Paul Crawford Silver badge


    I got fed up of the endless stream of pointless re-posting of crap and generally depressing updates from my "friends" on trivia and decided to ignore it completely for a while. Anyone who really needs to contact me can use email, or better still actually call and talk to me.

    If FB is important enough to you, try the F.B.Purity add-on for Chrome & Firefox, it makes the current website a touch more bearable. Sadly it won't deal with idiots polluting your news feed.

    1. Craig 2

      Re: Alternatively...

      You could tag stuff you don't want to see as such and if you do it a few times it simply won't appear any more. Unfollow spammy groups and spammy people. My feed is 99% full of things I want to see posted by people I want to see it from. Also, adding everyone in the known universe to make it look like you have hundreds of friends is NOT a good idea.

      Instead of moaning, try learning.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Anyone who really needs to contact me

      I've encountered a subset of the Farcebook populace that aren't capable of using any system outside of Farcebook. So asking them to use email is met with a blank look :-)

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Subset of the Farcebook populace

        Ooh, you got a downvote ... must have upset one of the "email blank look" brigade :-)

        I've got some contacts in that category too fwiw

      2. Paul Crawford Silver badge

        Re: AC

        I am sure there are folk in my list of friends who would struggle with email, but they can use a phone so that is not a problem.

        Also I don't really want to be part of making FB the only way folk communicate, a propitiatory way that is controlled by one company with the primary goal of whoring us from advertiser to advertiser.

  4. Suricou Raven


    "You have 18,172 unread posts."

  5. Caesarius
    Paris Hilton

    A new aspect to credit rating

    So MEEELIONS of poor unsuspecting Facebonk readers will borrow time and become hopelessly mired in time-debt. I shudder to think what time-bankruptcy means.

    Paris: so many men, so little time.

  6. Tim 11

    What I really want...

    Is some kind of bot that just reads all those thousands of "unmissable" FaceBook posts for me and likes them on my behalf, then I don't need to log on at all

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What I really want...

      Some kind of device that could read the boring stuff for you? It could watch tedious TV programs for you too, and listen to all the tedious stuff people are constantly telling you and really deeply believe it for you. Step this way, I have just the device for you, don't mind the horse, we throw that in for free as they're so cheap to make.

    2. dotdavid

      Re: What I really want...

      Sounds like an idea to me, a bit like Adams' electric monks.

      “The Electric Monk was a labour-saving device, like a dishwasher or a video recorder... Electric Monks believed things for you, thus saving you what was becoming an increasingly onerous task, that of believing all the things the world expected you to believe.” -- Douglas Adams

  7. juice

    Interesting... though "nuggets" sounds a bit pants. Maybe they could call them... hmm... I dunno... bookmarks?

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Time for another correction

    "Only you can see the items you save unless you choose to share them with friends or until we at a later date decide to publish all the info without your consent and if there is a backlash, we will state that it was simply a bug.."

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    " there's never enough time to see all the stuff that gets stuck up on the site. Now Facebook has announced the cure for all that."

    I was really hoping you were going to tell us they invented a time machine - disappointing facebook, disappointing :(

  10. Tom 38

    Only you can see the items you save unless you choose to share them with friends.

    Plus Facebook, and anyone they want to sell advertising space to..

  11. Carpetsmoker

    Reading your Facebook is like finding the few nuggets of gold buried is colossal amounts of shit. I suppose This is useful for marking the nuggets.

  12. Gannettt

    This facility won't make Facebook any more relevant to us Reg readers, though. My brother tries to post interesting stuff he's found or seen, and invariably gets about 2 likes; one of my relatives posts yet another boring pic of her kids, suddenly gets 15 likes and countless comments. I don't think FB is for interesting people, or men.

  13. Timpatco

    I have never found ANYTHING useful to read on FB but one time a mother of one of my students sent me a picture of herself sunbathing topless on a Thai beach - that was interesting (and consequential)..

  14. 4d3fect

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