back to article Latest IE flaw being actively exploited

April's Internet Explorer flaw is being exploited, with at least two listed Australian entities targeted by a sophisticated foreign hacking outfit. The organisations were targeted in a campaign that foisted the Internet Explorer exploits (MS14-021) at high end corporations three days after the dangerous flaws were exposed. …


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  1. Proud Father

    Tell me it ain't true!

    Internet Explorer has security holes!

    Well color me surprised.

    1. a53

      Re: Tell me it ain't true!

      Can't software write MicroSoft. Rearrange.

      1. TheVogon

        Re: Tell me it ain't true!

        "Can't software write MicroSoft. Rearrange."

        'Wow A Certificate Fronts Storm' ?

        Nice of you to remind us of that Open SSL issue....

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Tell me it ain't true!

      "Internet Explorer has security holes!"

      But has had far fewer than say Google Chrome! Even more surprised?

      1. Message From A Self-Destructing Turnip

        Re: Tell me it ain't true!

        Well this is all very disappointing. After giving my self a rather vigorous shake, I saw the light and decided to start using MS products, and now this happens! Unfortunately one hole is all it takes, that's how some of us came to be on this planet.

        1. Rick Giles

          Re: Tell me it ain't true!

          "After giving my self a rather vigorous shake, I saw the light and decided to start using MS products."

          And now you need the shit slapped out of you for using MS products...

          1. Message From A Self-Destructing Turnip

            Re: Tell me it ain't true!

            Please Rick show mercy, I have suffered enough already, let me explain. Sorry if it is a little off topic but I feel the need to share my experience.

            As an open minded individual, I recently decided to heed the much proffered advice of a certain AC and give myself "a shake and start using MS products!"

            Following the instructions to the letter, with a little trepidation, and a faithful old sock to hand, I slid the installation media into the drive. For anyone else considering a similar path, I would not recommend the sock method, get a family pack of your preferred brand of tissues and use plenty of lube! I had sought counsel from AC on this matter, alas its seems there was no willing to offer a guiding hand to an eager fresh newbie like myself.

            Well, the installation process was straight forward enough, though it was quite some time before a login screen finally appeared, then there were all the updates to download and install....

            By the final reboot the poor little soldier was looking in a very sorry state indeed. Fortunately in the time it took to work out how to navigate to the desktop the bleeding had more or less stopped. There is still a little bit of puss but I am hopeful that this will clear up in a day or two.

            Overall its been worth the sacrifice to now be able to take comfort safe in the knowledge that I now run the most secure OS there is (only one vulnerability apparently!). Best of of all I can now post with pride using the the illustrious logo!

            What? more updates? oh balls...

            </onehanded> ng.. ng.. ng.. ow.. ng.. ouch. ng.. noooo! it burns.. ng..........

      2. Mad Chaz

        Re: Tell me it ain't true!

        define fewer please. Do you mean fewer patches? Fewer security issues? Because the 2 are FAR from the same thing, especially when speaking MS.

        I'm pretty sure IE as had as many security issues fixed as chrome or any other browser in the last few years. It's just you don't always get told about all the flaws that get fixed in 1 patch for IE.

  2. Evil Auditor Silver badge

    I'm not worried

    The version of IE we're using here is so old that I'm pretty sure no one attacks it anymore.

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: I'm not worried

      Internet Explorer, Maginot Edition?

      1. Evil Auditor Silver badge
        Thumb Up

        Re: I'm not worried

        Maginot? You must be joking! Hadrian himself signed off our version. Just after he built the wall.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Why is it that when we see the word "exploit" or the phrase "security problems/issues", the article is never about Microsoft.

    People need to give themselves a shake and start using MS products!

    Oh.. no .. wait .. oh crap.

  4. Shadow Systems

    Security through Absurdity!

    I run Windows 0.1Alpha on a copy of IBM DOS 1.1Beta, getting online via a modified Zmodem protocol on a Joystick Port connected Accoustic Coupler attached 300Baud modem, surfing on a pre-Alpha release of a text-only browser, and NOBODY targets me anymore!


    Now if you'll pardon me, I've got to go run Windows Update *AGAIN*. I ran it an hour ago, but the icon is flashing that there's another one to apply...



    1. swschrad

      don't get the shakes

      you'll drop your card deck

      1. Herby

        Re: don't get the shakes

        Dropping card decks? That is why you have (don't you?) sequence numbers in col 73-80!!

        Now where is the 083 sorter?

        1. earl grey

          Re: don't get the shakes

          More to the point. If you know your 083 sorter you know where the valves (tubes) are located and you know how many brushes it uses for sorting and how to change them.

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