back to article Google grabs slice of interwebs for EVERYONE (who speaks Japanese)

Google has announced its first successful move into new gTLDs with the launch of .みんな for the Japanese market. The registration is the world’s first open top-level domain in hiragana, one of the three scripts used to read and write Japanese, according to the web giant. Written in the Roman alphabet as “minna”, the word …


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  1. Semtex451

    Now I'll never know

    Broke another keyboard typing the URL

  2. Frankee Llonnygog


    Should be 皆様, surely?

    1. The Envoy

      Re: みんな

      Apparently 皆様 is a bit more formal than みんな, and we all know that Google is just like one of our close friends or part of the family. Yes?


    2. P_0

      Re: みんな

      Why? 皆様 is a polite term, obviously not the friendly casual term Google wants to use.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: みんな

        normally you see it written as みんな among friends / colleagues / cliques

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: みんな

      >Should be 皆様, surely?

      様 is only used in a few situations where that level of politeness is needed.. like on letters from your bank.

      If you want a domain that promotes inclusiveness and togetherness why would you use a suffix that suggests a relationship like that?

      To be honest I think it's stupid anyway. It's playing to the stereotypical image of all Japanese people being pacifist Bonsai fanciers that are all polite and nice to each other... To the outsider observer that has only ever seen the lovey dovey types that inhabit NHK it might well seem like that but the reality is fairly different.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ...they must of broken the internet, so far no one complaining how they should stick to Latin character sets, despite much of the world not using them.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Wow....

      Must HAVE.

      1. Tom_

        Re: Wow....

        Oh come on, mate. Ofn't you ever written anything that makes you look dim?

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's four scripts, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji and Romanji.

    While it is the western alphabet, Romanji gets used a hell of a lot.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      it's romaji (ローマ字) not romanji.. There are only a few places where romaji might appear in an otherwise kana + kanji sentence.. things like foreign brand names. There again if you don't even know what it's called I suspect you also don't know how/when it's used.

  5. Anonymous Coward

    can anyone....

    translate fuck into hiragana for me?

    1. David Webb

      Re: can anyone....

      Wouldn't it be easier to have it in Romanji so you can pronounce it?

      自動詞 ?

    2. P_0

      Re: can anyone....

      I can transliterate it:


    3. SusanY

      Re: can anyone....

      I think Japanese doesn't use sexual words like "fuck" in the metaphorical way that English does --- only in their literal sense -- so fuck.everybody wouldn't work quite as well when translated into Japanese as it does in English.

      (English doesn't have the gramatical politeness forms that Japanese does, so English speakers have to resort to using various forms of "fuck" to indicate that the sentence is not polite, e.g. "shut the fucking door" etc.)

      。ます could be an amusing TLD...

      1. Dinky Carter

        Re: can anyone....

        English *does* have a form of keigo. Compare "shut the door" and "would you be so kind as to shut the door?" I've noticed that a lot of Japanese people who learn English, especially American English, assume that there's no way to say things politely in English.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    How about "the TLD formaly known as everyone"

  7. VinceH

    “Our vision is for .みんな to be a collaborative space, where folks can build online communities — something along the lines of ‘Cook, everybody!’ or ‘Run, everybody!’,” he continued.

    Or 'We own everybody'

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Am I missing something? Chocolate factory has applied for over 100 domains. At about $15 each, that's $1,500. Where did the "somewhere around $20 million for the registrations alone" come from?

    1. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: anonymous

      "Chocolate factory has applied for over 100 domains"

      You've misunderstood the article. We're talking about *top* level domains, gTLDs like .com and .org. You need to pay ICANN $185,000 a pop to apply for one. So 100 gTLDs is about 20 million bucks.


  9. Midnight

    [...] the word literally means “everyone” in Japanese, and “suggests multiple people doing things together”.

    Why does everything on the Internet have to be about porn?

    1. Irony Deficient

      Why does everything on the Internet have to be about porn?

      Beats me.

  10. MrT


    ... not the correct translation, but it's what Google gave me, which bodes well - I can't remember a new wave band in the early 80's called "Of Steam"...

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I don't see this taking off to be honest.. An English TLD like "together" would probably be more popular with the Japanese as it has that 格好いい factor.

  12. saif

    Pronounced "minna"

    They already have a Google Plus (a popular social medium I am told) for Google minus

  13. mrjohn

    "Given the homogeneity of Japanese society and the herd mentality, it could prove a popular suffix, although like all new gTLDs, there’s absolutely no guarantee that the domain won’t be a gigantic waste of time and money."

    Given that the Japanese are quite diverse culturally, and the herd mentality is no more prevalent here than in the minds of people who subscribe to out dated concepts of racial superiority/inferiority, I'll opt for the latter of the two options.

    Web trends do not stem from domain names.

    1. Dinky Carter

      *We* know that the Japanese are quite diverse culturally and ethnically, but a lot of われわれ日本人types don't seem to realise... including my very intelligent Japanese co-worker who insists that all Japanese people, whether they be from Okinawa or Hokkaido, have a unique body temperature shared by no other 'race'.

  14. boba1l0s2k9

    Aim to increases communications.

    Don't we want a world where everyone can communicate, no matter where you came from, your skin color, etc? I do.

    IDN shouldn't have been done. Creates at least 3 new kinds of vulnerabilities that will make phishing and bank robbing more successful, and probably more. The great success of the internet without it has proven non-English speakers get by just fine without IDN.

    Separately, gTLD's are annoying/slightly risky from an infrastructure point of view, and it too will create more vulnerabilities. But here we are. So yay for Google owning all Japanese people.

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