back to article Cyberspies blast Icefog into US targets' backdoors

Miscreants behind a cyberespionage campaign have changed their methods to take advantage of Java-based malware. The Icefog APT (advanced persistent threat), discovered in September 2013, continues to be a problem, this time utilising a Java backdoor, according to the latest analysis of the threat by security researchers at …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    NSA and GCHQ

    All generations of the threat bear the hallmarks of state-manufactured malware rather than something geared towards conventional cybercrime but Kasperky Labs researchers are not speculating on its possible origins.

    Maybe some of the folks who comment on NSA, and GCHQ activities should bear this sort of thing in mind.

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Re: NSA and GCHQ

      All generations of the threat bear the hallmarks of state-manufactured malware rather than something geared towards conventional cybercrime but Kasperky Labs researchers are not speculating on its possible origins.

      Maybe some of the folks who comment on NSA, and GCHQ activities should bear this sort of thing in mind. ....Titus Technophobe Posted Wednesday 15th January 2014 13:20 GMT

      Right on, TT, methinks you can be sure that such things are always of interest because of what can be done so easy remotely and relatively anonymously with these novel emerging and evolving and revolutionary skills.

      But to think that the likes of an NSA or GCHQ type operation be actively responsible and leading in the field, would have one having to accept that they be gone rogue and renegade and free-lancing in the lucrative private and pirate sectors, which admittedly be a huge attraction to anyone with intelligence searching for ..... well, greater intelligence will always find one leading others to domains and dominions in which they be pawns for sacrifice rather than powers that be. And that be a real and present danger to any politically corrupt and inept and self-serving government requiring intelligence to function and provide protection.

      1. Bloakey1

        Re: NSA and GCHQ

        amanfrommars 1

        Where be that Blackbird be? I know where he be,

        He be up yon Wurzel tree, And I be after he!

        Now I sees he, And he sees I,

        Buggered if I don’t get ‘em

        With a gurt big stick I’ll knock ‘im down

        Blackbird I’ll ‘ave thee!

        <snip west country song>

        That blackbird he be gone rogue and he be a huge attraction, hide the prawns or he will have thee and they prawns as well.

        Ooooh arrrrr.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: NSA and GCHQ

      "Maybe some of the folks who comment on NSA, and GCHQ activities should bear this sort of thing in mind."

      Agree entirely. Those two agencies are certainly top of my list of possible origins! I suspect however that was not what you intended with the above statement, instead adopting the "But Mum, he did it first." defence.

  2. Eradicate all BB entrants

    I get fed up of companies ...

    ..... that want me to use their 'Enterprise Class Software' which when looked at is just a crappy Java front end which talks to a database, only runs on Windows and will only work with a specific much older version of Java because they can't be bothered to update the code.

    They should change the 'write once, run anywhere' to just 'write once'.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I get fed up of companies ...

      I prefer "write once, run *anywhere"

      * anywhere: Adverb.

      A developer's machine or a small subset of machines with exactly the same configuration as the developer's machine.

    2. Vic

      Re: I get fed up of companies ...

      > They should change the 'write once, run anywhere' to just 'write once'.

      I've seen it termed "write once, debug everywhere" ...


  3. chris 17 Silver badge

    Wow, perfectly timed article to coincide with the latest java release which no longer allows unsigned applets to run in browsers.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Microsoft Office based malware ..

    "Miscreants behind a cyberespionage campaign have changed their methods to take advantage of Java-based malware"

    Shouldn't that be Microsoft Office based malware?

  5. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    So disable Java, make damm sure you know what Java software is runningon your PC

    Or at least your IT dept does.

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