back to article Truly secure clouds? Possible but not likely say Georgia Tech boffins

Georgia Tech has added itself to the chorus, nay, throng of voices warning that poorly-implemented cloud computing and the world of BYO mobile devices are threats to enterprise security. In its Emerging Cyber Threats 2014 report, GT's Information Security Center joins World+Dog in noting that the Snowden NSA whistle-blowing …


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  1. jake Silver badge

    Gee. You think?

    Honestly, the mind boggles at the current corporate management idiocy.

  2. herman

    Hmm, anyone can use Dropbox (or name you favourite cloud server) together with Truecrypt for a seamless (just somewhat slower) cloudy experience.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "Hmm, anyone can use Dropbox (or name you favourite cloud server) together with Truecrypt for a seamless (just somewhat slower) cloudy experience."

      That's an interesting use of the word "seamless". It's not easy to use for the man in the street, and you have to make sure they use a decent passphrase to offer a degree of security. Otherwise it's a super safe with a 2 digit access code..

  3. YottabyteDuane

    Seems to me like the pendulum may has swung too far toward the 'public cloud' and that in time businesses will (and should) adopt the hybrid cloud architecture as their standard. At an absolute minimum, owning and controlling at least one copy of your information (behind your firewall) seems like the responsible thing to do. This architecture delivers high performance locally and affords the time overhead with encrypting your data stream to the public cloud.

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