back to article Google accused of hypocrisy over Glass ban at shareholder shindig

Google's directors were accused of hypocrisy over a regulation banning attendees at its annual shareholder's meeting in California from wearing Google Glass hardware at the event. "Cameras, recording devices, and other electronic devices, such as smart phones, will not be permitted at the meeting. Photography is prohibited at …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Hang on here... it's hypocritical for a company to make a product without endorsing its use in any and all corporate situations? I'd hate to think what this guy expects condom manufacturers to permit at their shareholder meetings...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Hang on here...

      Smith and Wesson share holder meetings could be hilarious.

    2. Oninoshiko
      Paris Hilton

      Re: Hang on here...

      Im fairly sure all Church & Dwight Company shareholders are permitted to wear Trojan(tm) condoms throughout their meetings, provided they keep adorn bits properly in their trousers.

      Why exactly they would want to is a bit lost on my, but I don't judge.

    3. Adam 1

      Re: Hang on here...

      You get a thumbs up because you made me laugh, but I still think that there is something ironic about the situation and Google are trying to argue both sides of the fence in different situations.

      No doubt these are the sorts of philosophical questions we need to ask ourselves in the future. For example, it is certainly within reason to expect various hearing implants and similar technology for vision impaired people may gain the ability to record or live stream to a cloud of some sort. We may even get to a point where we can store and retrieve our memories from some hard disk-like system as if it were our brain to help sufferers of dementia or similar diseases.

      1. Fred Flintstone Gold badge

        Re: Hang on here...

        Condoms + "Thumbs up"

        I saw what you did there...

  2. JDX Gold badge


    Or setting a good example to the world not to tolerate people videoing them just because the technology exists?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Guys an idiot

    ""Google Glass is a voyeur's dream come true," Simpson said, citing the need to protect children."

    So err, what the? Protecting children from what exactly? I mean huh? I mean he could have found a dozen sensible reasons (even if I think most of those are a bit left of field) at least they're valid to varying degrees of people not actually giving a crap about you or what you do and just being interested in some AR overlays.

    1. Andrew Jones 2

      I assume he means protecting the children from being seen - in which case - he will be trying to get eyeballs banned soon. It's funny when you think about it - you can always tell that someone has no real argument - when they cling to the current buzzwords of the day - currently that is "think of the children" and "think of the environment"

      I say bravo to Google for setting a clear example as to how easy it will be for the rest of the world to simply say - no recording devices here thanks. I mean presumably Google have not previously allowed recording devices into their shareholder meetings - despite the fact - shock horror - they produce Android - a mobile phone operating system that allows said phone to take pictures. Why anyone would expect that just because they bring the world Glass they would suddenly change the rules about recording devices..... If they had said - you can bring smart phones and recording devices EXCEPT Glass - they guy might have had a point - but.... "think of the children! won't someone think of the poor children"

    2. The_Regulator

      So your not in the least bit concerned that a sex criminal might wear google glasses to record kids in a bathroom without them knowing it and then have the ability to store it, share it or do whatever else they like with it?

      There are going to be major privacy issues with these things in the near future I would put money on it because you have no clue if you are being recorded or not. Someone holding up a cell phone, tablet or other recording device is obvious this is not.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        no not really, if they are really a child loving voyeur sex criminal they'll already own a hidden camera. The argument is a nonsense and to obsess on it is an idiocy

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          also a pair of google glasses will be far more expensive than a hidden camera, you can even get camera's hidden in glasses already, or shoes, or lapel, or well, anywhere you like really at varying price points.

          Also hidden cameras are already about so why would all these child loving voyeur sex criminals be waiting to buy google glasses that are pretty obvious over cheaper easier to hide alternatives.

        2. The_Regulator

          Right now this is valid but what if glass goes mainstream and lots of people are wearing them just like people own cell that point is it still obvious?

      2. hplasm

        Better not get the kids

        To sit in front of Kinect then, eh?

      3. Greg J Preece

        So your not in the least bit concerned that a sex criminal might wear google glasses to record kids in a bathroom without them knowing it and then have the ability to store it, share it or do whatever else they like with it?

        .....No. Because that is ridiculous. If you're going to record secret video of anything, why would you use something strapped to your face?

        1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

          Bring out the gimp.

      4. Steven Roper

        @ The_Regulator

        Mass-media-brainwashed fuckwits like you are why we have no freedoms left.

        It would be poetic justice to see you falsely accused of paedophilia yourself sometime soon, because bastards like you more than anyone else deserve to take your own medicine.

        1. The_Regulator

          @Steven Roper so I'm a fuck wit for pointing out a valid concern with glass and I should do what with your comments other than consider them vulgar and offensive?

          As a parent of a 3 year old yes this is a concern and as I said one which I suspect will come up in the future.

          Grow up and try to make a point people want to read instead of throwing around names and other bs.

      5. Suricou Raven

        If the kids don't know about it then... how, exactly, are they being hurt? For that matter the recorder could plaster the image over half the internet - the resulting parental panic and subsequent invasion of bathrooms by worried mothers terrified to take their eyes off their precious babies for ten seconds would do a hundred times more psychological harm than the photos would.

        It's creepy as hell, yes. But 'creepy' should not be sufficient reason to panic and start banning things. We just happen to live in a time gripped by an irrational fear and loathing of the pedophiles widely assumed to be hiding under every rock.

        1. The_Regulator

          Lol, wow if they don't know about it then its no big deal right? That's how your comment reads....

          Try that argument with parents you know and see how they react then try again

          1. This post has been deleted by its author

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Try that argument with parents you know and see how they react then try again

            I abhor violence, but your chances of not discovering how sharp edges hurt in certain passages are close to zero if I catch you, naturally enacted out of sight of the kids.

            "No darling, uncle Will always walks like that when he leaves a house in a hurry"

            1. The_Regulator

              Ohhh your an internet thug/ E-Gangster, come find me and see what you get when you arrive pussy ac poster.

          3. Tom 38

            Try that argument with parents you know and see how they react then try again

            Most breeders become insanely illogical when it comes to their precious little booboo.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              "Most breeders become insanely illogical when it comes to their precious little booboo."

              I'll be the first to admit that if anyone harms my child, I will utterly destroy him - probably far beyond any reasonable measure.

              But I'm not crazy enough to think that's a sound basis for public policy. That's why we have courts and a justice system in the first place - victims and families of victims are absolutely awful people to have administering penalties.

              1. The_Regulator

                If you re-read my comment I said nothing about banning them. I merely said that I suspected it will come up as an issue.

                Most likely I will have drowned in a sea of down votes by then so doubt I will be here to say I told you so.

      6. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        "So your not in the least bit concerned that a sex criminal might wear google glasses to record kids in a bathroom without them knowing it and then have the ability to store it, share it or do whatever else they like with it?"

        The argument against someone otherwise innocent and "looking" at child porn is that the child must have been abused in the first place and if there was no market of people "just looking", than that child would nor have been abused. That's fair enough, and might even be plausible, although I suspect most of the people "making" the image would still do it anyway.

        I'm not sure who has been abused in your secret filming in a toilet scenario. The worst case is that someone who knows the kid sees it. If it gets made public that a child has been "abused" in this way, I'd be questioning the motives of whoever recognised the child and made it public. If the child never knows it happened, was that child abused?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          What if they pirated the child porn? If the RIAA and MPAA has taught me anything it's that he must have cost the producers a fortune and they'll surely go out of business. He's a hero! Hmmm....

  4. Mr Young

    Is that a real quote?

    "When you go to the bathroom you don't collapse in terror that someone might be wearing Glass into the bathroom,"

    I've lived for a while and back in the day a kodak instamatic user in the bogs would be asking for trouble! Shareholder meeting - not so much.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Is that a real quote?

      Question is though, who goes to the toilet and watches other people wee? I normally go in approach an available urinal then stare at the wall until the deed is completed...

      1. Don Jefe

        Re: Is that a real quote?

        I can safely say I've never seen anyone using a camera in a public restroom. I wonder what kind of bathrooms this guy hangs out in that such a statement would even be in his thought process.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        who goes to the toilet and watches other people wee?

        Erm, George Michael...?

        Just sayin'...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: who goes to the toilet and watches other people wee?

          He's actually world's only person officially certified to be in need of an oleographic display. Sorry to burn that visualisation into your memory..

  5. Paul Hovnanian Silver badge

    So you're saying ...

    "It might be more polite to stow one's Glass before making a trip to the toilet."

    Man who live in house of Google Glass should stow before visiting throne.

  6. Bob 18

    The difference between Google Glass and a camera phone is... you have to hold the phone up to take a picture, and everyone knows it. Google Glass lets you take photos incognito.

    1. Jordan Davenport

      Except you could just be pressing capture buttons on the side of a phone while it's next to your ear, and no one would be the wiser. Privacy invasion isn't new to Glass.

    2. Tom 7

      The difference between Google Glass and a camera phone

      is the small hole in someone's pocket where the camera lens is. Only dickheads wave cameras about when they don't want to be seen filming.

      Google Glass has a lot of problems but being incognito is not one of them.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: The difference between Google Glass and a camera phone

        God some people are so stupid. It's not even that if you want to take stealth photos you hide your phone, you use a fucking hidden camera

        Amazon has a whole category, the concern is a nonsense IF SOMEONE CARES TO DO SO THEY CAN and you will not be able to see.

        To snoop on someone do I pay several hundred pounds on an expensive piece of technology or a couple of dozen pounds on a HIDDEN CAMERA.


      2. Suricou Raven

        Re: The difference between Google Glass and a camera phone

        Ebay, 'hidden camera.' 3,270 results. Including pencams, watchcams and button-hole lapel cams. Any of those would be ideal for sneaking into a toilet and pointing unnoticed.

    3. Don Jefe

      Incognito? WTF!

      There is nothing remotely incognito about Google Glass. An accurate comparison to wearing one in the restroom would be attending a PETA rally riding a horse drawn carriage and wearing a meat suit.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Thumb Up

        Re: Incognito? WTF!

        I would totally do that.

  7. Eddy Ito

    hypocrisy hippo-crispy

    You can buy camera pens anywhere from Amazon to Wally World so walking into the bog or board meeting covertly recording isn't exactly rocket surgery. Sure, you'll likely get odd angles and less than perfectly framed shots but it puts the GOOGs Glass a bit more into perspective.

    1. meanioni

      Re: hypocrisy hippo-crispy

      The more likely scenario when visiting a bathroom with Glass on is you accidentally record your own todger...

      Then 3 months later - "Aunt Mabel, come and look at my video of my trip to's the seafront.... ah, oh, b*gger where's the stop button...!!!." :-)

      1. Eddy Ito
        Thumb Up

        Re: hypocrisy hippo-crispy

        We can only hope someone writes a virus that takes the sound of a flush as a command to post the last 5 minutes of video as a Facebook status update.

  8. SuccessCase

    "Page responded that the company was committed to allowing users to control their own content as one of its core values."

    Except for when said content has been requisitioned by the NSA.

    1. PhilBuk
      Thumb Down

      He didn't really answer the question that he was asked:-

      "Simpson also asked, in a rather rambling manner, if there would be any way to delete videos taken with Glass from Google's servers. Page responded that the company was committed to allowing users to control their own content as one of its core values."

      He didn't mention the delete word - something that Web 2.0 doesn't believe in.


  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    profit not privacy

    Google just wanted to make sure there wouldn't be any uploads to youtube they didn't get the full ad revenue from

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Kinda solves the IT riddle

    Of why there is a lack of women in the IT field. Males are naturally superior in security. We do not look or talk in public restrooms unless something is on fire and a flaming structural support beam is about to fall. Women take friends...

    There will be no Glass in Men's restrooms.

    P.S. I cannot think of the children unless I save my own ass first.

    P.P.S. Anon due at the advice of the solicitors at Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe.


  11. Mr Anonymous

    Sounds like most of you guys live in Utopia.

    But on the subject of children; try, as a single man, taking a camera to a playground and start taking photos of other peoples children. You can post your experiences on Monday.

    1. The_Regulator

      Then try wearing google glass and recording the same trip, I wonder which one that parents would be upset about first or more. I would put money on the photos

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Also, make sure to go rather bald, do a greasy comb over, and grow a mustache.

        Having your eyes a bit too close together is also good.

        1. The_Regulator
        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Yes, and choose a playground in a rough part of Glasgow

          Eyes should be a bit too close together and protruding.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    data protection act?

    I wonder how glass wearers in the UK will respond to a request from any individual to release any images they may have collected of them?

  13. meanioni

    The reality

    Most of the objectors don't probably realise how Glass works. To take a picture you have to tilt your head and say: "OK Glass take a picture" there is a short delay and the picture is then taken. Any more interaction (changing settings, etc) involves using a mini touch pad on the side of the head-piece.

    It will only take 10 seconds of video and similarly you have to verbally instruct it.

    So the idea of someone sneakily taking pictures of children in a toilet is a bit far of the mark when you have someone wearing very obvious hardware on their face, staring at them for some time, having to give a voice command which is a bit of a give-away. Plus the camera has a light on it when it is on.....

    1. Steven Raith

      Re: The reality

      ...and even if you could circumvent the activation prompts (remote bluetooth trigger in the pocket, kill the 'camera active' light etc) you'd still have to be staring right at them.

      Sure to be interesting when said kiddy-filmer comes out of the restroom to find Little Jonny pointing at him saying 'Daddy, it was him, he was the funny man looking RIGHT AT HIM while I was having a wizz'.

      Closely followed by a loss of teeth police interaction.

      It's not hard to envisage. Think of the children? Try just thinking, for a start.

      Steven R

      1. Quinch

        Re: The reality

        Because field of view is not a thing? I'm fairly sure Google Glass will be able to record things that are outside a 5° angle.

        As for activation prompts, I give it a week after release before a package with a user-friendly setup hits the net.

  14. AlexS

    "You are getting into very specific scenarios".

    Nice ending. Move on.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Looking forward to google cigar with free tracksuit.

  16. GaryDMN

    They don't want to be embarased

    It might be obvious that the batteries don't last long, as everyone wearing them, removes them as the batteries die.

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