back to article Apple's head bean counter boasts WORLD'S BIGGEST PACKAGE

Apple's chief financial officer Peter Oppenheimer has been named the best paid corporate bean counter of 2012. According to data from Bloomberg News, the uber-accountant was paid $68.6 million; over an order of magnitude more than the piddling $4.17 million pocketed by his CEO, Tim Cook. Oracle's CFO Safra Catz edged into …


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  1. This post has been deleted by its author

  2. Yet Another Commentard

    Goodness gracious!

    "Hey look I saved Apple $9M. Oh, Apple will need to spend more than that defending my doing that. Now give me $68.6M for doing that."

    1. Lunatik

      Re: Goodness gracious!

      $9B, not $9M

      Them extra three zeroes make a lot of difference...

    2. JDX Gold badge

      Re: Goodness gracious!

      Um, it's 9 Billion not million.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Goodness gracious!

        shocker! apple basher gets facts wrong! more unsurprising news at 11.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Goodness gracious!

          Shock-Shocker! Anti-anti-apple post gets thumbs down vote! Up next: Bears in the woods....

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I once found 8 million pounds

    for amex while i worked as a tmp for them. It was in an italien account that had been forgotten, some kind of surplus had been trickling into for years and years... what did i get... "well done son" ... then after a couple of weeks i was not needed anymore as an internal transfer had filled my role.

    oh how life would have been different if i had been born in california.

    1. Tom 35

      Re: I once found 8 million pounds

      No, you would still get zip, even if you were staff.

      But you should be happy to know your bosses boss gave him self a bonus for being in charge of finding the money.

    2. I think so I am?

      Re: I once found 8 million pounds

      or you was smart enough to move this forgotten accounts money into your orbit of control.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. I think so I am?

        Re: I once found 8 million pounds

        On 2nd thought it was probably Berlusconi's, hooker fund

  4. Richard Gadsden

    Well, I guess he did count more beans than other beancounters

    The post is required, and must contain letters

  5. Harvey Trowell

    Time to get a new business card made up.

    I'm CFO, rich.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    When you control the spreadsheet anything is possible!

    1. Ru

      Like bistromathics, but more profitable.

      The name "Safra Catz" has a wonderfully H2G2 ring to it, too.

  7. Jamie Jones Silver badge


    I'm surprised that each of these people reported earnings above $1.00 !

  8. Mr Fuzzy

    What on Earth is the point?

    There is absolutely no way I can see that anybody is worth a pay package like that. The only reason to even want that much is the worst sort of greed and egomania.

    1. Gene Cash Silver badge

      Re: What on Earth is the point?

      Accounting is a really tedious, boring, and sucky job, and if they wanted me to do it, they'd have to pay me those sorts of numbers.

      1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        Re: What on Earth is the point?

        "Accounting is a really tedious, boring, and sucky job, and if they wanted me to do it, they'd have to pay me those sorts of numbers."

        No. That's bookkeeping.

        Accounting is where they take the numbers and make them disappear.

        Think of it as "practical magic."

    2. JDX Gold badge

      Re: What on Earth is the point?

      If you are controlling sales worth billions, why shouldn't you be worth 1% of that?

      1. Jon B

        Re: What on Earth is the point?

        Because it's all the underlings doing the actual 'work' ?

    3. P. Lee

      Re: What on Earth is the point?

      Its worse than that, Jim.

      Has anyone else noticed that profitability used to be an indicator of economic productivity, but now its mostly an indicator of how well you can juggle various aspects of a report.

  9. Bill Gould

    David Larcker

    You're a tool.

  10. Dr U Mour

    Its just a job...

    How many people will this inspire and in how many will it engender despondancy?

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