back to article After December surge, Apple has sold 40 BEEELLION iOS apps

A bumper crop of application buying in December saw Apple's App Store hit the 40 billion download mark on Monday, with two billion of those coming in the month before Christmas. "It has been an incredible year for the iOS developer community," said Eddy Cue, Apple's senior vice president of Internet Software and Services. " …


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  1. LarsG


    Article posted at 1.30am and by 9.30am no nasty troll or comments?

    What the hell is going on?

  2. El_Fev

    Will wonders never cease..

    The first time the register has recognised its not the numbers you have its the profit you make on them that count! What the hell is going on??

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    After experience setting up a new windows 8 PC for parents-in-law then I'd be tempted to say the reason why windows user download on average 56 apps is that MS leave lots of things out of the initial install as a way of ensuring users have to discover the windows app store .... we had a minor "crisis" when it appeared that solitaire no longer existed in windows 8 until i eventually tracked the "microsoft solitaire collection" as a free item in the app store and had to download it (and quite why it needs 80MB for solitaire is beyond me! .... not much fun downloading that on their 900kb - yes that's kilo - "broadband" connection)

    1. turnip handler

      You don't know you've been born!

      Nearly 1mb download! - you lucky lucky person, some of us have to struggle with 0.5mb

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    40 billion crap apps!

    How many talking cats do we need?


  5. Philip Lewis

    all of them are crap


    You thus assert that that all iOS apps are crap.

    "Crap" is a subjective and relative term, but I suspect that a very large number of very opular apps are very, very far from most people's definition of "crap app".

    Q: But why should I expect an intelligent comment from you?

    A: Because there must be a first time for everything

  6. Maliciously Crafted Packet

    See... Droidtards

    That's Forty Billion apps eh.

    20 billion would have been good, 30 billion even better, but no...

    It was 40 Billion rock & roll, earth scorching, kick arse iOS apps downloaded from the Apple app store. And 7 billion dollars of revenue for app developers to boot.

    Put that into your fragmented, lag ridden, clunky Android pipe and smoke it. -;)

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