back to article Google names names in amended 'shills' list

As ordered by the court, Google has submitted a new and longer list of bloggers and other commentators who have written about its ongoing patent litigation with Oracle, even as it continues to insist that it has never paid anyone to report or comment on the case. On Monday, Judge William Alsup gave the online ad giant five …


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  1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    Vast left-wing conspiracy confirmed!

    Was say you now, Reagan Jr.?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    At last we get some of the truth out.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      LOL dowvotes. Should I read that as people saying this report isn't the whole truth yet?

      You're actually right, but it's a start.

  3. Turtle


    Anyone who thinks that there is anything surprising about Google having paid influence peddlers is clinically deluded.

    Let's see how long it take for the people constantly denigrating Florian Mueller, to explain why and how it is possible to accept Google's shilling and still be honest, while accepting money for Oracle unfailingly imparts corruption. Since I am sure that these people have long ago developed any number of strategies for dealing with cognitive dissonance, their rationalizations could be very enlightening... from an "clinical psychology" point of view..

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I never before realised that it was possible to learn how to write without also learning how to read.

    1. Fred Flintstone Gold badge

      Re: Fascinating

      Now *that* is a worthy quote. Thanks :)

  5. dssf

    maybe it is to jam up the court with a google gag order....

    muck up the court's ttl and cause a time out or severe lag and latency. The mudge may have gotten more than he bargained for if he is on a time limit...

  6. Mikel
    Thumb Up

    Oh Wow

    It's a laundry list of people I love, who I trust to look after my interests. If these are Google's shills, more power to 'em.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Oh Wow

      Are you and Barry Shitpeas on there?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Thumb Up

        Re: Oh Wow


        I am out of office at the moment, on holiday on my personal Caribbean island that Google bought me in exchange for saying bad things about truly evil corporations like Apple and Microsoft.

        I will be back in the office on 07/09/2012, if you need to contact someone in my absence, please contact Terry PoopCubes.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Oh Wow

      "It's a laundry list of people I love, who I trust to look after my interests. If these are Google's shills, more power to 'em."

      Your use of the phrase "laundry list" is more appropriate than you realize.

  7. dharmaseal

    G00gle Vermin

    Page, Brin, and Schmidt = 'the rat pack'.

  8. Alan Denman

    Shaping the future via McCarthyism

    My opinion is that Oracle is betrothed to Microsoft and Apple and as such is also another enemy of technology innovation. Open source makes fine and dandy good press, but god help those who make a financial success of it.

    Google's big big mistake was not 'being thankful' and just plodding on serving the two incumbents.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Shaping the future via McCarthyism

      They surely bought Sun purely as a gamble to get money from Android?

      Oracle likes money, they don't really give a shit about their products.

      1. Ben Tasker

        Re: Shaping the future via McCarthyism -LMFTFY

        Oracle likes money, they really don't give a shit about their products.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Why skip Maskick's Oracle link?

    In the same article Masnick reveals a stronger link to Oracle, and wonders why he didn't appear on their list too:

    "Separately, because all of this struck me as interesting, I remembered that we did some work with Oracle too! And, just as with what we did with CCIA, it was disclosed publicly at the time. Oracle (along with Intel) sponsored a section of our site, and a series of webinars that we did. And yet, Oracle did not disclose me in their original filing and I don't believe that they filed a new filing here either. Of course, as with CCIA, our relationship with Oracle did not include them having any say in editorial either. In fact, with the order as broad as it was from Judge Alsup, I'd argue that there's a much stronger argument that I should be in the Oracle filing than the Google one. But, of course, Oracle didn't include us because it was a random blog sponsorship thing they did a while back which had nothing to do with editorial (or even intellectual property issues). "

  10. Anonymous Coward

    Everyone has a price

    Both Google and Oracle can afford it no matter what it costs.

    Trust no-one's opinion but your own (and in my case even I wouldn't be too sure about trusting me).

  11. Tom 7

    But when did they stop beating their wives?

    I'm Oracle the eighth I am I am....

  12. Big_Ted

    Why was I not included on the list ?

    I have made numerous posts against Oracle here and elsewhere, I use Googles services for search Docs etc plus have made a few quid over time finding real bargains via shopping or miss prices and buying stuff to fleabay.

    I should be added surely in such a broad request by the judge.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Why was I not included on the list ?

      I was going to say the same thing. Any google user who has made any comment about the case should be named.

      If using for search saves money, then I'm sure Larry Ellison should be on Google's list as well.. (along with 80% of the internet users. I hope the Judge has additional filing cabinet space)

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    List is incomplete

    At least "g e" isn't there. If he's not a paid Google shill I'll eat my hat for dinner.

  14. JeffyPooh


    "As ordered by the court, Google has submitted a new and longer list of bloggers and other commentators who have written about its ongoing patent litigation with Oracle..."

    The above quote is actually subtly hilarious. If Google has no relationship with those writing about the patent spat, then they (Google) must have simply Googled the list. That's funny by itself. I hope that they highlighted this claim. They should have spent hours crafting the perfect search term string, and then simply provided the court with a LMGTFY (Let Me Google That For You) link. It would be utterly hilarious, and well worth the 30-day Contempt of Court sentence.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Shouldn't Apple have a slightly longer list, today? ;)

  16. Esskay

    Oracle Bridge Burning Services Inc.

    Surely the very fact that anyone even remotely linked with Google is now being named a "shill" at the behest of Oracle will be enough to guarantee that their writings in the future *will* be biased, if not towards Google, then at least against Oracle?!

    It seems like a self-fulfilling prophesy somewhat.

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: Oracle Bridge Burning Services Inc.

      More like the Bridge of Death.

      "What ... is your Name?"

      "Sir Google from Mountain View"

      "What ... is your Quest?"

      "To port something like Java to Android per fas et nefas"

      "What .... is your Shill List???"

      "What do you mean? The people who only write about us or who write about you too?"

      "Err.... I dunno ... "


  17. raving angry loony


    I note the author of this article is very careful to ignore the fact that Oracle DID actually pay someone to shill for them, and has NOT been asked to submit a list of all those who shilled for it on their own time. Wonder why?

  18. Wize

    I hear all the time of companies or individuals taking large wads of cash... big up some product. All these massive back handers are disgraceful.

    No one ever offers me one...

  19. TeeCee Gold badge

    Well, obviously.

    Google are wonderful people who only have our best interests at heart. This case from Oracle is entirely unfounded and just goes to show how nasty Oracle really are.


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