back to article Infosec and B-Sides: Security biz exhibitions face off in London

Infosec and B-Sides both came to London this week to display the contrasting faces of the information security industry. Crowds at Infosec proceed in an orderly manner through the various exhibits (before the cry of "Open bar!" was heard, natch)... InfoSec Europe, in London's Earls Court, played host to government bigwigs …


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  1. Atonnis

    Numbers are staying up?

    Last year, InfoSec was pretty much dead thanks to it being (stupidly) placed between the Easter Bank Holiday weekend and the royal wedding Bank Holiday weekend. How are numbers staying constant when you compare it with this year's absolutely packed scenario?

  2. Steven Burn


    Was at InfoSec myself for the 3 days, and got extremely sick of people shoving leaflets etc in my face. Spent most of my time with my friends at the Eset stand (partially because I was meeting up with them anyway, and partially to avoid the leaflets etc).

  3. Dave 27

    Don't forget 44cafe and dc4420 that also held free talks in nearby Troubador. The Vendor presentations at Infosec can all be comprehensively covered online by going to the Vendor websites. I see Infosec's main use in attracting lots of people to a central place, these people can then visit the much more valuable 'cons' taking place nearby.

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