back to article Elephants take over transport network, mandate sex parties

Researchers at San Diego State University have found that, contrary to the general rule that men get more heavily plastered at parties, women tend to booze more if the parties involve sexual themes and fancy dress. Why? They don't know, but you all agree that they must have had fun trying to find out: Dr Clapp ? Investigating …


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  1. Ishkandar


    Do you mean that yours was like an elephant's trunk because it's bendy and cannot be inserted anywhere for any great length of time ??

  2. Ferry Boat

    Yes yes yes

    My comment got picked. Oh Monday morning, thou art so much brighter now.

  3. Tawakalna


    no, because it's grey and wrinkled with big ears and tusks, obviously, you silly fellow! honestly, one has to explain the simplest things these days...

    ... or did you think I was talking about my willy?

  4. Anonymous Coward

    welcome to web 3.0

    where even the comments have comments.

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