back to article ‘Oldest animals’ show up in Namibian dig

For now, anyhow, the starting date for highly-organised life has gained a new record, with a dig in Namibia yielding up sponge fossils dated somewhere between 100 and 150 million years earlier than anything else yet found. While the tiny sponges, turned up by British and African researchers in sites including Namibia’s Etosha …


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  1. cocknee


    the earth is only 10,000 years old!

    Ha ha. Creationist muppets, keep wetting your beds

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Ha Ha!

      You think creationists are worried by someone dating a bit of rock in a similar manner to how all the other ones are dated?

      We don't need no steenkin' sophisticated dating systems. Up until very recently, rocks were dated by the fossils we found in them and fossils were dated by the rocks they were found in. If it was good enough for Darwin, its good enough for me.

      Except for 10-year-old boys, the fossils are pretty much irrelevant, especially boring ones like this. Its the philosophy we want. You can do what you want with your fossils as long as you don't tell me I shouldn't have sex with anyone I want.

    2. Silverburn
      Thumb Up

      @ cocknee

      Not sure why you were downvoted - creationist/ID nut-jobs-who-think-they're-being-clever are fair game in my opinion...

  2. Mondo the Magnificent

    And they'll name it:


  3. DanceMan


    Oh no!

    That means I'm distantly related to Spongebob. Well, at least it wasn't Patrick.

  4. Bush_rat

    Who lives in a pineapple under the sea...?

    Not spongebob :(

  5. Johnny Canuck

    Looks suspiciously like a piece of crap to me.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Ok, so follow that line of though. Where does a piece of crap come from? Shirely* that suggests that something multicellular was alive at that point in time.

      * Don't call me S.

  6. Graham Lockley

    >the earth is only 10,000 years old!

    >Ha ha. Creationist muppets, keep wetting your beds

    Ah but the ID'ers will simply place it in The Grand Scheme of Things (TM) and point out that it shows some supranatural force intervened to evolve it into a lump of dog shit. That crafty Sky Fairy is a devious bugger doncha know.

    1. cocknee

      Ah yep Graham, forgot about those idiots.

    2. Rampant Spaniel

      God put them there to test your faith. You have been found sadly lacking in this department, hell (the place with all the best musicians and anyone who isn't totally gullible) awaits you ;-)

  7. mike 32
    Thumb Up

    Go Dr Brain!

    Dr Brain is the grandfather of a kid I was friends with at school - he's been working on this for years. I remember the setup they had outside the kitchen, where his wife would grind bits of stone into translucent wafers, in which they'd find these things. Diamond grinding wheels, lots of black grime that stained clothes. Awesome for a kid to investigate.

    Actually got to see some blobs through a (normal) microscope the one time, but to the uneducated, they didn't look like much.

  8. David Cantrell

    Dr. Brain? What next - a real Professor Branestawm?

  9. Chris Curtis

    First there was nothing...

    And then it exploded!!!

    Silly evolutionists...

    1. Silverburn

      Obligatory Penn & Teller BS link. Amusing - and slightly disturbing - viewing.

    2. cocknee

      First there was nothing too

      no god, no planets, no solar system, no galaxies - then a big explosion.

      Now there are all but one of them - yep still no god. We know the big bang happened. True we can't explain what was there before and it will mystify us for a very long time.

      However god has the same issue - where did it/she/he come from -- oops, well they didn't as it's an invention by humans to explain things that they didn't understand. At least everything else is tangible, measurable, provable, touchable, quantifiable.

      Where's the evidence for god? Nowt, nothing, zip, diddly-squat.

      Happy for you to hang on to your comfort-blanket and stay delusional - this is a free(ish) country after all.

    3. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      Go away.

      "First there was nothing and then it exploded" has absolutely nothing to do with evolution.

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