back to article Nokia's next Windows Phone leaked in dev ad

Nokia's next addition to its WinPho range has slipped out in a commercial for developers. Say hello to the Nokia Lumia 900. The video, which was accidentally upped to Nokia's public YouTube channel before being marked private, reveals little about the Lumia 900's specs, but shows a very Lumia-like handset alongside some self- …


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  1. Tegne

    Please let it have a decent Xenon flash

    It could be a true winner if it does.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    this is how I get, day by day

  3. DrXym

    Phone looks nice

    Nokia are still due to send out phones in their LaunchPad program (you better believe I signed up for that). Hopefully its this one but I'll settle for a lesser model :)

  4. Jess

    Battery Life?

    sip support?

    1. Ru

      Re: Battery Life?

      Aww, bless.

      We've all got fond memories of battery life, but those days are gone now. You're going to have to learn to let go.

    2. Sartori

      Just how is anyone supposed to know the answers to those questions from a leaked advert? But as someone else said, battery life, i remember those days.

  5. Monkey

    I'm sorry but...

    Until Nokia uses a marketing strapline along the lines of 'wake up and piss excellence every day with Nokia and WM7', I ain't interested.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Probably Nokias first "real" WP7 design

    As the 800 is just using a recycled chassis and has a compromised internal hardware design as a result.

  7. Miek

    Why the black bar down the side*? It makes the screen look smaller and wastes a small proportion of the screen real estate!

    * I know that it's a menu,

  8. Ilgaz

    Needs decent marketing for developers

    Wonder the reply you get when you ask about c/c++ support, could anyone ask with a straight face?

    1. Kristian Walsh Silver badge

      It's been asked many times...

      The answer is an evasive ".. wait for WP8". MS have said that Unmanaged Code will be allowed in the next major version of WP.

      Getting this pushed through is in Nokia's interest, as it will allow Qt support for WP7, and Qt is Nokia's preferred dev platform for all their other devices: Series40, Symbian and Harmattan-Maemo.

  9. I understand now

    Accidentally indeed..

    Who do they think they are they kidding?

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