back to article Geeks Guide2... iPhone 4 Development



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  1. Mage Silver badge

    Includes iPad?

    For under £19

  2. JeffyPooh

    Includes the iPad in the same way it includes the iPhone

    This text is not required.

  3. kmitchell3

    Xcode 3 - How old is the book?

    Looking at the product description, it is still using Xcode 3 and not Xcode 4 as the development environment. Nothing wrong with that, you still learn the language etc, but IF it is a new book?, why not use the Xcode 4 environment to learn, otherwise it would be confusing to the learner who would most likely be using Xcode 4 and therefore would also be trying to get their head around the dev environment, while seeing the examples etc being done in the Xcode 3 dev environment.

  4. Glenn Charles

    The photograph at the top of the book...

    which Reg reporter is it? I mean, seriously, curiosity has me going here...

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