back to article SpaceShipOne designer produces hybrid flying car

Burt Rutan, the famous engineer behind the Ansari X-Prize-winning SpaceShipOne and many other amazing aircraft, has produced a hybrid-electric aeroplane which can also be driven on roads as his final design before retirement. The BiPod features twin fuselages equipped with electrically driven wheels and propellers (though the …


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  1. James Hughes 1

    Clever bloke that Rutan.

    Designed some weird looking planes too!

    1. M Gale

      Seen that Quickie design in a few places.

      Never knew who designed it until now!

      Also "catbird", hah.

  2. Anonymous John

    Flying car?

    It's a roadworthy plane.

  3. json

    BiPod? he'd better change the name asap

    Apple's lawyers are very trigger happy nowadays.. you'll never know.

    1. M Gale

      Almost as stupid as Pontiac getting miffed at Mozilla Firebird.

      I can see that being amusing. Watching Apple's lawyers try to prove that people would confuse a small fondlable toy with a very large, marginally more expensive, flying executive toy, that is.

      On previous results though, said lawyers did manage to convince people that you would confuse an iPod with a device used to pick up dogshit. That might have been an easier task though.

    2. laird cummings

      Methinks the lawyers will change *their* minds...

      Especially after all the military and police sharpshooters show up with *their* bipods (and attached shootin' irons).

  4. Sir Sham Cad

    No, I don't have a landing permit

    I'm trying to reach Lando Calrissian

    It's not just me, right?

  5. M7S

    "One cockpit has road controls, and the other has flight ones"

    So you're planning a journey in one of these and you have a choice:

    Would you rather let your "significant other" fly, or drive?

    I miss the grenade icon

    1. Peter Murphy

      It's not the significant others that worry me.

      It's the teenage sons. The ones who think your flying car is a chick magnet (well, it probably is). The one who think your flying car is a one way trip to the Mile High Club. The ones who ring you next morning from a police station because they crashed into Big Ben... 50ft up.

      That's who worries me.

  6. Neil Barnes Silver badge
    Black Helicopters

    You can land *anywhere* if it's an emergency!

    But I still see a problem... flight controls in one side - pilot sits on the left. Road controls on the other - driver sits on the right. But that means it's not going to work in the states, just somewhere like the UK where we drive on the proper side. And it looks a touch wide for our roads...

    Mind you - I can see someone arriving on the M6 at 200mph, flaring for landing, and being nicked for speeding. "Honest, officer, my wheels were off the ground at the time..."

    Nonetheless - where do I apply?

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Air Navigation Order

      Rule 5

      That is all

  7. Wize

    Any non-video pics?

    For those of us behind you-tube blocking firewalls.

  8. Anonymous Coward

    nice concept... for mercians!

    nice how all these plane/car concepts are all quite wide... or if your in america with lots of wide open spaces and extremely wide roads then its not an issue.

    try the european sizes where you have to park your car in a city that gives you a parking ticket if your marginally over your parking space because the knobhead in their 4x4 takes up too much space behind you (also ticketed but they can afford it!).

    can you remove the wings, tail, have enough room for 3 people (and a conversation as well without having to phone each other) and covers for anything rotating (propeller blades/induction fans) so some twat doesnt kill themselves while trying to steal it and then get sued by their moronic relatives by a bunch of ambulance chasing twats at

    would make entering and leaving a multistorey carpark interesting!

    also forget about the road worthy crap, if i have one of these babies, it'll be flying at top speed every chance i get, just some VTOL or hover capability would be good!

    pirates cause thats what we'll all be doing... land ahoy!

  9. NukEvil
    Thumb Down

    Tinted windows?

    Why does just about every "concept video" show a "flying car (LOL)" with tinted windows. I thought the FAA made tinted windows on aircraft illegal? Or is that just for the larger aircraft?

    In any case, try again, human race.

    1. Dave 62


      to save modelling the cockpit? duh.

      although as models go they're always pretty shoddy.. much like the crash worthiness of flying cars (zing).

  10. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

    Remarkable guy, this Rutan

    for an encore, he will make this flying car go into space?

    then all he has to do is invent slood for us.

    1. laird cummings

      To hell with Slood.

      I want him working on a Tardis!

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Hover Conversion available..?

    Convert your car into a Skyway flyer for only $39,999.95

    Goldie Wilson the 3rd

  12. Mediocrates


    As in "Bisexual iPod"?

  13. Anonymous Coward



    Air cars are inviting disaster.

    Just look at the carnage on the road these days. More than a good proportion caused by fuckwits high on alcohol and/or drugs.

    Sure, the cynic may say, it only happens to few people. You're more likely to succumb to illness than injury from an RTA, statistically. You don't know anyone that's been a statistic. It can't possibly happen to anyone you know. Really it couldn't.

    Well... how many people actually out there do *not* know you?

    Personally, I don't relish the thought of drunken flying bombs fishtailing around the night sky on weekends.

    But yes, the Rutans are really very innovative. That I completely agree with.

    1. Bobster

      Re: WARNING

      "Personally, I don't relish the thought of drunken flying bombs fishtailing around the night sky on weekends."

      Indeed, which is why I shall design a range of cheap mobile SAM launchers to be deployed around your property ;) they will come with automatic and manual modes. The manual aiming mode can be linked to a smartphone of your choice...

  14. Adrian Esdaile

    Burt Rutan retiring?

    First the Shuttles, now Burt?

    He is one of my personal heroes, I rate him as highly as Sir David Attenborough; both are at the top of my 'I'd like to have a beer or 6 with them' list.

    A highlight for me was hearing him speak at Oshkosh in '96; about the design philosophy behind the 'Boomerang', and a few tantalizing back-of-the-envelope sketches for what became SS1.

    I can't imagine Burt sitting around on the back porch drinking beer; I CAN imagine him sitting around on the back porch, drinking beer and still sketching out brilliant designs.

    Designers never retire; the creative spark never dies.

    Thanks for all the cool planes Burt, and have a great retirement!

  15. Rick Brasche

    leave it to Rutan

    to try to knock one more outta the park by tackling the near impossible. Looks like it can handle a minor ding or two better than the terra fugly-o since the control surfaces are protected by bodywork. I wonder if Scaled will just make one good prototype and then add it to the museum of cool?

    Sadly it's still an answer to a question only the extraordinarily well-heeled are asking. Driveable aircraft just don't have the potential for any transportation paradigm shift, any more than amphibious cars.

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