back to article Zuck brushes aside dull 750m Facebook sign-ups metric

Facebook's stalkerbase grew by one-third in the past year, boss Mark Zuckerberg confirmed yesterday as he announced a video chat deal with Skype. The dominant social network now has 750 million people signing into Facebook across the globe. However, Zuckerberg isn't bothered about that number, and said his firm wasn't fussed …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Big Brother


    "...he said the rate of sharing data was "growing at an exponential rate"."

    Is that through choice, or through Facebook changing privacy settings at an exponential rate?

  2. Anonymous Coward

    I kinda hope...

    that Google+ myspaces facebook - but then again i dont really trust Google either.

    1. Greg J Preece

      I hope they don't

      Facebook have all the crap you post on Facebook. Google also have your e-mail, searches, browsing history if you're a Chrome user, and possibly purchase history too. And mobile phone usage, if you're an Android user.

      And you trust Facebook less?

  3. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge

    Pretentious little twit

    That's all folks.

  4. Notorious Biggles


    Yeah, 750 million accounts != 750 million people.

    I know a bunch of people with multiple accounts. And I also know there's gazillions of spam accounts as well. Just like how MySpace used to have 14 billion users worldwide or thereabouts.

    So not all that impressive.

  5. Anonymous Coward

    [utterly pointless title field]

    "He added that Facebookers were sharing over four billion different things each day".

    He forgot to add "and yet not one of those things is of any interest to anyone with a brain".

  6. Lallabalalla

    Yeah well...

    facebook or google+? I hate zuck more but trust Google even's a tough one.

  7. Thomas 18

    Work + Personal facebook pages

    Double the number of signups to number of users.

    Not to mention spammers

  8. lilly

    Google+ = OpenOffice?

    Google's Google+ reminds me of Sun Microsystems Scott Mcnealy releasing OpenOffice - FOR FREE - just to rain on what Bill Gates trumpeted as his Opus. Sun's message was that the code was dirt simple.

    Facebook is a side show in the arcade of internet functionality. Someday there might be a bit, or byte, museum ala a wax museum, sporting a hall of ancient, dormant home pages along with a plot of each companies celestial stock price rises and meteoric ebbs.

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