back to article Nokia to offer unlimited music downloads... for free

Most mobiles have a music player nowadays, but most don’t come with a year's free and unlimited music downloads. Step up Nokia, which has just outlined just such a scheme, dubbed 'Comes With Music'. The basic premise: buy a Nokia Music Store-compatible handset and you’ll be rewarded with access to an online library of tracks …


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  1. elder norm

    Interesting approach

    Hmmmm, free music for a year?? Then what?? You have to subscribe to keep the music. And if you replace your cell phone every year, you OK to trot, and if not?????

    Universal is just dying to kill Apple's iTunes store and why, I will never know!!! The future looks bad for Music companies in their present state. How and when they will change is anyone's guesss.

    But I think they will have to change or die. JMHO. :-)


  2. bambi

    *reasonable use

    I bet there is an asterix in the T&C somewhere.

    Unlimited* downloads

    You can chose from a vast library of poptastic tripe which you probably own anyway on CD when it was 1st written by a real artist way back in the dim and distant 90's.

    You dont get jack fro free. Except the wonderful reg that is.

    * 1 per month

  3. Sean M

    URL, press release, and good news

    Cynical aren't we?

    And I quote "Once the year is complete, customers can keep all their music without having to worry about it disappearing when their subscription is over."

    Nope, I have no idea how they're going to make any money out of this either!

  4. Anthony


    "have free music for a year"

    To be honest this is better than "don't have free music for a year".

    See the thing about it being free is, if you don't want it.. don't use it and if you do want it.. it does what it says on the tin, gives you access to free music. It's really not possible to knock it, if you don't like it, don't buy a Nokia Comes With Music handset or don't use the service.

    On a more personal note, I hate music on phones. More to the point I have the chavs on the bus who play their music aloud and think giving them more free music to pollute my airwaves is a bad idea. I like music on my non-phone devices but then I'm probably old fashioned.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Well, that explains...

    ...why the N95 v20 firmware includes as a new feature 'OTA WMDRM (Windows Media Digital Rights Management)'.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Not so free...

    ...when your telco is charging you an arm and a leg to do the downloading. This is why it is a bogus "free" claim.

  7. Allan Rutland


    "Once the year is complete, customers can keep all their music without having to worry about it disappearing when their subscription is over."

    The music is "free" but the service is a subscription model. Its the same old Napster and Amazon type thing, but they're throwing in a free year to get people onboard first it seems.

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