back to article Wikipedia bot-swarm foretells snooker result

The online hive-mind jumbleshop Wikipedia continues to amaze. The Web 2.0 consensus reality has now begun to edit itself without human input - indeed has gone so far as to allow automated bots to overrule humans. Perhaps coincidentally, it has also begun to make predictions about the future. Most amazing of all, it now seeks to …


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  1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    I love the fact that . .

    you've been mailed by a Wikizealot and told to "update your information". Ah, but I feel a serious case of Reality Conflict coming down here : the article is accurate in its description, therefor it has no need to be updated. And outside of Wikiland, Truth is NOT determined by consensus, but by FACTS.

    I understand that that last word does not exist in the Wiktionary, what a pity for the Wikinuts.

  2. regadpellagru

    Oracle says "you are incorrect"

    "Tango wrote: "For your information, Wikipedia user Betacommand was stripped of admin privileges at 1:36 [GMT] - a few hours before your article on Wikipedia's Gerry Adams article was published...Your article is therefore incorrect...update it.""


    Very interesting, those wikiers' conception of The Reality.

    Anytime anything changes, The Reality and all of its affiliates (newspapers) must be updated, in order to supremely comply ...

    This is quite like some sci-fi story about travel in time causing incoherence, and consequently, change in the future/present.

    But here, a single deposit exists, which sole purpose in life, is to hold The Truth.

    I'm wondering what is wikipedia's entry on 2nd WW.

    Maybe the status as of april 1945 ? Like "USRR and US (plus minor nations) invaded germany and arrived in Berlin. Many civilians were missing."

    Which leads us to wonder what wikipedia will leave in a, say, several hundreds of years, when historians will devise how the early 21st century people were handling knowledge sharing. Absolutely nothing since the thing will have become, in time, an absolute oracle, giving no explanation, censoring the past for lack of compliancy with The Truth, and be long destroyed for sanity reasons.

  3. Azure

    Bots can't spell.

    I hate it when I edit an article that has a word or bit of punctuation wrong, and find myself reverted in two seconds, because a bot considers what I did "vandalism".

  4. Ian

    George Orwell's 1984

    Anyone else see the similarities??

  5. DiViDeD

    1984? No, I don't think so

    1984 was all about a totalitarian society run by a highly intelligent clique. I don't think they had meny 24 year olds pretending to be university dons or robots in the Inner Party.

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