back to article Elon Musk prepares SpaceX rocket firm for IPO

Famous upstart startup firm SpaceX, soon to deploy the biggest rocket seen since the days of the Apollo programme, will shortly go public. However its founder, colourful nerdwealth geek-icon biz kingpin Elon Musk, seems likely to retain a controlling interest. Hints had emerged previously that Musk might seek further funding …


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  1. Bumpy Cat


    I might not make the most return on my investment, but this is the place I will definitely sink all of my meagre savings. This kind of vision is lacking in so much of the business *and* technical worlds. I wish more people would think beyond the next annual report - and that includes many of the people running science organisations.

    1. Msan
      Thumb Up

      @ Bumpy Cat, Four years of profitability (wow!),

      technology doing what he's promised it would do, picking up business from NASA ... Vision + tech + business savvy = exciting times!

  2. lglethal Silver badge

    Heres one on me Lewis!

    Purely for the comment on the end! A truer statement ive not heard in ages...

    Pints on me...

  3. Pete 2 Silver badge

    picky picky

    > SpaceX, founded in 2002, has made meteoric progress

    Errr, don't meteors usually disintegrate and burn up spectacularly on their rapid, crashing DESCENT.

    Not a metaphor you'd want associated with a fast rising company and deffo not one in the space industry.

    1. bolccg

      But surely...

      ...before that they soar through space for many thousands of years?

  4. Gene Cash Silver badge


    But I really think this is premature. At the moment, their best advantage is they're lean'n'mean and able to make whatever decisions the technology requires. They're the small mammal to Boeing's dinosaur. I'm afraid they'll lose that if they have to suck up to shareholders.

    1. Oninoshiko

      maybe, maybe not

      A well-visioned leader in a small company like this can structure an IPO to still retain enough control to emphasize his vision. Also, I think the people inclined to invest in SpaceX are going to be people who share his vision, to most others it's going be we viewed as mostly wishful thinking.

      1. Veldan
        Thumb Up


        Seeing as this is not likely t turn a quick profit and the vision of those in charge of the company being what it is.

        I don't see people investing who don't back the same goal as our Nerd wealth Heca-millionaire overlord.

        Just tell me where to buy when it's available =D

  5. Dani Eder

    Incentives depends how the IPO is structured

    If they issue shares with a warrant attached for cargo launch (say 1 kg for each 100 shares), they will attract investors who have cargo they want to send to orbit. Those investors will be more interested in keeping costs down than maximizing cash dividends.

    It's all in how the offering is structured. If you only offer shares with a monetary reward, that's the kind of vultures (pardon Register staff) you will attract. If you offer shares with more useful rewards, like launch space, you will get investors who are more like customers and partners who have different incentives.

  6. Remy Redert

    @Gene Cash

    And because Elon Musk is afraid of that too, he's keeping a majority share in the company. If the shareholders disagree, his vote alone will push whatever he wants to do through any ways.

    As for it being premature, we should have started with serious space exploration well over 2 decades ago, when we had the technology to put a nuclear reactor in orbit and use a NERVA to get to and from Mars in a month or two.

  7. John Smith 19 Gold badge
    Thumb Up

    8 years is a *long* time for VC's to stay in a company.

    Which either means they have strong commitment to a visionary leader (good for potential start-ups approaching them but their competitors reckon they are saps) or they are weasel faced late comers who got in when success was virtually assured, which is the kind of move that gets them plenty of respect from other VC's.

    Time will tell if they get bought (It's an IPO. Who buys the shares determines who the new presumably *minor* stockholders will be).

    BTW Boeing is *relatively* fair as a competitor, possibly because they still make stuff for a *commercial* market. In contrast LockMart are pure government con-tractors. their playing of NASA in the X33 programme reminded me of the restaurant owner in Goodfellas who feels he *has* to take on an organised crime family as his "partner."Their "remarkable" ability to win contests despite "mishaps" (like *loosing* 70 million dollars in the *evaluation* stage of the JSF project)

    I wish Spacex every success on this but hope Elon retains *significant* control.

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