back to article Apple ex-evangelist Kawasaki pans, praises Jobs

Apple fanboys may have religious fervor, but so too does its ex–chief evangelist Guy Kawasaki, who reckons that Apple's continued existence is evidence that there must be a God. Keynoting at The Founder Conference in Mountain View, California, just up the road from Apple's HQ, Kawasaki laid into his former employer, joking …


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  1. Charles E

    Guy believes in God.

    Guy believes HE IS God, at least where Apple's concerned. Guy has spent many years since his brief time at Apple, spouting his arrogant crap about how his "evangelism" saved Apple. But his turf, developer relations, prospered DESPITE Guy, not because of him.

    1. sT0rNG b4R3 duRiD
      Jobs Horns

      Cake - Comfort Eagle

      Listen to it!

  2. jake Silver badge


    Last I heard it was "addicting the kids in schools, it'll be better than heroin!".

    Yes, I was at that meeting, and was disgusted. Still am.

    Kawasaki's a marketard, with no real understanding of technology. Ignore him.

    1. Marvin the Martian

      Expect marketers to say trivial things.

      "not $188 of parts, but a dream, promises of what you can do". Yeah, duh!

      You walk into a car showroom to ask for about $1500 of sheet metal plus bits and bobs?

      Go to a website thinking you're spending 2ct/h on electricity?

      So mentioning function over building blocks is this "enchanting" thing? Colour me unenthused.

  3. RegisterThis

    Exactly my view of Apple's "greatness"

    As a technology company they are only 'above average' ... but they are the greatest marketing company ever!

    Yes, they have changed the direction of the market (with the iPhone for example), but again, touch screen phones were NOT NEW (neither were ipods): technology-wise they did not really contribute much with the exception maybe of the user experience from a UI perspective. BUT they made them COOL and DESIREABLE where everybody else had failed to ignite interest. And the COOL and DESIREABLE meant that the market could turn e.g.

    - Price points previously prohibitive to their competitors using say capacitive instead of resistive technology (selling only 'technology') for a better user experience was breached

    - user expectations of long battery life were altered in exchange for the DREAM

    - the DREAM made users accept less features (a race that is now starting again in smartphones!)

  4. Christian Berger

    Religious delusions

    I think I may have found the reason why people seem to believe in a deity when it comes to Apples success. If you believe in a free market society, a company like Apple would have failed decades ago.

    The point is that there is no free market. Markets are constrained by market research which tries to find out what people will buy by finding out what they already bought. So new products will never come to the market.

    If there was a free market, we would stop bothering copying iOS/Android/WP7/Blackberry over and over again, we would have a more professional smartphone segment of phones running usable systems based on desktop OSes. Mobile devices you can actually _do_ something with.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge


      ... you mean Symbian, MeeGo, and WM6.5?

      Apparently it's not what the public wants.

  5. Richard Taylor 2
    Thumb Down

    And the reg is first

    to bring us a new verb "to keynote"

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Horns

    "Apple's existence proves there is a god" ...

    ... because I've already met the devil.

  7. James Thomas


    Guy sounds like an idiot. Nothing quoted in the aritcle is anything other than Marketing 101, and is certainly not the magic behind Apple's current success.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    So... 'some bloke' talks bollocks to help sell his new book.

    Sounds like nothing but market-drivel-speak to me.

    1. sT0rNG b4R3 duRiD

      Re: meh

      ^ this

    2. sT0rNG b4R3 duRiD

      Re; Kawasaki cited the Grateful Dead's policy of encouraging "tapers"

      This is it, lads. He's said it.

      If you want to read this book, you don't have to buy it you go and... uhmm, well, you go and 'you-know-what' it.

  9. Ants Mc

    Bill Hicks was right.

    And reading stuff like this makes me agree with him.

  10. Code Monkey
    Jobs Horns

    Apple survived because MORONS exist

    It's an easy mistake to make.

    1. Ivan Headache

      Ah yes.

      The moron's bought into MS.

  11. Luke McCarthy

    I first read that as

    'Apple's existence proves there is no god'

  12. andrew_256

    i hate this guy

    i made the mistake of buying one of Kawasaki's books, based on the strength of Amazon reviews...

    never again!

    reading 10 pages of his drivel about how "his" team worked on the Mac (over and over again) makes me want to smash something....

  13. joejack
    Paris Hilton


    I remember cringing at Guy's magazine articles about Apple/Mac back in the early 90's. He's equal parts arrogant and useless.

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