back to article American inventor builds jet-propelled crapper

An American inventor has gained belated media recognition for a truly stunning achievement - building and operating a jet-propelled portaloo. Paul Stender, a 43-year-old former pit mechanic, had been drifting along in the way that one does: designing jet-propelled motorcycles, pickup trucks, a school bus - basically not …


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  1. Mcbain

    Youtube comes up trumps again!

    Sorry for the pun

  2. Robert Ross

    It's about time!

    As a convenience store clerk, I am quite ecstatic to hear that people may someday have a way to go to the bathroom on the way home from the bar without first stopping at my store, entering through the doors (which display two large signs which clearly state, "no public restroom,") and aking to use our toilet. Thank you, Paul Stender! You are now one of my heroes!

    As for the toilet paper... perhaps a built-in bidet will work better - as long as it doesn't extinguish the engine.

  3. J


    Good for that crazy astronaut woman. She would not have needed the use diapers had been driving one of these babies.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Gives a whole new meaning to 'blowback' :-)

    The original 'functionality' got disabled to acquire jet propulsion, which creates a bit of a conflict : if you're going so fast that you're about to dump core (sorry, tech euphemism :-) ..

    .. you're in the wrong place.

    So it's more a porta-NON-loo then?

  5. Scott

    Sorry, couldn't resist.

    Hence the saying, "when the s**t hits the turbofan..."

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