back to article Crims snatch 5.5 million social security numbers from Kansas govt box

Hackers have lifted not only the social security numbers and personal information of half a million jobseekers in Kansas – but also records on more than five million people from nine other US states. The compromised database belonged to the Kansas Department of Commerce. The server was set up by the department's America's Job …

  1. Anonymous Coward

    "Toto, our data is not in Kansas anymore!"

    563,000 adults (who would of course be the people with resumes posted with the state employment department) makes up probably 25% of the adult population in the state. Roughly 1.2 million adults from Alabama makes up about 30% of the adult population there.

    But don't worry if you live in one of those states, because you get a whole 1 year of free credit monitoring to make up for your social security number being out in the wild for the rest of your life.

    There should be an option to sue the ass off of the state of Kansas over this, but there isn't.

    1. elDog

      Re: "Toto, our data is not in Kansas anymore!"

      It would be too cynical to suggest that these "credit watch" companies (for profit vultures) may have an interest in exposures?

      I don't know how it works in the rest of the world but in the fine ole UsOfA the first suspected perpetrators of arson are the firefighters. Wonder why?

  2. Notas Badoff


    Gee, will the state get a cheaper rate for the credit monitoring since those people are out of work or low-paid, thus not having much in the way of credit activity?

    After all, Kansas doesn't have much money to throw around. Seems that the expected trickle-down from Brownback's TP economics never happened, and the tax cuts emptied the coffers.

    1. spacecadet66

      Re: Discounted?

      Hey, we've only tried trickle-down economics for a century or so now. We could start seeing the vaunted benefits of it aaaaaaaaaaaaaany minute.

  3. ecofeco Silver badge

    Kansas, the creationist state

    Maybe they should have prayed harder.

    1. Gingerbeard

      Re: Kansas, the creationist state

      Holy pasta balls! if it weren't for the cuckoo KS creationists, our church would never have been born. Bow to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. FSM eternal, Ramen.

  4. herman

    The state should claim force majeure. Clearly all the IT trouble was an act of god.

  5. DNTP

    All those people looking for jobs and sending in their CVs

    And they couldn't find a few people in that bunch to run a database and handle security?

    Also: They can't warn people because of not having contact info? Who sends in a resumé that doesn't have contact info on it? Or did their $175,000 emergency lawyers advise them "not to try so hard" to admit fault?

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Hacker compromised database

    How did the hackers break in, what was the name of the computing platform the commerce database resided on?

    1. Nolveys

      Re: Hacker compromised database

      How did the hackers break in, what was the name of the computing platform the commerce database resided on?

      It's Kansas so a shovel covered in poo and Dbase III.

  7. tony2heads

    "Kansas has no data breach notification laws"

    What century do they live in? From some of their education I would guess the 14th (obviously before the Renaissance)

  8. cantankerous swineherd

    time the bureaucrats realized computers can't be secured and so stop using them for storing people's info.

  9. Bandikoto

    And who is REQUIRED to make an account and post up their resume/job history there?

    It's a condition of getting Kansas unemployment benefits that you make an account and put all of your info up there. So yes, 25% of Kansans have been unemployed in that period. (n.b. The real figure is slightly smaller, as it's all persons who live or have worked in Kansas and want to collect unemployment benefits from the state.)

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