back to article Doctor AI: Good news, I'm better at predicting when you'll die of a heart attack. Bad news is...

Artificial intelligence can predict better than real doctors when patients with serious heart disorders are likely to die. That's according to a paper published this week in Radiology. A team of medics and computer scientists, led by the MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences (LMS) at Imperial College London, created what is …

  1. Chloe Cresswell Silver badge

    The first thing that poped into my head, of course, was:

    Please state the nature of the medical emergancy?

  2. AMBxx Silver badge

    Still not AI

    Why is everything being called AI? Linear Regression has been around for a long time and credit goes to the wonder of statistics, not intelligent computers. I was studying this 30 years ago at Uni. Not sure when it was first mooted, but have a feeling it was well before then.

    1. Pascal Monett Silver badge
      Big Brother

      Please remain still

      The marketroid GetWithTheProgram rehabilitation bot will shortly be around to pick you up and take to you the Mind Remodeling facility where you will be properly reconditioned to appreciate Your Overlord's benevolence.

      All hail the A.I. !

  3. Beachrider

    Heart failure and Heart Attack ARE different...

    Heart failure (CHF) and Heart Attach (MI) both CLEARLY affect the heart. They are REALLY different things, though. CHF does not typically take down 1/3 of its victims with its initial detection. MI really DOES end up with 1/3 of initial detection resulting in death.

    CHF is what this study works on. GREAT, it is a very important thing. MI has different causes and aren't referenced in the article, so why is the title about Heart Attacks?

  4. Colin Millar

    Man says to the computer

    How long do I have?

    Computersays: ten

    Man: Ten what?

    Computersays: Nine, eight..........

  5. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    "Linear regression" may be used by neural network learning systems

    but as has been noted is statistical in nature.

    It's key ability is to take a load of data points and deduce the equation that most likely goes through them, IE the constant coefficients.

    This does not telly you why they are so weighted, merely that that is what they are.

    As for survival predication IIRC the Riyadah Intensive Program was doing this (in a more AI like way, being an expert system) in the 1980's.

  6. Nathan 6


    80% sounds impressive, but without knowing the baseline i.e. how many people with bad hearts would die in five years then not really sure if this adds anything?

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