daily digest e-mails not being recieved

This topic was created by Gavin Burnett .


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  1. Gavin Burnett

    daily digest e-mails not being recieved

    hello all.

    Happy new year!

    I have not got my daily digest e-mails for the last few days.

    I have not made any changes to my junk mail fitlers for months - indeed I have checked it, and it is set to allow: @list.theregister.co.uk

    I have logged in and checked my settings and all seems fine.

    Has the e-mailing list from address changed?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: daily digest e-mails not being recieved

      Newsletters resume tomorrow.

      We have always stopped sending newsletters over Christmas / New Year - as there is not enough material to justify their sending.

      However, in recent years we have published enough articles to maybe merit the sending of a daily newsletter (with exception of bank holidays).

      We'll revisit next Christmas.

  2. Gavin Burnett

    Thanks for the reply.

    Sounds good on the newsletter, and I no longer suspect my e-mail client / ISP of being up to no good.

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