back to article Targeted firm smacks back, chucks patent sueball at Overland

Storage firm Quantum has bared its teeth at the T Rex of tape – aka Overland Storage – and counter-sued for patent infringement. What's happening is that Overland Storage, on the hunt for royalty payments and/or licence fees and damages, had sued BDT, a Germany-based maker of tape automation devices used by many OEMs, for …


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  1. g e

    All the real innovation really is happening in The East isn't it.

    While the yanks all try to 'monetise' their IP - e.g. have lost the ability to invent new shit.

    I bet training Taiwan/China/India/etc to make all your crap for slave labour prices seems a really clever idea now.

    1. Steve Knox

      Re: All the real innovation really is happening in The East isn't it.

      @e i:

      Please learn the difference between e.g. and i.e. Thank you.

    2. beep54

      Re: All the real innovation really is happening in The East isn't it.

      I fear that a significant portion of the Powers-That-Be here in the US actually believe in various forms of Voodoo Economics. For instance: How many economists does it take to change a light bulb? Ans: None! If the light bulb had actually needed changing, the Invisible Hand of the Free Market would have already done so!

  2. banjomike

    the US's curious patent system.

    'Curious' is not the word I would use.

    1. heyrick Silver badge

      Re: the US's curious patent system.

      Damn, you beat me to it! Neither myself nor Chitanda Eru would think "curious" as a suitable word in this case...

      " Watashi wa ki ni ja arimasen! " (^_^)

  3. Neoc

    Someone explain this to me

    OK, so Overland wants to sue a parts manufacturer who is creating a part/component which allegedly infringes one or more of the patents. Fair enough so far.

    But how the hell can you justify suing OEMs who then use that part? Isn't it double-dipping? What's next, Apple suing *me* because I use a Samsung Galaxy SII?

    1. Mephistro

      Re: Someone explain this to me (@ Neoc)

      " What's next, Apple suing *me* because I use a Samsung Galaxy SII?"

      Ssssh, don't give them more ideas!

  4. JaitcH

    Could all this heat mean a really major revamp for the US patent system?

    The oddities that comprise the US patent legislation is causing so much business interruptions that it is conceivable that it will, eventually, lead to a major reform.

    Given that the US acknowledges that the EU has developed workable legislation in many areas, they might well adopt major features of it.

    China is another sore point in the patent business, and given that many (most?) American products are made there, even internal Chinese patent squabbles could lead to production level interruptions, irrespective of where the products are eventually sold.

    Imagine, CrApple without their Chinese made products because Foxconn was sued by a Chinese competitor. That would really awaken the Congress.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Could all this heat mean a really major revamp for the US patent system?

      Nothing's going to happen on changing US patent law until one party has complete control of the government -President, Senate, House of Representatives, and throw in the Supreme Court for good measure. Then MAYBE you'll see some common sense brought to the US patent system.

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