back to article RIM: We topped December smartphone sales chart

The popularity of RIM's BlackBerry may be on the wane elsewhere but here in the world, it was the most popular smartphone platform for the second year running in the UK, RIM claimed today. Citing over-the-counter sales data from European market watcher GfK, the embattbled smartphone maker said it accounted for, on average 27.7 …


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  1. chipxtreme

    I guess a lot of teenage girls got there christmas wish then.

    1. Mr Cheddarfingers

      Well, them and just about every business user in the country.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        RIM resting on its laurels

        @Mr Cheddarfingers: "Well, them and just about every business user in the country."

        There was a time when that was almost true. RIM did offer services unmatched by any other company. But they haven't maintained that forward momentum, and there's no clear reason for business users to choose a Blackberry. And there are some good reasons for using products from its competitors.

        1. Danny 14

          oddly enough

          Some of the main reasons (BIS) for a blackberry are also the reasons against. We decided to move to cheap android phones when BIS failed to work with exchange 2010. They took months to sort out a fix.

        2. TeeCee Gold badge

          They still provide a level of central control unmatched by anyone else. By that I mean central control by your nazi control-freaks rather than someone else's.

          Name another device where your admins can determine exactly what it can be used for, exactly what is and is not allowed on it and the use and type of passwords in such a way that there's abso-ruddy-lutley nothing the end user can do about it, no matter how savvy in the ways of the hacking tools he may be, without wiping the thing irrevocably. There are plenty of ways of removing BES policy from a BB, but I've yet to see one that preserves its content when doing so.

          You can also bet that, should a technique for doing so become readily available, RIM will have an update out locking that door, welding the locked door shut and burying the whole arrangement in reinforced concrete before you can say "Jack Robinson".

          That's why they still rule the corporate roost and I've yet to see anything on the horizon that might change this. It's also why, despite heavy pressure from TPTB, I haven't got one.......

          1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge



            I have discussed alternatives twice.

            Mobile device management is a segment of the software industry that has come a long way, and there is no need to lean on the RIM crutch to get your network nazi on with regards to mobiles.

            There is however an apparent need for me to write more memorable articles…

  2. magnetik
    Thumb Up

    "citing over-the-counter sales". Well that's at least a lot more honest than the "units shipped" cited by Microsoft and others ...

  3. Ommerson

    Which tends to suggest that the next month's sales will be dire as the effect of xmas presents to teenagers are removed from the underlying sales performance. These won't have been terribly profitably sales either.

  4. technohead95

    "So RIM may indeed be the most popular smartphone platform, but only just" how was that worked out when Android has close to 50% of the market share? Even if RIM is doing well in UK, that is no hope if it is declining everywhere else in the world. Developer support and even RIM's own support will wane as there are less world wide users. This in turn will eventually turn the UK market away from RIM as well. I think any growth in RIM is just temporary. (Unless of course RIM makes drastic changes to their strategy).

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ...did teenagers start using Blackberrys?

    What on Earth is going to replace the trousers-hanging-around-the-arse fashion - pin stripe suits, bowler hats and umbrellas?

    1. Danny 14

      easy, BIS is free to message each other. So they dont run up a bill. PAYG on minimum monthly credit makes a cheap text device

    2. Peter Storm

      They are very popular with school kids and teenagers. They're all using BBM.

  6. Mombasa69

    Blackberry does the job, but then stupid people do love those silly little touchscreens and brainless games.

  7. Mombasa69

    Blackberry is the phone of choice if you aren't thick.

  8. Paul Shirley

    Blackberry is the phone of choice when you don't have a choice but your boss does.

    Blackberry. The rioters friend.

    1. Danny 14


      not if your boss likes android. Like me.

  9. Anonymous Coward

    When all else fails

    make some shit up...

    It seems to be common practise for North American companies like RIM, Microsoft and Apple of late.

  10. n4blue

    I think you mean smartphone 'manufacturer'

    Clearly Android is the most popular 'platform', at least in my understanding of the term.

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