back to article Privacy blunders by UK biz soar, websites least trusted

Data security breaches within the private sector are rapidly increasing, the UK's Information Commissioner warned today. Information Commissioner Christopher Graham said that the number of such violations reported to the ICO was up 58 per cent so far in 2011/12, compared with the same period last year. The watchdog revealed …


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  1. zerocred

    Ministers least trusted?

    Q. Why don't thay nail the minister tossing government documents in the park a UKP10K fine?

    A. Cos he'd probably be able to expense it, and the ICO doesn't really give a fuck what the government does - there is no point in taxing/fining itself.

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Perhaps you ought to calm down, before going into 'outrage mode'. Unless you'd like them to fine him without bothering to investigate first:

      He is, in fact, being investigated by the ICO. Ignore the headline on that article by the way. He's been 'cleared', only in the sense that the Cabinet Secretary has asked him if he'd done anything naughty, and he gave assurances that he hadn't...

      However if the Mirror had found anything damning, they'd have told us - as I'm sure they'd have been very pleased with a juicy resignation. So we can probably assume that nothing more than a slapped wrist is coming his way.

      I just think that we should give people like the ICO a chance to actually make a cock-up before we accuse them of it. You never know, they might actually get it right...

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Since The Register have just sent me a HUGE list of email addresses in a newsletter cockup (ON-DEMAND: CLOUDS FOR HIRE), perhaps it's not surprising that websites are least trusted.

  3. Bernd Felsche
    Paris Hilton

    Would this be like ElReg's Bludner?

    ... of emailing out the entire mailing list of 46,000+ to subscribers by "marketing@ElReg'?

    Paris ... because of the deliberate mis-spelling.

  4. Max Vernon

    you really can't make this up, can you?!

    "However, the sector does not seem to be putting its knowledge to good use. The fact is that security breaches in the private sector are on the rise, and public confidence in good information handling is declining."

    My confidence in The Register's "information handling" abilities went down the toilet this morning, along with 25,000 others.

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