back to article UK's toads menaced by fungal attack

Scientists have predicted that the UK's toad population will suffer extinction in some areas within 10 years due to a deadly infectious fungal disease introduced into Britain via North American bullfrogs. While the original non-native vectors of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis have now been exterminated, the disease has …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    problem for bufo bufo- solution for cane toads

    Could somebody test whether that fungal disease kills cane toads that are a problem in australia?

  2. Gav H.

    Scientists Prediction

    Well, those scientists have sure toad us straight.

    I'll get my coat...

  3. TeeCee Gold badge


    Exactly how trivial can something be and still be an Apocalypse?

    The Apocalypse used to be defined as the End Of The World including a Final Battle between Good and Evil. Now it appears that one will occur if more than an undefined percentage of toads croak (oops, sorry) with the combined armies of Good and Evil still sat at home with their feet up watching it on telly.

    I think we need a set of Reg units to define the exact relationship between the Apocalypse, catastrophe, calamity, disaster, database loss, cockup, extensive congestion at junction three, etc.

    Revalue the Apocalypse now!

  4. James


    Well, the article says it's already ravaged Australia, so my guess would be no.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton


    Paris Hilton kisses me, will she catch it?

  6. Anonymous Coward


    I'm not sure that yet another biological agent is the best way to deal with the current menace. We have had this problem with myxomatosis with rabbits. And I'm pretty sure that the cane toads were themselves introduced to counter a biological infestation. These things never work as planned.

  7. Rob

    Oh dear, sorry....

    .... I've been culling the spawn in my pond each year in an attempt to reduce the amount that visit on a yearly basis.... sorry, not going to stop either cause they make a bloody racket when their humping and the cats keep bringing them in, you ever heard a frog/toad scream (at 3 in the morning it wakes and brings you to your senses pretty sharp).

  8. GreyWolf

    Units of Armageddon

    I absolutely agree with TeeCee; we desperately some WMD (Words of Mass Destruction).

    May I suggest that the first and smallest unit be a WNF (Wales Nuked Flat) to describe something that's Bad but Doesn't Matter Very Much?

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    re: Oh dear, sorry....

    I'd rather the cats catch the occasional toad (mine tend to bring them into the house and release them unharmed, which can lead to the occasional surprise encounter when you're shoeless and only half awake) than the place be crawling with slugs. I suppose hedgehogs might take up the slack, but then there's fleas ...

  10. Marvin the Martian
    Thumb Down

    @ Oh dear, sorry...

    Toads? Making a racket? Oh dear, indeed.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ... we use to dream of 'aving 'edge'ogs - bloody badgers ate them all!

  12. Ferry Boat

    Toad the wet sprocket

    Hang on a minute. All the boffins need to do is take the anti-fungal gene out of commonus frogus and stick it into bufo-bufo. Problem solved and, because they are GM, they'll be safer to eat than non-GM bufos.

  13. Anonymous John


    Bow before your new fungoid overlord.

  14. Eileen Bach


    'goodbye yellow sick toad...............

  15. Chris G

    It would be a shame to lose all our toads, little boys would have to find something else to show the girls and frighten them. But perhaps we could raplace them once they are gone with those colourful little South American chaps that let you see pretty colours when you lick them.

  16. Anonymous Coward

    Sounds as though these amphibians need a hero like Bufo the fungi hunter.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    "Trust us" say the toad propagators

    Chief Scientist of Australia was on TV last night extolling the virtues of GM now that idiots over East have decided to approve GM Canola. The usual question about "didn't agricultural scientists come up with the idea of the cane toad?" came up and was dismissed because he's _really certain_ that there is no risk associated with GM crops.

  18. Alan Donaly


    Don't put your email address in the title field, AC if you are indeed Chris

    Good stop putting your email address in the title field. I would email you but I fear you would not be able to see it for the spam.

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