back to article Trump's plan: Tariffs on electronics, ban on skilled tech migrants, turn off the internet

The United States Presidential Election has been run and at the time of writing looks almost certainly to have been won by Donald Trump. Which means we now have a decent idea of what's in store for the global technology industry in the next four years. And it looks like a wild ride: Trump's policies include a clamp down on H- …


      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Now would be a great time

        " Pick the right dialect "

        My Hong Kong Chinese friends once demonstrated the difference between Mandarin and Cantonese. It was like English RP compared to Scouse or Geordie dialects. Cantonese called a spade a spade - Mandarin was almost purple prose.

        My friends' Anglo-Chinese child was sent to a Mandarin kindergarten in Hong Kong - as his parents saw the advantage it would give him in a career. He now has "A" Levels in Mandarin and Russian - and an engineering degree.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Now would be a great time

      No one can speak Chinese.

      There is no such spoken language.

      Now if you want to learn to read and write Chinese, that is fine.

      I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords, and have already burnt all the green hats in the household. My Red Book marriage licence is ready to be inspected, and a supply of chicken feet and boiled Labrador puppies laid in

  1. mics39

    So a sizable number of adult American whites, more males but surprisingly lots of females, are so joyless, selfish and have no more brains for comprehension and analysis than a six-year old, believing in fairy tales and putting trust in a real estate hustler, no more than timeshare salesman. No wonder they adore a smiting god and have such a flag and anthem fetish. Hope this puts end to the holy Americans castigating the world for choosing the Hitlers, Mussolinis, Berlusconis, Mugabes et al.

    But then they are the spiritual descendants of the Pilgrims, the Puritans despised even by the tolerant Dutch of those days and with guns went on to massacre the natives. So they really haven't changed much since then. Now back to their good old days to show who's the master.

    Yes they deserve whatever they get.

    Quite despairing isn't it.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      yeah terrible ain't it

      all those non northern European males being fed up with unemployment. Selfishly denying the 1%s their bonuses. Perhaps you should update the rhetoric a bit. Kids are out of coal mines also in case you missed that too.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: yeah terrible ain't it

        "Kids are out of coal mines also in case you missed that too."

        People's health in US coal mining areas is seriously affected by pollution - even if they don't work in the mines. Trump does not appear to aim to improve the environment or provide affordable health care.

        1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

          Re: yeah terrible ain't it

          Strange that the new 'Dear Leader' has pledged to reopen the West Virginia Mines...

          I forsee a ban on Renewable energy not that far away. He's got to replay Big Coal and Big Oil somehow.

      2. fran 2

        Re: yeah terrible ain't it

        Why keep voting for the same old same old? 40 years of neo-liberalism and all the masses can do is whine about some nebulous "elite" the same elite they keep putting back in power

      3. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

        Re: yeah terrible ain't it

        Please explain how "tax cuts for the rich" deny 1%s their bonuses?

    2. Mark 85


      I'm not sure whether to upvote you or downvote you. Yes, the "adults" (both sexes) are rapidly becoming un- or under- educated by the system. Civics and Social Studies as well as in depth History are subjects of the past. They get no broad education in the sense of art, science, or even music. Just pablum and "oh.. you tried so hard, here's a good grade". They live and die by the tweet, the FB post, the Snapchat. They weren't taught to think but to memorize. Critical thinking is a thing of the past.

      As for the Pilgrims.. most haven't a clue other than once a year they get a big dinner of turkey, assorted veggies, and football (American).

      They only know what they've been told over the years that there's someone to blame for everything and it's not them. They don't know how to think of a solution nor do they want one except in the myth of the American Dream as hard work, thinking, planning and trying new things is foreign as is getting up everyday and going to work.... and being there on-time, and doing a good day's work.

      Life is supposed to be on a silver platter because.... they deserve it.

      Will it put an end to "holy Americans"? Nope. Will this election change their thinking? Nope.

      I do believe that the same type of people who voted "Trump" here in the States, voted for Brexit in the UK. It's not just a US thing....

  2. Nick Kew

    Who needs a visa?

    I've worked as employee for two Silicon Valley companies in my time, from right here in Devon. Not to mention the US companies I've done contract work for! Who needs a visa?

    Let's see if he can do the world a favour. He's sent out a signal about not wanting to fight foreign wars: that could lead to relative peace in Syria within a few months!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Who needs a visa?

      "He's sent out a signal about not wanting to fight foreign wars: [...]"

      Until he perceives he has been personally offended by another leader. If Mexico refuse to pay for his wall then expect an appeal to a people's militia to "Remember the Alamo".

    2. Custard Fridge

      Re: Who needs a visa?

      Are you being ironic? 'Relative peace' in Syria'?

      This election result will mean thousands more civilians will die.

      'Relative peace'? - no - it means more gas attacks, more shelling, more cruise missiles, generally more hell on earth for those poor sods as Putin has nobody that will stop him now. Next stop Estonia / Latvia / Lithunia. The NATO house of cards collapses.

      Meanwhile intermational organisations are ignored and conventions are put to one side because the world's policeman is on a 4 or 8 year doughnut break.

  3. Blotto Silver badge

    so this is what remoaners felt like after brexit.

    Trump is a dangerous fool, helped by that Comey bastard stirring the election process in Trumps favour.

    the world is suddenly a much more dangerous place.

  4. Anonymous Coward



    We're all xenophobic bigoted, racist, sexist, lairs now!

    Brexit = End of the World

    Trump = End of the World

    End of the World?, F@#kin Good!, I'll see you in the aftermath, just before biology.

  5. Fihart

    No one got unelected by underestimating.....

    H.L. Mencken is credited with the famous quote “No one went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Post election nothing much will happen / change....

    Why? Because Trump is piloting a very large ship with a very small rudder. Still tech-wise here's hoping Google loses the access it had to the White House. Here's hoping too that the lawless world of Google / Facebook / Microsoft / Uber's meets regulation. But that's a stretch as the reds won and they're pro Big-Biz.

    1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

      Re: Post election nothing much will happen / change....

      Trump isn't the pilot. He is the figurehead. By all means hope if you can, but you seem to have noticed that if regulation is mentioned at all, it will be promptly forgotten once the cheque clears.

  7. Cal


    Don't I regret extending my army reserve commitment contract having left the Regulars in 2012.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Well..

      Trained murderer

  8. Lotaresco

    Security Geek Here

    BMI 21, I don't work from a bedroom.

    I must be doing something wrong,

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Presumably the FBI and/or CIA has enough on him to control him like a marionette.

    So the question would be what the powers behind, the real powers in the US, want him to do?

    I can't see how limiting cheap, rights-deprived labour from Mexico can be at the top of the agenda.

    But then again, I don't know what the real powers ultimately are trying to do.

    1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

      Easy: Lock them up!

      Cheap prison labour.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Is the "special relationship" with the US finally over?

    Here's for tighter integration with Europe instead! (oh...)

    Signed: Hopeful

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Free trade RIP

    Protectionist antics like this were one of the contributors to the great depression.

    One question is how much the US can really do about duties on imported electronics, a lot of them are subject to ITA (information technology equipment) agreements of the WTO. I don't think Commander Drumpf will dare to leave the WTO.

    One practical reason for the mostly duty free status of electronics is the global nature of the electronics supply chain, it can be hard work to determine the origin of a given piece of equipment. IC designed in the US, diffused in Taiwan or US or Germany, packaged in China or the Philippines or wherever...

    America First ? It takes two parties to forge a "free trade" agreement. The other side can also say no, and default to WTO terms.

    1. Dallas IT

      Re: Free trade RIP

      "Protectionist antics like this were one of the contributors to the great depression."

      No it didn't.

  12. TRT Silver badge

    I've always said...

    that a powerful trump = brown trousers.

  13. Haku

    Time to code a new website & app:

    1. Yesnomaybe

      Re: Time to code a new website & app:

  14. Mike Shepherd

    "Strap yourself in, world. This could be a bumpy ride".

    Maybe. But (as has often been pointed out) the President proproses, Congress disposes.

    1. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: "Strap yourself in, world. This could be a bumpy ride".

      Congress is now GOP majority.

      1. HausWolf

        Re: "Strap yourself in, world. This could be a bumpy ride".

        It's been GOP majority for years, less so now, but we have an orange buffoon leading the parade this time.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Trump can't do a lot of these things

    If he wants to institute tariffs on China, for instance, he needs Congress. While he ran as a republican and the republicans will control both houses of congress, republicans will NOT vote to institute trade tariffs just because Trump wants them. They are unlikely to vote to limit H1Bs. Both are totally against the republican party's long time free trade ethos. Trump being elected isn't going to change that overnight.

    Trump is going to be fighting his own party on a lot of these anti-trade policies which are totally against the policies of most republicans. Possibly he could get enough votes between liberal democrats who are anti-trade and republicans from "angry white man" districts where anti-trade sentiment carried the day for Trump and they see the writing on the wall for their 2018 election prospects if they don't follow their orange master. We'll have to see. But it won't be an easy path for him.

    It will be much easier for him to do traditional republican stuff, like lowering tax rates or repealing Obamacare, which the rest of the world doesn't care about. There are already bills the republicans have ready to do those things, they'll probably pass and sign them in the first couple months. The effect on the rest of the world isn't likely to be in stuff like tariffs or breaking trade deals like NAFTA, but more likely him believing you can treat foreign policy like a real estate deal and make something happen in an afternoon. Once he realizes it takes months of careful negotiation to make anything happen, hopefully he outsource the process to whoever he chooses for secretary of state and just occasionally tweet mean things about world leaders not named Putin.

    1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

      Re: What Trump can do

      Give presidential pardons to a bus load of supporters who express their opinions to first congress critter to show a little back bone when Trump tries to impose his simple solutions.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What Trump can do

        If you want to know what it would take to get congress to impeach a president from their own party, that would be it.

    2. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: Trump can't do a lot of these things

      Congress is now GOP majority.

      Give up your fantasies of Congress doing anything other than rubber stamping.

  16. Mage Silver badge
    IT Angle

    Is Trump in charge?

    Program for a puppet

    Maybe it will be "better" (for a limited sense of better) if he is a puppet.

  17. Sacioz

    Nothing's gonna change ...

    Donsie will surprise us all ,guys , just watch it ...and Germany is alive and well ...

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    My experience with the East Indian Server Sys Admins I've encountered thus far, is a lack of technical skills, barely speaking Enlish (necessary when talking on the phone to English Speaking American Customers), and always wanting a Tech to come out and figure out what they misconfigured. While the American companies who hire them are paying them less, that is what they are getting from them (less). Not really cost saving. Is it?

    1. one crazy media

      Re: Really??

      Your comapny must have hired the cheapest company.

      I can say the same about Americans who think they are engineers without formal technical education and cheted in exams to get a MS, Cisco or some other vendor certifacte to call them enigeers.

      I have worked for 30 years in the technology field, have interviewed and employed many and have found many Americans to lack fundamentals and are unable to solve real problems.

      Configuring a server is about the lowest technical skill set. It is nothing more than getting a Laptop or desktop to work.

    2. one crazy media

      Re: Really??

      I bet you could not precisely tell anyone what you want and did your configurations by trial and error. What are the two solutions to all problems? Increase memory and if it fails; increase bandwidth and if that fails, blame someone else.

  19. Mystic Megabyte


    The biggest problem that I have is that I will have to listen to his bullshit and gaze upon his ugly face for years to come. Did I mention that I really dislike the f*g b*d?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Arrgh!

      It has been said that you can form a better judgement of a person's truthfulness if you only listen to their voice and do not see them. People in power nowadays are coached how to use their body language to influence the audience.

      I can't pin down what it is about Trump's vocal delivery - but it screams "conman" every time I hear him delivering a speech.

      "Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm -- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves." T.S.Eliot

      1. ecofeco Silver badge

        Re: Arrgh!

        I can't pin down what it is about Trump's vocal delivery - but it screams "conman" every time I hear him delivering a speech.

        Because he IS a conman. Do you not know his history?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Arrgh!

          "Because he IS a conman. Do you not know his history?"

          Yes - but I did wonder if that was causing confirmation bias. I think it's the way he repeats a sentence at a slightly slower tempo - in a "come closer buddy, l'm your pal, let me tell you a secret" style - followed by a pause.

          1. ecofeco Silver badge

            Re: Arrgh!

            Good point.

  20. Frank N. Stein


    Trump must've missed that all computers, servers, and hardware are manufactured in China. None of the companies who buy those OEM products from Chinese companies are going to bring those jobs to America, as that would increase their costs.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Call the fire brigade!

    Now is the time to launch a new series of Trumpton based in Washington DC.

    1. Captain Badmouth

      Re: Call the fire brigade!

      Been done in Private eye

      Unfortunately no link to latest cartoon where Mr Trump is within "touching distance".

      I look forward to future episodes.

  22. Captain Badmouth


    The date on this side of the pond is 9/11.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Interestingly

      Surely the date on either side of the pond is 2016-11-09?


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