back to article Git365. Git for Teams. Quatermass and the Git Pit. GitHub simply won't do now Microsoft has it

In all the furore around the acquisition of GitHub by Microsoft, no one has asked the obvious question: what should the service be called after its Redmondisation? At Vulture Central, we live in constant fear of mixing up GitLab and GitHub. Two letters are all that stand between an amusingly snarky story and a grovelling …


  1. Alistair


    Q2 2018 "Oh, we're not going to change the name"

    Q3 2018 "Our developers have created this amazing new client for git, $128/seat/year!"

    Q4 2018 "dammit no one is using MSGit"

    Q1 2019 "Github will be using a new *updated* standard for GIT !!!, have to use MSgit since no one else uses this better standard"

    Q3 2019 "Wow, traffic on GitHub fell off a cliff ....make it sexy again!"

    Q1 2020 "Git For Business is now available, a git repo, compiler engines in the cloud, interface design UI servers in the cloud, and true collaborative coding, we'll search all the gits and find the best code that matches what you're trying to do and pull it into your git!!!!"

    I think they should just give up now, rebrand it MScodeGitsnBitsforBusinessFailure

    Oh! And happy friday of the weekend Canada Day celebration from the northern leftpondians!

    1. Trollslayer
      Thumb Up

      Re: MSGit

      "northern leftpondians"

      I like it!

    2. bombastic bob Silver badge

      Re: MSGit

      Q3 2018 - here's the new EULA for your git login. Enjoy the slurp/track. It's now a 'Microsoft Logon', just like the one you use for MS *EVERYTHING* *ELSE* . (good luck using it with traditional non-updated git tools)

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: MSGit

        "good luck using it with traditional non-updated git tools"

        After you've gone through the trauma of fixing the borked account migration. I know of several people who either can't play or have had to re-purchase Minecraft since MS converted the accounts system.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: MSGit

          > I know of several people who either can't play or have had to re-purchase Minecraft since MS converted the accounts system.

          Our CI system uses MSVC for making publicly downloadable builds. Every few months it stops working, and I login to the system to find out what's wrong. Every single time it's MSVC wanting me to re-authenticate, then refusing to accept my username/password.

          To reset my account, they want me to provide my mobile number. Not fucking happening. Ever.

          So, instead it gets a newly generated account using random crap email address alias, and that'll have to do until next time. Jeez I hate those wankers (MS if that's not clear).

  2. steelpillow Silver badge

    Microsoft VisualGit

    Per the above, the Visual Git mascot to be Clippy with an RMS haircut and beard (how I wish I were a proper graphics artist! Actually, the more I try to visualise (sic) it, the happier I am that I cannot)

    For the puzzled millennials among you, here is a BASIC clue for you.

    Icon for irony (actually, not a bad fallback mascot... Clippy aged 65?)

  3. Ima Ballsy

    How about ....

    I'm gonna GIT you Sucka !!!

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    WinGit ?

    Azure-a-Git ?

    Git SE ?

  5. Baudwalk

    I'm just waiting for...

    ...SharePoint to be renamed to GitHub for Business.

  6. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge
    Big Brother

    how about...?

    Deserted Island Hub?

    Pretty soon all that will be left will be MS's own code and no one wants to touch that with a bargepole. MS will be watching you!

  7. Authentic Name


  8. stephanh

    kudos for "SourceSafe eXtreme"

    Just the right combination of superficial plausibility and stark terror.

  9. Efer Brick

    If you were the only git in the world

    no comment

  10. stefan 5


    Just call it GitOut once they have it

  11. fluffybunnyuk

    how about they call it " I can't believe its not git" or just "Gits!!!"

  12. SeanEllis


    Looking forward to a new UI where we can only see 8 lines of code at a time, each in a separate speech bubble, with the top 25% of the window dedicated to showing us our own username, and the left 25% of the window dedicated to showing us icons for 3 features, in a font and color scheme you can't customize, a minimum window size that's too big, a maximum window size that just expands the whitespace, and a search control that takes 95% of the window title bar so you can't move the window without pinpoint precision.

  13. SVV

    Git Orf My LAN

    One for the server farmers...

  14. defiler


    How about simply MS Bob? They'll have the banners and the promo bags in a cupboard somewhere, I'm sure. Just make it v2.0. Or better, v6.0 - then everyone will know it works.

  15. Paddy


    When the going gets tough, the tough gits going.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Git me baby one more time.

  17. Ungawunga


    Why not.



    Sorry, I'll get my coat...

  19. JohnFen


    It should be called "GitHub".

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward



  21. onefang

    GitOutaHere, damn someone else did it.

    GitOffMyLawn, someone did it better.

    iDontShiveAGit, phew, something original at least.

  22. MrKrotos

    SlurpHub :P

  23. MrKrotos

    or maybe GitLocker?

  24. John Sanders

    It shall be called


  25. El blissett

    Codeplex for Business?

  26. John Gamble

    As a Memorial To Microsoft's Ballmer Era...

    ... they will call it GitHubris.

  27. Detective Emil

    Alternate Title

    See Wikipedia if under 60 or not a Brit.

  28. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Where was...

    [ ] - "The Code Repository Many People Used To Use".

  29. adnim


    See title :-)

  30. Camilla Smythe


    What do you mean... "Don't disturb the Zombie."?

    Places order for Popcorn.

  31. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Did someone say GitLost

    It's up there in the title.

  32. User McUser

    A few suggestions...

    Git While the Git'n's Good

    Git On With IT (the version for your Tech support team)

    Git In M'uh Belly (you know, for fat bastards)

  33. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I have been calling it MicroGit since the day the take over was announced.

  34. jbmoore

    Yet another name

    You forgot GitAzure...

  35. cyberdemon Silver badge

    Git for Business

    Which obviously is totally incompatible with actual Git, and requires Silverlight. But it has an app for your Zune.

  36. fluffybunnyuk

    Microsoft Git. The G is voiced as "sh".

  37. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Into Darkness

    Git your hands off of my data, mother Klucker.


    I believed in a thing called Git.


    Git on the rocks

    Git on the rocks with no ice

    So many issues we should address

    'Cos our code just don't correlate

    All the emotions that we suppress

    Bite our tongues until it's too late

  38. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward



  39. Mario Becroft

    I guess I made the right choice in going with Atlassian suite from the start. It also cost less and has more functionality.

  40. Mr. Moose

    Call it: ShitHub, or SnitHub

    Depending on your point of view.

  41. Chronos

    Git Off My Lawn

    Since MS are officially Old™

  42. Vanir

    Latest commit 5bb5c36

    Gutless Git.

    MS now has all Git's subscribers' data.

    What to do now?


    How about "Gitlost"

    BTW, Look up git in Wiktionary, the free dictionary:

    "Git is a term of insult with origins in British English denoting an unpleasant, silly, incompetent, annoying, senile, elderly or childish person. As a mild oath it is roughly on a par with prat and marginally less pejorative than berk. Typically a good-natured admonition with a strong implication of familiarity, git is more severe than twit or idiot but less severe than wanker, arsehole or twat when offence is intended.

    Linus Torvalds actually named the VCS system "Git". Maybe it was what he thought of most of the contributors sending him bug riddled Linux code (the first use of Git).

    The name still seems just as appropriate for Microsoft and it's programming users.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: How about "Gitlost"

      Instead, look up git in the history of the Linux kernel. Has nothing to do with contributors to the kernel; rather the opposite, in fact.

  44. onefang

    Gitmo, AKA Guantanamo Bay Naval Base.

  45. dmacleo





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