back to article How innocent people 'of no security interest' are mere keystrokes away in UK's spy databases

Classified mass-surveillance manuals for UK spies have been published today amid a legal battle against the British government. The newly obtained documents set out Blighty's secret do's and don'ts for monitoring populations. The files acknowledge that chapter and verse on the lives of people "of no security interest" lie …


    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      The Flip Flip KISS Side of COIN ..... Counter COunter INtelligence

      Of course, should they, and let us imagine them to be the spooky elites of a mighty Blighty GCHQ/MI5/MI6/MOD/Cyber Command and Control, have an unparalleled and stealthily active and HyperRadioProActive IT expertise, does it make them a real and present virtual future enemy of all established systems of SCADA control in States and United States and Renegade Regimes alike ...... a common enemy it would be most unfortunate and inconvenient to cross and vainly attempt to deny access to all secrets?!.

      Surely though, if one be rooting for Blighty, that would be quite nice. However, should such a facility with utility rest elsewhere in foreign lands and alien jurisdictions, is that clearly a difficulty and hidden national security scandal given the havoc than can be so easily wrought with SMARTR Bits and Bytes of Information Manipulating Media Programs/New Orderly World Order Projects for Centuries.

    2. energystar

      Re: The Flip KISS Side of COIN ..... COunter INtelligence

      "...Failure is always surely a top down process? "

      Are you still on Systems Theory? Black Boxes?

      Haven't failed We users|consumers|developers|deployers|admins|etc...?

  1. Jedipadawan

    Personally, I have solved this problem...

    ...I made myself of no interest to the UK Government by removing myself from the country and relocating for good in the Far East.

    OK, I have another six months to go before the statutory slurping of my data abroad expires according to UK policy (citizens absent from the country for more than 6 months are subject to 5 years to of data surveillance - I assume mainly electronic with flags for 'items of interest') but then they are supposed to leave me alone on the assumption I am not coming back. If I were ever to return, however, MI5 would spy on me for the rest of my life. No, seriously. I know people this has happened to. Of course, all phone calls and emails that go through British servers would still be tracked and stored but I would no longer be on the 'actively track' list. I would be treated just as a foreign national and not a wannabe terrorist in training.

    So I am grateful to now reside in a country that lacks the money and infrastructure to spy on my day in, day out activities and I can largely get on with my life in peace. I also get to put out my rubbish when I want, how I want, I can practice my religion without hassle from the PC lobbies and every kind of regulation under the sun and I don't have to worry about my every move being recorded on CCTV to be scanned and edited by those who 'find me of interest.'

    Man I have days of 'survivors guilt.'

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    If BDP represent 5% of GHCQ databases I'm wondering what the other 95% contain....


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