back to article Feminist Software Foundation gets grumpy with GitHub … or does it?

A group called The Feminist Software Foundation has accused GitHub of misogyny after it disabled access to a repository containing its first effort: a feminist programming language called “C+=”. Pronounced either “C plus equality” or “see equality”, C+= has since found a home at, where a manifesto declares it is …


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      1. Vladimir Plouzhnikov

        "I'm intrigued to know what she suggested as an alternative."

        "Mistress" and "Gimp"?

      2. Sander van der Wal

        Why worry about the slaves becoming sentient? Software being used to being Master is the one to worry about.

    1. Langalf

      I personally prefer "overlord" and "minion', but that won't work for a feminist language. "Overlady?"

    2. Robert Brockway

      The master/slave terminology have been dropped from OpenLDAP. Now they are producers and consumers.

  1. MrXavia

    Very funny! I almost thought it was serious for a few seconds..

    Feminists in the 21st century.. What do they want? didn't they win all their battles in the last century? (at least in the UK?)

    1. Lottie

      Assuming there was total parity and an end to any issues regarding gender int he UK, an intersctionalist would still fight for global equality. The idea that in the UK things are fine (which is another argument all together, but there are massive issues regarding gender inequality, 21st century britain) then the battle is won and feminism should go away is akin to saying that worrying about clean water in the rest of the world is pointless as we have it here.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    It appears to have originated on 4Chan:

  3. Stephen Channell

    Clearly a joke... otherise it would be O+ or Grace !

    Seriously though there is a need for feminist paradigms in programming language design, especially now that computers are so much faster, and algorithms need to be parallel/cooperative to get more done. Characteristics of a “Grace” language would include:

    Agent oriented, pervasive multi-tasking.. agent decides when it runs.

    Relationship is the fundamental abstraction. All agents interact through bidirectional relationships that define privileges through an agent’s lifecycle & relationships can change.

    No information hiding and no delegating behaviour to a base class, exceptions guard access, relationships are viewable.

    Every action can cause exception because legality is subject to type of relationship and every exception must be handled.

    Agents cannot be killed, but you can ask them to stop.

    Inversion-of-control is invasive.

  4. Vladimir Plouzhnikov



  5. DropBear

    So would forking a program written in C+=

    ...incur regular monthly payments of alimony then, I expect...?

    1. Darryl

      Re: So would forking a program written in C+=

      Ain't gonna be no forking around here, you misogynistic pig.

  6. Hollerith 1

    Boys, boys...

    This sort of po-faced satire was in all the feminist publications I read as a grrrl, and they were pretty funny. This current example is, to me, a hoot: it sends up the deadly-earnest dear old feminist mentality while making a few good points. I've enjoyed seeing the foamy-mouth types lured out of their lairs by this. It added to my laugh of the day.

  7. faibistes

    Pretty much everybody knows it's a prank at this point.

  8. Hero Protagonist

    Should've named it Shirley

    As in "Shirley you're joking!"

  9. Trollslayer

    Well done

    You have shown that some women can be as asinine as some men.

  10. Simon Harris

    throw and catch....

    Will be missing from a feminist language because everybody knows girls can't.

    (runs away and hides...)

  11. Tromos

    Chauvinist pig wants to know...

    ...will the byte storage be big-boobian or little-boobian?

  12. Pahhh

    Guess they wont like processes that...

    Guess they wont like it when the parent spawns a child , until the child isnt required anymore, then the parent can kill the child. Sometimes killing a child fails and it turns into a zombie.

  13. Oninoshiko

    How is this not in bootnotes?

    It was a good laugh. (better then anything that WAS actually in bootnotes)

  14. ElReg!comments!Pierre

    The code is now hosted on google, as bitbucket seemingly didn't like the joke either. Also, new vid on the webpage...

  15. Neil Alexander

    Imagine working with a programming language

    ... that needs to constantly talk about it's feelings.

  16. Paul J Turner

    Under no circumstances should the language be compiled

    It should be Miss Interpreted instead.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Now it's really otherwise tin foil man

    They are being booted from everywhere: "Now hosted on Gitorious, as GitHub, BitBucket, and Google all prove to be too misogynistic to support a feminist programming language."

    After booting comes start screen.


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