back to article 'I'm BIG, I'm BALD and I'm LOUD!' Blubbering Ballmer admits HE was Microsoft's problem

A tearful Steve Ballmer has admitted he was a big part of the problem at Microsoft – and that the company needs to rethink its management structure to succeed in the future. "At the end of the day, we need to break a pattern. Face it: I'm a pattern," company CEO Ballmer told The Wall Street Journal with apparent tears in his …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    "The news moved the entire family to tears"

    They'd just been listening to The Scientist.

    That song is designed to make you cry.

    1. Intractable Potsherd

      Re: "The news moved the entire family to tears"

      In my not very deep experience, Coldplay songs fall into three categories: make you cry; make you bored; make you want to kill something, preferrably anyone that thought this bunch of miserablists should be hyped to popularity.

  2. a53

    Just in time ?

    Did he leave in time to save MS from being the next corperate failure ? Reading the comments from MS users and others, there must be doubt.

  3. This post has been deleted by its author

  4. Bladeforce

    Complete and utter

    THIEF. No two ways about it this man created and kept feeding disgusting patent trolls and dragged very good companies through the courts simply because they dared to make a decent product. This man, the company is completely vile as vile as Apple are. Get lost Ballsup you will not be missed and I for one am glad technology can moved full speed ahead now mr paranoid has gone and we cant get dragged back 10 years simply because it is against $Microsofts$ pocket. Roll on

  5. Anomalous Cowshed

    What a performance!

    A Greekcapitalistic tragedy in 1 act

    Billionaire CEO cultivates a brash and unsophisticated image, earning everybody's scorn and ridicule.

    Years pass, the company appears to stagnate somewhat, the share price stagnates.

    Billionaire CEO then announces resignation with tears.

    The share price climbs sharply, predictably (which is what being a CEO is all about).

    Billionaire CEO, who is a major shareholder of the company, makes huge profits as a result of the manoeuvre, so do all the other shareholders.

    Billionaire CEO cries and says he is a "fat, bald buffoon" and he was "forced out".

    Then he laughs all the way to the bank.

    The end.

    1. Uffish

      Re: What a performance!

      Yup, that's the way the system has been shaped into operating. It's up to people like you to reshape it into something a bit better.

      Where's the boring old fart icon?

  6. markw:

    It's the Brits wot dun it...

    It's all our fault.

    That visit to London and then Coldplay depressed him so much that he just gave up.

    Will we ever live it down...

  7. gnufrontier

    Quintessential American

    Balmer is America. He embodies the dominant cultural forces.

    It is easy to run a company when one has a monopoly. One just has to have the best legal team available to skirt the rules and minimize the penalties for overstepping the boundaries. Bush had Colin Powell.

    But in a more competitive environment, the alpha male comes under attack and one realizes the alpha male was never that strong to begin with, just intimidating.

    The faces of this new gilded age look more like a Benetton ad.

    1. Euripides Pants

      Re: Quintessential American

      Ballmer most definitely is NOT America. He is merely as big as a continent.

  8. Vociferous


    > he had been trying to make Microsoft change its business strategy to focus on the cloud and mobile, rather than its desktop roots, since October last year

    It's the purest bullshit that Microsoft didn't switch focus from PC to mobile devices before October last year. The strategy goes back at least three years. Windows 8 is the bastard child of it.

  9. Randall Shimizu

    Ballmer was the wrong CEO for the wrong time. Ballmer did a moderately good job, but he stayed to long and made some huge mistakes. When Apple came out with the tablet it should have been a signal for a immediate response from MS. MS waited to long to come out with a tablet and it will be difficult if not impossible to turn the tide. These days I rarely ever seeing anyone using a Surface tablet except at a MS event or UG. In typical MS fashion MS ignored their customers and came out win8 and awful Metro interface. Much of the problem is that MS switched to a closed internal beta process whereby only a small portion of the company beta tested Win8 and 8.1. Even their Technology Evangelists did not have access to the final version until a few weeks before the win 8.1 was launched. So now MS is left with win 8.1 which many people still hate the interface.

    In the Ballmer simply stayed to long. 13 years is a long time for any CEO. It will be interesting to see what happens with a new CEO. I am not convinced that Alan Mulally is the right choice. My own feeling is that MS needs a leader that has a good IT background. One can argue that Gerstner did not understand technology but he was unique.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    John Thompson, Symantec's former CEO

    From 1999 to 2009.

    He led it up (1999-2006). He led it down (2007-2008) to the depths of hell. Sounds kinda random to me.

    Why do these guys get paid so much?

    1. Euripides Pants

      Re: Why do these guys get paid so much?

      Karma has Tourette's Syndrome...

  11. btrower

    Ruthless but not necessarily evil

    Ballmer was a ruthless competitor. It is possible that he just got caught up in the 'game' without realizing that what was a game to him was very real to others.

    Like him or not, Ballmer has some impressive skills and he has massive resources. It is a long-shot, but if he set out to do some real good in the world, he could make a huge difference.

    People like Ballmer surely manifest as evil in practice for at least certain values of 'evil'. However, if he is not internally evil, there is always some hope he may take a turn for the best and use his powers for good.

    I am not a fan, but I wish him luck anyway.

    1. Gray

      Re: Ruthless but not necessarily evil

      "there is always some hope he may take a turn for the best and use his powers for good."

      Ummmm ... that's a bit like hoping that J.P. Morgan/Chase, after being hammered with multi-billions in fines for avaricious greed and thievery, will experience a sudden epiphany and dedicate themselves to funding the solutions to global poverty and disease.

      Yeh, right!

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Hard to tell the difference

    Corporate America has always had a difficulty with distinguishing between expressive gung-ho rugged self-individualism and genuine mental derangement.

    This is especially so with the case of Steve Ballmer.

  13. regorama

    or it could be the fact that he was a complete prick?

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "due to retire by August 2014"

    Can we fine tune the detail on this one? How about end of next week?

  15. Bladeforce


    If I inherited a company with 90 odd % desktop share with ultra billions in the bank, paid off judges, policticians even governments i bet i could have kept the bandwagon rolling too. Ballsup wasnt a great CEO by a long shot, it was Gates' (thieving) legacy that kept that ball rolling for years not Ballsup

  16. Mikel

    On the article, no comment

    On the comments: this is amazing. I am thrilled to be among so many informed and eloquent individuals. I wish I had something to add to the brilliance already evident here.

    1. Benjol

      Re: On the article, no comment

      Sounds like you've added sarcasm.

      Or is that just my own twisted mind?

  17. Charles Manning

    Ballmer is only the SYMPTOM

    What Ballmer is doing here is some sort of falling-on-the-sword act which really costs him little He has so much stock that any up-tick he can generate will make him a boat load of money.

    But Ballmer is not "the problem", he is only the SYMPTOM of "the problem". Shooting the chief clown doesn't stop the circus from being a circus.

    The problem is the set of forces in Microsoft that allowed them to install people like Ballmer. Mostly, it comes down to two things:

    1) Supreme arrogance. We're Microsoft so we know what's best for you.

    2) Such shockingly largeincome from some business units at they can execute really badly in other areas without market forces coming into play. They've been able to run huge losses trying to prop up their dabblings with mobile for 12+ year. In that time they have damaged/destroyed many companies with some pretty good ideas by drowning them.

    Pity really. From all that amazing potential, you'd hope the world would have gained more.

  18. Julian Taylor

    Pass the sickbag Alice ...

  19. Fihart

    Gone up in my estimation.

    Surprised that Ballmer has owned up to being a git.

    He always reminded me of Henry Ford and his grandson Henry Ford II.

    Old Henry was known for firing someone by discharging a revolver into the ceiling of an office below.

    Young Henry came up with "Don't Complain, Don't Explain" which must have made working for him a nerve wracking experience. His greatest piece of ebullience (perhaps glorious folly) was to try to buy Ferrari and, when spurned, build the glorious GT40 models that ultimately trounced Enzo at Le Mans.

    Makes Ballmer and his silly software seem pretty small beer.

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Who said prayers are not answered. I had two prayers for Microsoft. One has been answered, and the next one (chapter 13) will be. answered

  21. ckaspereli

    WTF?? ",,,Shy and retiring,,,"

    This arrogant clown has been nothing but trouble at MS and despite his rediculous ",,,blubbering,,,"

    is merrily prancing away with tens of millions of dollars in bonus money along with having collected

    an obscene salary for years from a company he's done everything except put a bullet through its head.

  22. Securitymoose

    Peter Drucker was right as usual - will they ever learn?

    "The leader of the past knew how to tell; the leader of the future will know how to ask." Move over Steve and all you other dinosaurs in big corporations to make way for people who understand the 21st Century.

  23. All names Taken
    Paris Hilton

    Silly sausage?

    Sometimes people are great 2nd in commands and never, ever should be 1st in command?

    Take, for example, George Brown or John Major?

  24. streaky

    Rate of change

    "But the rate of change wasn't fast enough"

    Nono the problem is you're doing this at all. Sure it's legitimate to have "cloud" as part of your business; as with Amazon. The idea that Microsoft should be basing its entire corporate structure on a marketing term is the definition of insanity.

  25. Ascylto

    A Son?

    He has a son?

    There are more Ballmers?


    Suicide is an option, Microsoft.

    Sorry, you're already there.

  26. Arvy

    Sorry, I don't get it. Seriously, none of you even know this guy. So, how is it that you all *know* he is dumb, and is THE problem with Microsoft. OK, they haven't owned the market with tablets and phones, (yet) but it takes a considerable push to change a paradigm. That, and do you think the XBOX is a failure? That happened on Ballmer's watch. ..and the advance to windows 7. I believe even 8/8.1 is great OS. They are 35 in the fortune 500 right now, but that isn't so bad considering the income and patents they still command. I for one wish him well, because I don't think he did any worse a job than Bill did in his last years, and not only that, he still had Bill for guidence. So, it is not like he has come to the place were he is at by himself. Other people on the MS board should probably be sharing responsibility and stepping down with him if they feel things are that bad. Also, you might be using Andriod or MacOS or iOS at home, but most of you, if not all, still need Windows and Office in order to do your job. The day people stop loading bootcamp on there Macs to make them functional I'll concede that Microsoft is done as a company.

    1. rayc

      re Arm, CE, Ballmer, Greek Drama, Windows 8 and clowns/circus/bullies and trolls...

      Regarding the comments about ARM and embedded windows. i agree with your point about ARM, and your point re CE. ironically the de evolution of the ARM (brilliant!) chip and OS to keep it simple is the genesis of ARM's success. The power (or power consumption) and complexity of cisc and all the layers of stuff in the os did thwart the adoption, deployment and development of the windows brand on mobile and tablets. But I don't whole heartedly agree that "there can be only one.." (aka android or ios. Arm or intel), though that makes for interesting religious debate and a great one liner for some good sci fi sword fights to the death. The world (universe if you believe in astrophysics) is pluralistic and there is room for many at the table. The same should be true for OSs, but whittle that down to a few (e.g. Ios, android and others, including windows mobile) and you have a more realistic, believable and tolerant view of the balance of the world of computing.

      The belief that there is just one chip, one OS, one UI and one programming language is cyclopitic. and maybe that is the crux of the problem. Microsoft's leadership became cycloptic and all other msft leadership became sheep. There were a few Odysseus like players, but ultimate they were cast adrift to sea (someone else mentioned the greek drama so I am just jumping on that same ship) and are probably still adrift and somewhat traumatized by the decade long illiad saga of reporting to Agamemnon (was the cyclops a metaphor for agamemmon's/Greece's obsessions re troy? hmm. Should have paid attention in school...) Oh and on that front let's hope Ballmer's home life does not take a turn for the worse also as then this really would be a greek drama. And please don't take any of this part seriously I am just being silly and trying to parody this part of the topic and make it a bit less histrionic.

      Re all the nasty hate speech about ballmer, wtf man? If he is such an easy target and culpable, why be so nasty and throw stones? I thought the uk was showing real foresight and leadership re clipping the wings of internet bullies and trolls and then this.... Yikes how uncivilized for a culture that had the foresight and humanity to employee more people who SAVE lives (NHS) vs on industries that take lives (military industrial complex and "defense") than any other country (relative scale). Chill haters, and drop the vitriol. Be more elegant and civilized in your dissent as if you think about it, you already won... Why disgrace the warriors vanquished legacy? Bad form and bad karma... And that is yet another greek lesson for ya...

      Regarding Windows mobile and Windows 8, I dont entirely agree with what others here say about the windows 8 UI and windows mobile. The new UI is not all that bad nor a failure. The integration of pointer and touch is actually very clever and accommodating. It is technology OCM built into the UI. Like a ui on the ui. Like windows into applications, but more accurately a UI into a UI. And I dare to say the synthesis of pointer, gesture, touch and speech is actually quite brilliant, though complex.

      Re execution, I think it is less about technology and more about culture. So i totally agree with that position, though the culture is a classic split brain between product dev (good) and sales (bad, ir kinda evil, if you use the webster's definition evil vs oxford's definition. The latter is to religion centric). anyway... Really. Who cares and since we are all geeks who are obviously invested in both this industry and technology. Let focus on a more important topics... How can we start to have fun with this and make some money. or even better, do good and not be evil? There is no joy in being nasty so how can folks benefit from this? Including msft employees, share holders and partners plus customers? Or is it all doom, gloom and apocalyptic revelations?


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