back to article Dotcom's Mega smacks back: Our crypto's not crap

Kim Dotcom's comeback cloud storage service, Mega, has responded to criticism about its approach to cryptography and password security after security researcher Steve Thomas (@Sc00bz) released his MegaCracker tool, which cracks hashes embedded in emailed password confirmation links. In a blog post designed to reassure users, …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You seem to be missing the point, ask yourself "who does this 'security' benefit?", the answer is clearly Mega as it allows them to do exactly what megaupload did without any fussing about with law enforcement.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Talkin da shitze

    Mega LOAD is good at making excuses when confronted with reality. Oops he done it again. This boy is going to get a lesson in learning.

  3. Real Ale is Best

    Has anyone here tried using it?

    I tried to upload a few files, but the site just timed out.

    No attempt at retrying.

    Dropbox, on the other hand, fast and glitch free.

  4. William Boyle

    The solution is simple

    The solution is simple. Just encrypt the file with a strong encryption tool before uploading it to Mega. At least they are trying to protect their users, even if those efforts are sub-optimal...

  5. Leeroy

    I just had a very productive day in work setting up ownCloud on a Centos vm.

    It is probably not anywhere near as secure as mega or Dropbox but it will only be accessible via vpn. Costs a lot less as well.

    Once I'm happy with it I can't see me paying for anything else, even if it has crypto it is still off site and out of my control.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    personally, I'm done with this online storage crap. Back when MegaUpload was up, I used it to store my files (Before "Cloud" Storage) and it worked great. I even encrypted my files in case someone D/L them.

    But then the guv comes along and states "Hey, this site is being used to distribute stuff illegally, shut it down!"

    And just like that, I lost my files.

    No big deal, I had the originals, but I was legal, I was the only one accessing my files, so what about me?

    Now, someone expects me to do the same thing with "Cloud"? IMO, "Cloud" storage is worse. And what if someone deems it to be a hub for illegal content, does everyone loose access to their legit files like I did?

    1. Zmodem

      rent your own dedicated server, whatever the extra, you will always have unlimited bandwidth, and a cpu to yourself

      1. Zmodem

        and just map a ftp network drive

        if you dont want to encrypt stuff through php etc

  7. Zmodem

  8. Michael Duke

    I think there is a lot of people on here making a false assumption.

    That assumption is that the de-duplication feature is designed to save Mega storage resources.

    From my point of view it is obvious that the de-dupe is for user benefit, when dealing with 50GB or 500GB of data there is a good chance that you will upload a duplicate file, even more so if you are using it for offsite backups. The de-dupe is to save you the transfer and storage budget of using Mega so that you can script backups and only changed files will be re-uploaded or you can upload your photos directory again and again and not duplicate the data.

    It is to drive ease of use for the customers NOT to save the Mega storage nodes on capacity.

  9. JaitcH

    Losing their password would leave users not only unable to log into the service ...

    but also unable to recover and decrypt any stored files.

    You can hardly blame Dot Com for this, just as you wouldn't a locksmith when you lose your front door key.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Mega Load...

    ...he sucks the banana.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    He just pissed off the Anonymous Skiddie community a couple of days ago by having his collaboration with the Feds before they tried to fuck him go public, and now he's detailing his new service's infrastructure? What a moron. Really, who the hell does that?

  12. xpusostomos

    Stupid critics

    1. random() is sketchy IF YOU CAN GUESS THE STARTING SEED. But how would you be able to guess a number on someone else's computer, years after the fact?

    2. I fail to see how deduplication is difficult, even accepting Mega doesn't know what the unencrypted data is. And I also fail to see how deduplication "leaks" information about the data.

    3. They'll fix this. Not a biggy.

    4. That's kinda the point. If Mega COULD restore your password, the critics really WOULD be up in arms!!!! Store your password somewhere else - somewhere it can be recovered if you're worried. 1Password on your iPhone perhaps? The choices are endless.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Yes, Mr Fatman

      I'll tell you why:

      One day has 86400 seconds. PC timers increment in 10ms intervals. That means 8640000 different possibilities to seed random(). That is log2(8640000)==23 bits of entropy per day at max.

      In one year that is log2(365*8640000) == 31 bits.

      So, very little keyspace to iterate in the worst case. If you have a file timestamp, it will actually be much less than 23 bits !

      Other people, such as Netscape, have burnt their fingers with that. You need to be a better $hill, Kim.

      1. Zmodem

        Re: Yes, Mr Fatman

        $entropy = log2(365*8640000);

        for ( $i =0; $i <= 1000; $i++ ) {

        $entropy = log2(365*8640000*$i*$entropy);


    2. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Stupid critics

      Deduplication requires You Mr Schmitz to have the plaintext and/or the key of all messages. Tell us how you would do it without retaining either plaintext or keys, which is equivalent.

      You WILL NOT fix this, as it is impossible. No amount of money will get that done, Kim. You are a sleazebag, a convicted criminal and you should not vent claims regarding crypto. Because your arguments will be shredded in no time.

  13. The Alpha Klutz

    crypto is intense

    i wonder how long it will take to change your password if you have gigs of data?

    i dunno because i make a habit of not forgetting my important crypto phrases but there you go....

    1. Adam 1

      Re: crypto is intense

      Your password would be used to decrypt a volume keywhich is used for your files. All changing your password does is to decrypt your volume key with your old password then generate a new encryption for the same volume key based upon your new password. The bits of your encrypted files doesn't need to change. At least that is how tools like truecrypt work.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What a moron

    Anyone who would use Mega's website deserves what they get as does he if he hosts pirated materials.

  15. Anonymous Coward

    Shoddy Crypto - Free Crytpo Advice

    If you are so incredibly stupid to believe iny ANY corporation's crypto-promises, you deserve what you will get.

    As others have pointed out, "de-duping" only works across different users if they can decrypt essentially every message. This is because if they eliminate your copy and link to another user's copy, they need the (supposedly) secret key of the other user to deliver anything useful to you when you access the file. Or they need the other guy's plaintext at the time you do the uploading. So THEY will always need access to plaintext if they want to do any de-duping across users. De-duping for a single user could work if less-than perfect crypto modes (such as 3DES-ECB) were used. RC4 would ALWAYS be insecure for de-duping. Good ciphers normally use CBC for ciphers such as AES, DES, Blowfish and per-file keys for stream ciphers such as RC4.

    So - SNAKE OIL.

    Here is how you do proper crypto, with very little effort.

    1.) Get yourself a copy of GnuPG from

    2.) To encrypt, open a command line window: Windows-Key and type cmd.exe, RETURN

    3.) run c:\path\to\gnupg\gpg --symmetric c:\file\tp\encrypt.xls

    4.) Enter the key (twice). Use a silly phrase of at least 60 characters such as "silly goats eat choclate when it is cold in mongolia and the moon is painted red". DO NOT use phrases out of books. If your opponent is a military, either use a wholly random 128 bit key (create a file full of nonsense, perform an md5 on it and use that as a key), or a key phrase of at least 384 characters (yes, one character of plaintext is about 0.3 bits of entropy !)

    5.) To decrypt, run

    c:\path\to\gnupg\gpg --d c:\file\tp\encrypt.xls.gpg

    Governments don't trust sleazy businessmen and all make their crypto themselves, except for the bozos:

    GNUpg is available in source code, for you and the expert you hired, to inspect !

    1. Anonymous Coward

      More On Symmetric Key Generation

      I guess for most people it will be best to

      1.) open Notepad

      2.) hammer about 1000 random characters into notepad. Do NOT repeat "asdf" 250 times ! Be serious about randomness.

      3.) Save file

      4.) Perform c:\path\to\md5\md5.exe c:\path\to\gibbierish.txt

      5.) Write down the md5 checksum displayed. That will be a high-quality, 128 but symmetric key. Unbreakable even to Yank Intel by means of "brute force" attack. Do not confuse these 128 bits with the length of asynmmetric keys, which need to be longer than 1024 bits these days. 128 bit for symmetric keys is still more than good enough. 256 bit is a waste.

      6.) Put the md5 key into your purse, into the little thing you have around your neck or the like. Do NOT put it into the same thing as where you carry the USB stick with enciphered stuff.

      Here is where you get md5:

      Of course you can also get md5 and gpg from Ubuntu, cygwin and many more sources. Make sure the source is legit, though. Do NOT use the adware scammer sites.

      1. Zmodem

        Re: More On Symmetric Key Generation

        you just need to use chdir in the command, and the right || && for windows and linux, todo serverside crypto


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