back to article White House rejects Death Star petition: '$850qn too pricey'

Remember that "We the People" petition begun last month that asked the Obama administration to build a Star Wars–style Death Star? Well, the White House has responded with a witty rejoinder that essentially boils down to "Fuggedaboutit." "The Administration shares your desire for job creation and a strong national defense," …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    Cheapskates. pft....

    1. veti Silver badge

      One word:


  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    They'll change their tune

    I'm sure they'll change their mind once China starts building a large network of space based weapons platforms.

  3. Wallyb132

    Typical bullshit...

    The Administration does not support blowing planets?


    If they dont, then why did they nuke the moon in 2009?

    1. DJO Silver badge

      Re: Typical bullshit...

      They're quite happy to blow up moons, they have never said anything to the contrary. Blowing up planets however might be construed as being a bit naughty.

  4. Anonymous Custard


    Maybe they should have targetted the petition at Pope Palpatine in the Vatican?

  5. MichaelC72

    Not a rounding error

    "...a full $2 quadrillion higher that the figure Shawcross cites."

    Well, he does say "has been estimated to cost more than $850,000,000,000,000,000." and I'm fairly sure that $852qn is more than $850qn.....

  6. jai

    Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good robot-with-a-laser-on-Mars at your side, kid!

    Just how many Bothans died to bring us this information?

  7. Silverburn

    X prize ver 2.0

    NASA is not yet able to "do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs,"

    Yep, but I bet the boys at Ansari are wording the scope of the next prize right as we speak...

    1. Steve Todd

      Re: X prize ver 2.0

      It always made me wonder what George was smoking when he wrote that line. Given that a Parsec is a unit of distance (about 3.2 lightyears) what was he on about?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Parsec

        There is an explanation for that, however tenuous it sounds. You should be able to find it.

        1. DJO Silver badge

          Re: Parsec

          Even stranger is that a long time ago in a Galaxy far far away they would use units like "Parsecs" which like many units are unique to the Earth (the parsec is dependant on the Earth-Sun distance - 1AU and 360 degrees each with 60 minutes and 60 SEConds)

          1. James Hughes 1

            Re: Parsec @DJO

            Stranger even than using units called parsecs (unique to earth) is that they all speak passable English as well. That's just weird. How could they possibly know?

      2. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

        Re: X prize ver 2.0

        "It always made me wonder what George was smoking when he wrote that line. Given that a Parsec is a unit of distance (about 3.2 lightyears) what was he on about?"

        I have thought about this, and come to the conclusion that the Kessell Run must be some sort of variation on the travelling salesman problem, and Hans Solo had managed to stumble upon a proof for P = NP.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: X prize ver 2.0

        The Kessel Run was one of the most heavily used smuggling routes in the Galactic Empire.[3] Han Solo claimed that his Millennium Falcon "made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs". A parsec was a unit of distance, not time. Solo was not referring directly to his ship's speed when he made this claim. Instead, he was referring to the shorter route he was able to travel by skirting the nearby Maw black hole cluster, thus making the run in under the standard distance. By moving closer to the black holes, Solo managed to cut the distance down to about 11.5 parsecs.[source?] The smuggler, BoShek, actually beat Solo's record in his ship, Infinity, but without cargo to weigh him down. A few months later, Han Solo beat both his own and BoShek's records in a run he made with Luke Skywalker.[2]

    2. IglooDude

      Re: X prize ver 2.0

      I was thinking DARPA challenges, but yeah, ditto here.

  8. Steve Todd

    If they had any sense

    They would be petitioning the White House to build a squadron of X Wings, while training their pilots to bullseye wamp rats. Much cheaper and you've got no worries about losing a Death Star arms race.

  9. Zog The Undeniable

    The name's a bit of a problem

    Call it a Freedom Star and they'd have gone for it.

  10. ukgnome

    This is the second civil service jolly response that has been reported. Who knew the worker bees for the USA and UK were staffed with actual human beings?

    I salute all the hard working comedic staffers and civil servants - have this beer on me.


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