back to article Ten… top tech cock-ups of 2012

The past year provided us with some wonderful tales of innovation and expertise, but we all like to see a car crash as much as success story, right? So here's a roundup of the most colossal cock-ups of the last 12 months, including face-plants by Google, Facebook, Apple, and others who succumbed to that most universal of human …


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    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Mozart was a Wunderkind, not a Wuenderkind

      Surely you mean Umlaut. A German cannot resist. ;)

    2. Wyrdness

      Re: Mozart was a Wunderkind, not a Wuenderkind

      According to German g/f, it's permissible in German to substitute 'ue' for 'ü'. So Weunderkind is probably more correct than Wunderkind.

      1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

        Re: Mozart was a Wunderkind, not a Wuenderkind

        Fail? NO U!

        "Weunderkind" would lose you points in any exam, as would "Wünderkind".

        What exactly is hard to understand in "It's spelled WUNDERKIND".

        And certainly not "WEUNDERKIND", for Christ's Sake.

        And the "probably" adjective is not to be used here. At all.

  1. J.G.Harston Silver badge

    So, if I type in "" in the browser address bar of a browser running on an Apple product I get a 404? An internet stack that doesn't give internet connectivity? That breach of the Fitness for Purpose clause of the Sales of Goods Act.

    1. Zaphod.Beeblebrox

      Odd, it workes for me on my iDevices...

    2. This post has been deleted by its author

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Works for me - too much Xmas spirits?

      1. Zaphod.Beeblebrox

        Re: Xmas spirits

        Past, present or future?

  2. Justa

    I thought YouView too

    Was sure it would be the number one cock-up. Launched years too late when so many people have already got alternatives. Confusion with regard to the packages on offer and then the major shareholders decide to pump big money into advertising it's biggest competitor Freeview+ on TV at Christmas!

    Not just Doh, but Dodo (Raphus cucullatus) comes to mind...

  3. Adam 1

    honourable mentions?

    Surely accidentally firing your whole company must get you pretty close.

  4. 8Ace
    Thumb Down

    Wot .. no RBS ????

    While lots of the happenings in this article make good tech headlines, surely the single biggest tech foul up in terms of its impact on ordinary people was the RBS computer "glitch". When companies are threatened with going to the wall due to cash flow issues and when ordinary people are denied access to their own money, for 10 weeks in N Ireland I believe, then nothing else comes close!

    1. stanimir

      Re: Wot .. no RBS ????

      Thought the same, but it is an American article.

      Apple getting top position is questionable imo. It's just a single rushed application and I am horrified by the Objective C, itself, and some of the crap one has to put up with iOS (to program, that's it). AAPL is just not worthy the attention they get.

      1. Adam 1

        Re: Wot .. no RBS ????

        If it were just a rushed app then that would be understood alongside all the other rushed apps of history, but Apple managed to screw up an app that most users were happy with. Apple has always positioned itself as a premium offering but in the maps decision they really forgot their users.

      2. Not That Andrew

        Re: Wot .. no RBS ????

        American journalist or not, The Register is an international site based in Britain, and the RBS cock-up was on a far greater scale than anything mentioned here and is a cautionary tale to financial institutions everywhere why you don't outsource critical IT jobs and infrastructure.

        I also think the NHS Project for IT should be on here, even though they finally killed it off last year. It should be on every list of IT disasters everywhere until the British government creates an even bigger cock-up.

  5. JeffyPooh

    3=1, etc.

    Apple's map flap is shocking only to those that are deaf, dumb and blind. The quality of their code has been *obviously* suspect for years; map flap is just the latest example. They need to clean ranks in their coding department.

    The MS Metro fiasco is far far far worse. It signals an inflection point for Microsoft. When *all* Win 8 products flop in the marketplace, it'll be obvious where they're headed.

    1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

      Re: 3=1, etc.

      Well said Sir!

      The Apple Maps was just one APP in an Ecosystem

      Metro is a whole Ecosytem.

      Utter fail on Microsoft's part and El Reg's.

      Then again, the Apple Haters rule here ok!

      Androids ain't so wonderful (Her indoor's Samsung Galaxy corrupted the SD card over Christmas, my HTC Sensation regularly misses incoming calls)

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: 3=1, etc.

        And Google mapping is still far from perfect and the satellite images are old. Streetview is pretty good but realistically hardly ever *need* it. I've tried both Apple and Google Maps - it's not clear-cut by any means - Apple seem to give better routes, Google have more POIs but navigating to an address / post code (which is what many people will use it for) is about the same. Sure if you are a darwin award contestant and drive through Oz with no paper maps etc. you may have got caught out but Google Maps are not perfect with that either.

        1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
          Thumb Down

          Apple Maps not so bad and at least the trains ran on time, yadda yadda....

          Stop talking like this, it sounds like someone explaining the inner torments and global misunderstanding of a (Russian|European|African) dictator's hidden heart of gold.

        2. Adam 1

          Re: 3=1, etc.

          To be fair, navigate to mildura does sound suspiciously like take me to the middle of nowhere so I can die.


    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: 3=1, etc.

      hey bro I hea ya. Try a Yahoo MAPQUEST 50 out of town up in teh mtns in Kali.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: 3=1, etc.

      Was the Map issue so bad for anyone - Google are down more than 500bn a year and Apple are up the same? Apple users now have BOTH, Apple get breathing room to make theirs better, can provide cheaper / more access to developers, users could ALWAYS go to anyway.

      As for the quality of the maps - well for me Apple sat pics are more up to date and three routes I know well were navigated worse (further) with Google Maps than Apple Maps. And - you think Google Maps is perfect - think again - over the last week or so noticed many POIs around 1/2 out of their genuine position and another Australian police force gave a warning against Google Maps as well.

      So to summaries - iDevices now have both - users = win, developers get better access = win, Apple saves buckets of cash = win

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: 3=1, etc.

      Actually, there is not much wrong with the map app from a software POV, the issue is with the dataset that it accesses and queries, but that has rapidly improved too. It's certainly more polished that Google's iOS offering. That has the opposite issue, great data, not so great software.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: 3=1, etc.

        At least Apple should be able to fix Maps and then it's good to have competition with Google.

      2. Colin Wilson 2

        Re: 3=1, etc.

        There are problems with the Apple Maps software - not just the data.

        1. The colours are ridiculous. Stupid. Who's bright idea was it to make almost all roads pale grey on a pale yellow background?

        2. It doesn't understand U.K addresses. In particular, it often seems to take the town from your postcode and thinks that's where you live. So if your address is '1 High street, Cookham, SL6 1AX'. It sees the 'SL' bit and thinks you live at '1 High street, Slough' - which is miles away.

    5. Martin 71 Silver badge

      Re: 3=1, etc.

      Much as I'm an anti-apple-fanboi, (Their products are ok, but massively overpriced for what they do, and sometimes restricted in weirdly arbitrary ways, and thus I like el Reg's constant attacks on them), I agree, the maps fiasco was merely a one off mistake, the 'interface previously known as metro' is hideous, and apparently was designed by someone who wants microsoft to go under. I attempted to use a windows 8 machine in John Lewis, couldn't figure out how to use it.

      Previous incarnations of windows have not been like that. Windows 98 was new to me (my previous computer experience had been DOS and CP/M), yet clicking the start menu was obvious, as it looked like a button and said "Start" on it. This new interface may be okay for touchscreens, but for a normal computer with a pointing device, and a screen bigger than 'tiny', it looks more ludicrous than XP's luna theme, and the fact it breaks the UI paradigm they've used for so many years may well be 'game over' for them.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: 3=1, etc.

        Why do people keep harping on that Apple are 'massively' overpriced - guess you can say that of a BMW when you buy a Ford etc. When I bought my Macbook Air the competition was scarce and was about the same price (but the Air was better made). When I bought my iPhone I considered a Samsung Galaxy - it was about £3 less per month - hardly significant when the contract cost was about £45-50 anyway or about £70 less SIM free (which over 2 years is not much). However, with Apple the support is much better and when I dropped the phone and the camera lens got slightly dislodged the Apple Store just fixed it at no cost and in 20 minutes. I'm happy with the choice and suspect a lot of other people are as well - wait until you have a problem and that's how good you know a company is.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: camera lens got slightly dislodged

          How many times do you intend to tell us that compelling story?

  6. MahFL22


    "For most of the year journalists and the public had been told about Metro and Metro-style apps, but now we were all told to forget it every happened. ( every ).

    1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

      Re: Typo.

      That's fine by me. I'm quite happy to completely and totally forget everything about ...

      What was that name again?

  7. Bill Neal

    red-headed stepchild?

    I resent that stereotype, as a red-headed stepchild who was NOT beaten into adolescence. I understand it is common, but that doesn't make it any more tasteful that using the same standard for people of African-American descent.

    1. Swarthy
      Thumb Up

      Re: red-headed stepchild?

      Having had an oddly high number of friends who were both ginger and products of their parents' first marriage, i agree. That is why I usually threaten to beat people with a red-headed step-child.

  8. Zaphod.Beeblebrox

    One of these things is not like the others

    Is it just me, or is the one about Lulzsec's Sabu not really a technology cockup and doesn't really fit in with the theme of the article?

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I can honestly say

    I didn't fall into any of those cock-up's. I mostly removed myself from the equation.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    bottom line

    if I can spy on everything you do, your fucked and there is no protection.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    OH you wanted TECH COCK UPS

    how about the 404 errors @

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    gdi exploit

    Still rollin? on some boxes? I seen it... FUCKUP...

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Why can't they just be honest?

    Metro --- we screwed up, it's somebody else's trade mark."

    Don't these idiots realise that that would score points in the PR war? That it would make them look decent?

    Or do they just have a pathological-lying culture? Which makes them people to stay away from.

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

      Re: Why can't they just be honest?

      There more so as at long it isn't someone's REGISTERED trade mark and their domain of application is different anyway, they will most certainly prevail in court.

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Why can't they just be honest?

        Don't try, commentards don't quite grasp this concept.

        I could easily open a curtain making business and call it Windows or a shoe repair shop and call it Apple or a chair cushion called iPad.

        So long as it is in no way confusable with the other item, then there is no issue (although the large megacorps try to bully others into giving it up)

  14. David Taylor 1

    Martian conspiracy?

    "El Reg was there at the landing"

    We already have people on Mars!?

    1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
      Black Helicopters

      Re: Martian conspiracy?

      Only in the "invited guests" stand, directly next to Obama.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Of course!


  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Given that the Apple maps are number 1 why did the Reg give the iPhone 5 such a glowing review and didn't even mention the maps?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Maps is just one 'app' and it was always a trivial issue to bookmark onto an icon on your device. Most people who have tried the two side-by-side are not all that bothered as in reality Google Maps is better is some respects and Apple Maps in others so it depends on your usage. I find Apple Maps quicker, like the 3D view and routing seems better - Google Maps has streetview and a few nice features as well.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      It's such a good phone / OS despite 'maps'. When you compare it to the fragmented, poorly service / support and insecure 'Android' it's clear. Anyone can make an Android phone - so next year Samsung may not be king of the Androids but Apple will still be growing it's user base of longer term, more loyal users.

  16. Dana W

    Apple blew an App, Microsoft blew a whole OS. No doubt the map app needs to be here. "Thankfully I live in an area its actually accurate in"

    But Windows RT is the number one fail of the year. Was talking to my friends in computer retail. They can't give them away.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I've never actually met someone that had a serious issue with Apple Maps - at least no-one who had tried both and could say Google Maps was definitely better. Most said the mapping on Apple was more up to date and Google still have inaccuracies - I reported 2 about a year or so ago - still not fixed - c'est la via ;(

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Suspect most of the people on here who whinge about Apple Maps are probably non-iOS / Android users who:

        1. have never used it / never compared it side-by-side

        2. have a bigoted view of Apple and anything they do

        3. are jealous as now iOS users have both Apple Maps and Google Maps

        4. believe Google Maps is perfect (when clearly it is not)

        5. do not appreciate that competition is good

        6. work for Google ;)

        1. MrWibble

          My problem with apple maps is that where I live (Solihull) does not exist. Nothing to do with bigoted views / jealosy, just a crap app that doesn't work for me.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Think people are just making this stuff up as out of interest put Solihull into my iOS 6 (Apple Maps) and of course it's there and shock, horror in the same place as Google Maps shows it.

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