back to article Profs: Massive use of wind turbines won't destroy the environment

Windy professors in the States have produced research in which they say that massive use of wind power would not, as had been thought, damage the planet's atmosphere and cause undesirable climate changes. They also argue that it would be "practical" to obtain half the energy required by the human race using wind turbines. …


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          1. Wilco 1

            Re: Nuclear is reviled for good reasons

            If the pond isn't even the most dangerous part then I'd rather not know what is... Who knows where else some of the large amounts of plutonium they accidentally lost are still lurking. Cumbria is nice for holidays but given their track record ever since the WindScale disaster I wouldn't want to live near Sellafield.

            Yes it's partially a result of the atom bomb projects, but that's not an excuse for the way we have dealt with nuclear power in the UK. There never even was a plan for safety or waste disposal. Cockcroft's folly - air filters which avoided a Chernobyl like disaster in WindScale - were deemed a waste of money by the very engineers who built it! With that kind of insane attitude to safety among nuclear engineers, how can we ever trust people designing and building nuclear power stations?

            Indeed, if only we did apply our knowledge about nuclear power and its dangers. Unfortunately humans have an amazing capability of messing everything up.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

          1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

          Re: Nuclear is reviled for good reasons

          In the 1950's and 60's it was.

          The site you link to explains that is not the case now. Agree it's taken a *long* time to do something about it but things are changing.

          Key question. Air data samples from *above* the pond?

      1. solidsoup

        Re: Nuclear is reviled for good reasons

        Most modern reactor designs, including Westinghouse and General Electric have passive safety. Anti-nuclear activists are stuck in the 1970s. Even TMI had passive safety features (which failed to prevent the partial meltdown because of a malfunctioning valve). Nuclear reactor design has advanced tremendously over the past 20 years. The efforts to stop nuclear are counter-productive. Old dangerous designs that produce a lot of waste are still being operated because opposition to building new stations using modern reactors is so great. The costs of waste disposal are wildly overstate. A reactor produces 10-16 cubic meters of high grade waste per year. That costs $2-5 million to dispose. I won't even mention low grade waste because that's pocket change. Those figures are much lower for newer reactors (though can't quickly look up the study).

        If we built national or international infrastructure for radioactive waste disposal and long-term storage, the costs for disposal and insurance would come down tremendously (and something like Fukishima wouldn't happen and there would be no long-term local storage of expended rods). That's not to say they are now exorbitant. Nuclear costs about the same as oil and coal-fired plants, but without all the fuss of pollution. Only gas is cheaper and that's a temporary phenomenon because of US fracking boom. The decommission costs that greens like to bring up so much are already accounted for as, at least in the US, power companies are required to create a special fund for decommissioning and pay into it from operational proceeds.

        1. TheOtherHobbes

          Re: Nuclear is reviled for good reasons


          Nice try to confuse people who don't know anything about nuke technology by pretending that 'passive safety' has some relationship to 'fail safe.'

          "If we built national or international infrastructure for radioactive waste disposal and long-term storage"

          and if pigs could fly we'd have all our electricity generated by sparkly magic ponies.

          Says Wikia: "In the United States alone, the Department of Energy states there are "millions of gallons of radioactive waste" as well as "thousands of tons of spent nuclear fuel and material" and also "huge quantities of contaminated soil and water."[13] Despite copious quantities of waste, the DOE has stated a goal of cleaning all presently contaminated sites successfully by 2025.[13] The Fernald, Ohio site for example had "31 million pounds of uranium product", "2.5 billion pounds of waste", "2.75 million cubic yards of contaminated soil and debris", and a "223 acre portion of the underlying Great Miami Aquifer had uranium levels above drinking standards."[13] The United States has at least 108 sites designated as areas that are contaminated and unusable, sometimes many thousands of acres.[13][14] DOE wishes to clean or mitigate many or all by 2025, however the task can be difficult and it acknowledges that some may never be completely remediated. "

          Good luck with that as a plan.

          1. solidsoup

            @ OtherHobbes

            When pigs fly? Well, I heard swine flu...

            There's nothing technologically impossible or even challenging in indefinitely storing nuclear waste. Sub-seabed disposal has been studied and is completely realistic with today's technology. 25% of ocean floor is covered with clay sediment that will preserve nuclear waste indefinitely if waste is buried under 20 meters of it. We regularly conduct operations at these depths when we drill for oil. The reasons its not done are political in nature. As an international project, this makes a lot of sense. But we don't even need to do it now. Just announcing a consortium of nuclear powers that will study the solution to the problem of nuclear waste disposal with an eye towards building an international facility will do wonders for investment into nuclear and even lower the insurance rates for current projects.

            I will agree that a lot of opposition to nuclear comes from Cold War scare and the past mismanagement of nuclear sites. However, at this point, the opposition is based on sentiments and not logic. This fear is jeopardizing our future as a civilization and I'm not talking about global warming (though if you believe in it, then you should doubly support nuclear).

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward


            'The Fernald, Ohio site for example had "31 million pounds of uranium product"...'

            Cool. 15-odd thousand tons of uranium should ensure we don't run out for many, many years to come.

            1. Wilco 1

              Re: @TheOtherHobbes

              That's most likely depleted uranium hexafluoride - very nasty stuff. DU is used in tank shells and armor piercing bullets.

  1. IHateWearingATie

    To be fair to Lewis...

    ... regarding the half vs 48% thing mentioned earlier, I read his main point as being they had assumed it was good for half right now, rather than half in the future with the inevitable growth in energy consumption.

    Every time I read articles such as this, I wish I had a lot more time to read through the papers themselves so I could form a better informed view rather than relying on other people's interpretation of the papers. Maybe after a nice lottery win...

  2. This post has been deleted by its author

  3. John H Woods Silver badge

    Wind Turbines...

    .... not a big fan.

  4. cnapan

    Re: Naughty Lewis

    Though to be fair, this isn't some silly spat between iPhone and Android users. This stuff actually matters.

    We really are stuck in a world which, both at the same time, has politicians who largely accept that we're stuffing up the climate with emissions, yet by their decisions are guaranteeing that civilisation will continue to be powered mainly by digging up and burning vast quantities of fossil fuels and liberating it into the atmosphere.

    Wind Turbines in the UK are effectively just expensive, occasionally operating spare parts for gas and coal fired power stations. We still need just as many of these fossil plants as we would do if there were no wind turbines, because sometimes the wind doesn't blow at all.

    What we need to be doing is removing the reliance of fossil base-load power stations in the first place.

    Germany - supposedly the 'Greenest' large country in Europe, is busy pushing up its carbon emissions massively (only they take place over the border. How convenient). In the UK, we've watched our nuclear industry atrophy to the point that most of it will be offline in 20 years, and we're belatedly having to bus in the French to tell us how to build new ones because our own people are retiring.

    So, at the very point in history where we ought to be racing to completely replace our dependence on fossil fuels, the world is, each year, growing at an extremely fast rate the amount of CO2 liberated from fossil sources.

    The world has gone mad, I tell thee!

  5. Dr Dan Holdsworth

    The main problem with this article is that it misses out on a couple of very major factors where power generation is concerned. The first major factor is expense; wind-generated power is expensive in and of its self, and as the wind doesn't blow steadily in most places a back-up system such as pumped storage or massively large-area high voltage interconnectors is required. These factors combine to raise the cost of wind power from "expensive" to "outrageously high".

    The second major factor is public tolerence for wind turbines, which is generally low as the low-frequency sonics tend to cause quite a few nasty health side-effects, not least of which is crashing the value of nearby properties. As people tend to see property as an investment, doing anything which causes the value to dramatically decrease is deeply unpopular with the people concerned. Continuing to try to force the building of wind turbines can only lead to local unofficial turbine demolition attempts.

    When suitable alternatives such as the many forms of nuclear power exist and are widely known by the populace, then the question "Why do we have to have these poxy horrible turbines and these heinously high power bills when a few nuclear stations would supply several times as much power at a fraction of the cost?" gets asked.

    Britain is a democracy, with fairly low barriers to standing as a member of parliament. Should the mainstream parties not take notice of this question, I would wager that many an independent MP would be elected on the platform of "Build nukes, not turbines" to the extent of being able to manipulate government policy on the matter.

    1. Wilco 1

      Since when is nuclear cheap?

      Or are you ignoring the long term decommissioning costs, the cleanup costs of the sites (Sellafield alone "lost" a few hundred kilos of plutonium), as well as waste storage and disposal? Remember the cleanup of the nuclear folly in the UK is going to cost us taxpayers £73 Billion by a 2008 estimate (and costs are rising fast).

      Note also wind power is at grid parity, with cost per generated MWh for on-shore windfarms well below the cost of building a new nuclear power station.

      1. David Pollard

        Re: Since when is nuclear cheap?

        To put the cost of disposal of waste into perspective, it amounts to about 2.8 p/kWh of electricity generated in the UK to date using nuclear energy. A very large proportion of this waste arose not from the civil energy programme but from the arms race during the cold war; and the latest designs of reactors will both utilise fuel more efficiently and produce much less long-lived waste.

        Even if wind energy were free at the point of capture, provision has to be made for its variability and for extended periods of calm. This puts an extra load on the grid and requires additional back-up capacity. It also requires greater modulation of background generators with concomitant reduction of efficiency. The costs incurred are by no means negligible, though they are often ignored by wind's proponents.

      2. Tom Reg

        Re: Since when is nuclear cheap?

        The numbers I have show nuclear with all decommission etc at about 8c, and wind at 25c. Offshore is more. The way to tell for sure is to stop all subsidies.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Since when is nuclear cheap?

        Oh wilco, don't the miriad of downvotes suggest you're in the wrong place for these arguments?

        I'll make it clearer; please fuck off back to the guardian.

        1. Wilco 1

          Re: Since when is nuclear cheap?

          I don't care about downvotes, most likely a few idiots with many logins. Nobody seems to be able to provide a compelling counterargument but then again you can't expect too much intellect these days...

          Anyway why don't you fuck back off to the Sun or Daily Mail?

    2. Sir Sham Cad

      Re: Should the mainstream parties...

      Well, UKIP have actually taken this up as one of their platforms so, potentially, the Laboural Conservacrats will have to pay attention at some stage if they can win a few seats.

    3. handle


      Dr Dan: "The second major factor is public tolerence for wind turbines, which is generally low as the low-frequency sonics tend to cause quite a few nasty health side-effects, not least of which is crashing the value of nearby properties."

      Since impact on property values is not even a "health side-effect", if that's all you can come up with to support an allegation that low-frequency sounds are a problem, then you're a pretty unconvincing contributor. I had a quick scout round and it seems that this is a symptom of old non-European turbines which had their blades downwind of their masts, and is therefore a non-issue nowadays. If you know better, please provide evidence rather than weasel words, otherwise your credibility is shot and you simply undermine any more sensible arguments you may put forward.

  6. Gordon Pryra

    It doesent matter how many 3xn times the words output it costs

    The moment its cheaper than the alternative they will do it, or similar with other options.

    Its only expensive untill the opportunity cose changes from, "we do this and I cant afford my iPhone 7" to "we either do this or we die"

    And the costs to the country are not actually as bad as they seem. Tre money being spent on people within the various countries, which is kind of the point of Governments having cash in the first place (outside of lineing their own pockets as it the case currently)

    Anyway all the need to do is funnel the money they are currently giving the dirty pig bankers to the energy dudes and voila, jobs a good en

    Even better in that we can then use the power we create to burn the bankers to little smidgens of dirty ash

  7. Tim Parker

    "extraction of massive amounts of energy from the atmosphere by huge numbers of wind turbines (as would be required if the human race were to be powered to any large degree by renewables)"

    That doesn't follow. You could put the hyperbole in massive bold font, to make it look impressive I guess, but it still doesn't follow.

    1. Tom 13

      It DOES necessarily follow that massive amounts need to be extracted.

      I learned it as the First Law of Thermodynamics. And even "deniers" don't claim we don't use "massive amounts of energy."

      The question is, "what effect if any does the extraction have on the environment."

      1. Tim Parker

        @Tom 13 Re: It DOES necessarily follow that massive amounts need to be extracted.

        The quote was "extraction of massive amounts of energy from the atmosphere by huge numbers of wind turbines (as would be required if the human race were to be powered to any large degree by renewables)"

        i.e if there is to be a significant contribution from renewables then "huge numbers of wind turbines" must be involved. That doesn't follow, e.g. I could switch to 100% nuclear generation (at least for base load) and burn all the wind turbines.

        1. h4rm0ny

          Re: @Tom 13 It DOES necessarily follow that massive amounts need to be extracted.

          Nuclear power is not considered a "renewable".

          Solar and wave power are, as is geothermal. But if we're talking "powered to any large degree by renewables" then I think wind has to be a significant part of that. I suppose a big shift in biofuels technology could change that if we ditch the current disastrous version because we crack some viable algae-based version, but with current technologies, the statement appears correct to me.

          1. Tim Parker

            Re: @Tom 13 It DOES necessarily follow that massive amounts need to be extracted.

            Nuclear power is not considered a "renewable".

            Breeders can be considered 'renewable' for all practical purposes - conventional uranium fission is not, agreed.

            Solar and wave power are, as is geothermal. But if we're talking "powered to any large degree by renewables" then I think wind has to be a significant part of that

            You may think that, fair enough - however it doesn't necessarily follow.

        2. Tom 13

          Re: @Tom 13 It DOES necessarily follow that massive amounts need to be extracted.

          Nobody but you counts nuclear as renewable. "Renewable" has always meant something you manufacture once, after which it continues non-polluting (on ALL counts) energy. It's actually one of the problems I have with "renewable energy" as a concept - the definition has always been based on unicorn fart philosophy - as in, if I had a unicorn fart, I could harness it to produce clean energy.

          Nuclear should be a part of our overall energy strategy, particularly breeder plants. That doesn't mean we get to pretend they are "renewable clean." There are problems with it that need to be addressed, just like there are problems with oil, gas, geothermal, and wind. Page was obviously working within the renewable unicorn fart dream reference.

          1. Tim Parker

            Re: @Tom 13 It DOES necessarily follow that massive amounts need to be extracted.

            "Nobody but you counts nuclear as renewable."

            Whilst strictly not renewable, hence my caveat for all practical purposes, there have been arguments that it some nuclear generation can be considered in with 'truly' renewables rather than more evidently finite resources such as coal and oil (e.g. See Bernard Cohen "Breeder reactors: A renewable energy source", or the case for fusion). You may be right that the use of the word 'renewable' is not accurate - i'd not disagree in general - so perhaps we should discuss the effective lifetime of the energy source and not refer to anything as 'renewable' ?

            I also have no idea what the unicorn fart example was meant to imply - perhaps you could elucidate ?

            "Nuclear should be a part of our overall energy strategy, particularly breeder plants. That doesn't mean we get to pretend they are "renewable clean." There are problems with it that need to be addressed, just like there are problems with oil, gas, geothermal, and wind."

            I agree, and I wasn't pretending they were "renewable clean", just can be considered as a effectively non-finite resource. I also didn't mention them being "clean" at all. I have issues with fission production, but i'm not sure that's particularly relevant to my original proposal that a significant use of renewable, or effectively non-finite, energy resource necessitates the use of "huge numbers of wind turbines" extracting extraction "massive amounts of energy from the atmosphere" as was originally suggested.

            1. Tim Parker


              Oops - should have read

              "my original proposal that a significant use of renewable, or effectively non-finite, energy resource does not necessitate the use of "huge numbers of wind turbines" extracting extraction "massive amounts of energy from the atmosphere" as was originally suggested."

  8. Paul Read


    efficient turbines require lightweight magnets requires Neodymium requires rare earth mining means a giant hole in Inner Mongolia, China results in all our monies are belong to them.

    how green is the rare earth mine in Bāotóu? But that's OK, because it's over there, along with all our jobs.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Wind Power doesn't have to be expensive.

    We should be seeing micro generation everywhere. Instead of a cihmney, you'd see a small turbine. Smaller generation everywhere. It's not a be all end all its a link in the chain of power generation. That much less power needs to be generated by conventional means.

    It's not rocket science. There are just too many skeptics/haters. Shame that waste of energy couldn't be put to much better use.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Except those small turbines are essentially a JOKE - they generate virtually no useable power. If a large turbine located in a particularly windy location can do no better than about 25% what do you think the micro turbine can do...?

      1. David Pollard

        "What do you think the micro turbine can do...?"

        It can:

        a) Waste a lot of money;

        b) Annoy your neighbours;

        c) Make Dave Cameron look a complete fool as he does a U-turn on fixing one on his chimney.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: "What do you think the micro turbine can do...?"

          What if everyone had a small microturbine on their hat?

          This should provide power to run their iPhone - thus making us locally self-sufficient and energy independent.

          Then if we needed more power on a non-windy day people could just run around.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: "What do you think the micro turbine can do...?"

            "What if everyone had a small microturbine on their hat?"

            Priceless - straight out of Dilbert.

      2. Lord Voldemortgage

        "Except those small turbines are essentially a JOKE - they generate virtually no useable power."

        I stayed in a lovely cottage in Cornwall that ran its lighting entirely from wind power.

        Mind you it was very windy there - and reliably windy.

        Of course it had to have a gas powered fridge and the kettle went on the coal burning stove.

        But still, as long as you are all in the same room and don't stay up late and don't mind the scullery being full of car batteries and don't want to read at the same time as charging your phone it's got several advantages over candles.

    2. Richard Altmann

      Say good bye

      Set up a 4 kW/h blade,Charge controller/Inverter,2x200Amp/hrs Batteries and say good bye to your local grid provider and daily load shedding.Buy the shirt,wash it,iron it and watch TV while your neighbourhood sits in the dark.

      The only way to go in developing countries. Look out to India, they have some phantastic products to get you going at more then reasonable prices. I once installed a radio station off the grid on 50m² solar panels in Northern Uganda. It´s broadcasting until midnight with 150km range. Growing power demands in developing countries will be satisfied by self sufficient systems as long as they are not controlled by lobby driven laws that don´t allow one to disconnect from public grid (like Germany). Now it turns political: The gouvernment wants to stay in "Power". Example Uganda again: Wherever their are riots, the grid gets shut down. DVB-T: Gouvernment does not need to go the radio stations and clip their antennas anymore, they just flip the switch and offline you are if they don´t like what your are saying.

      Hang all Lobbiests and corrupt politicians!!

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Cant do right for doing wrong....

    Climate, Is it changing? .......... yes

    Is Human activity responsible for this change? ... Maybe, maybe not.

    Can we do anything?..... if it is indeed human activity then not unless mankind as a whole changes the way we live our lives, but this is not likely to ever happen, so no.

    Wind farms and solar arrays are not the answer for large scale power generation. The cost per KWH to supply the renewable power sources is too high. The only real advantage to wind farms I can see is that they can be made in our own country so we will not be relying on Australia, Indonesia and Russia for coal, Russia and the Arab league for gas/oil and Kazakhstan, Canada, Australia and some African nations for uranium to supply us with the fuels to generate power, The only real option is nuclear power.

    That said, Living on the coast, with an un-obstructed south facing roof, we opted to get a large solar panel and a wind turbine fitted. Combined they produce about 15KWh on a sunny but windy day (like today). During the summer months it generates about 80% of our daily power requirements and about 35% of the winter requirement. With the payments from the feed in tariffs it has reduced our energy costs by a significant amount and will have covered the installation costs within about 4 years. less, with the rate energy has gone up and is likely to go up, this will be less, maybe, 3 years. I have even considered getting a diesel generator for the shortfall and go completely mains free....

    We are situated in a near enough perfect position for solar and wind generation. Many places are not so well suited. I have seen some damn awful installations, one house not far from us has solar panels on its north facing roof, they will be lucky to make back what it cost to buy and install it in its serviceable lifetime.

    My choices for renewable energy sources were not made on any preconception that I was saving the earth, but purely one of a long term economic saving, which with the rise in energy costs is going to mature sooner than anticipated. Do I wish I had gone"green" sooner, hell yes, If I had gone for it first time I considered it I would be on "free" energy by now....

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Cant do right for doing wrong....

      Yeah I'm alright jack - never mind the rest of us paying for it in our increased leccy bills. Install it without the FIT if you want but you are the anti Robin Hood.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "With the payments from the feed in tariffs it has reduced our energy costs by a significant amount and will have covered the installation costs within about 4 years."

    The FIT are a subsidy paid for by everyone else (who does not have solar).

    Without the subsidy it would be a complete NON starter as the payback would be never.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      actually that’s not true. As stated, I live on the coast and we get above average levels of both sunshine and wind. It would have took a lot longer for it to pay for itself, but by my calculations it still would have covered its own cost.. it would have took a lot longer....

      Also, because of the energy efficacy ratings that you have to get done these days to get done before you can sell a property, it has actually increased the value of the property.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        But have you factored in the cost of the money you have lost over those 25 years and the cost of maintenance or are you just hoping it won't need any (head in sand)?

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        £10k for a typical solar installation - exclude FIT and you would 'earn' (save) perhaps £200-400 a year in electricity - so that's a 2-4% ROI. Multiply it by 25 years and you would get 50-100% of your money back buy that takes no account of the interest you have lost on that money or any insurance and maintenance costs.

        Over 25 years I would expect you to need 2 (maybe 3+) new inverters (the ones I saw came with 5 year or less warranties) at a 'parts' cost of £1000-1500 - so fitting to add on to that. Then over 25 years perhaps you need to replace at least 1-2 panels. Put it this way how much do you think an insurance backed warranty covering all parts and labour would be on the 'system' per year - I would guess at least 2-5% of the system cost per year?

        Plus have you read about the problems with mortgage companies and solar panels - some just do not like them and it could have a negative impact on the value / saleability of your house.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Most estate agents agree solar does not increase the value of your home. It's usually pretty ugly and the maintenance / repair costs often outweigh the value of the electricity it generates. Also it can make getting a mortgage / re-mortgage more difficult or expensive.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    '"Do I wish I had gone"green" sooner, hell yes, If I had gone for it first time I considered it I would be on "free" energy by now...."

    Paid for by people with less money than you obviously. These solar installations are put in either by companies or richer individuals so essentially paid for by everyone else - i.e. typically poorer people (who could not afford the installation) or probably 50% of people who do not have a suitable (south facing) roof and people in flats, people who rent etc.

    So before you get too smug that you are saying some cash remember it's other people that are paying for it and also the increased energy cost - well you are fuelling that rise - the more solar we install the more expensive electricity will become.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      no, paid for by myself actually.... although there are grants available to help with the cost of them, part of my home is used for business I am not eligible. I decided to hang on to my old car instead of getting a new one so I can pay for the panel and turbine....

      and yes, I will be smug about saving some money, money that I would have had to pay to e-on,

      and yes, I get payments from FIT's, The amount I have got from it is still less than the CCL that I have paid since 2001, so a far as I can see, I have just got back SOME of what I have paid in CCL's, No matter which way you want to try and twist it, I have not cost anyone anything, except a few e-on shareholders and got back a few quid that the government took off me in levies which I don’t agree with anyway.

      if schemes like FIT's are set up they are there to be used. only a moron would not take money that has been made available to them.

      And to make my position clear, I don’t agree with all this renewable energy nonsense as a national supply strategy. Most people are being conned by the installers who install inappropriate equipment in places where they will NEVER make the cost of the installation back. The way forward is nuclear power stations, and plenty of them. ut in my case, I am in a small % where when I did my sums, it works out well for me !!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Except no. The 'subsidy' you receive is not just paid for by 'e-on shareholders' - it is paid for by 'everyone else' in increased electricity charges. What is so unfair is that even if they could 'afford' it (which clearly many people do not have £10k kicking around) many do not have a suitable roof - yet they still have to subsidise you.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        You said "And to make my position clear, I don’t agree with all this renewable energy nonsense as a national supply strategy"

        Yet you have it installed - what a hypocrite.

  13. Battsman

    Wind Power & Climate Change

    Amongst all the "chatter" about 48% vs. 50% and today vs 2030 in this discussion board, what I didn't see was the observation that if we are indeed concerned about climate warming (anthropomorphic or not) and harnessing wind power has the potential for a cooling effect... well maybe we should actually be trying for wind power as an climate offset.

    I have this vision of an oscilating control loop with nasty overshoot. We're getting too warm, crank of the wind power... crap it's getting too cold, crank of the fossil fuels... crap...

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