back to article The Register to publish other sites' blacked-out content in SOPA protest

As many Register readers will be aware, websites across the internet have pledged to black out all or part of their content as a protest against the proposed US Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). We at the Register applaud these noble acts of self-sacrifice, in which we will see the English-language Wikipedia sort-of blacked out ( …


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      1. irish donkey

        Happy to be corrected

        recently I have found 'el reg' to be a stalking ground for pirate hunters that will brand any one with any knowledge of piracy the scum of the earth. I may have allowed this to bias my judgement.

        I stand corrected.

        1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

          Piracy is bad.

          Without things like copyright, how do writers make a living? But SOPA is also bad. There has to be a middle ground here that we can all agree on.

          I'm a content creator; I create content, El Reg owns the copyright. That makes me really no different from a band and their relationship to their label. Yet I am also a consumer. I want to be able to read my books on every device I own. Watch my movies on every device I own, and format shift to my heart’s content.

          I need people to pay for what I create. I am willing to pay (and reasonably well at that) for what others create. Why does it all have to go so horribly, horribly wrong from there?

          1. irish donkey

            I agree...

            we all work because we get paid... I can't think of any other reason to drag my sorry ass out of bed at 6.00 in the morning. I am also happy to pay for my stuff. When I was a student I frequently test drove stuff.... now I earn I pay.

            But the polarising nature of the fight between the pirates and content creators leaves me in a quandary of whose side I am on.

            I enjoy mash up’s and parody's and the somewhat sideways look the culture around us you find on the internet, but do I think it is justifiable to destroy somebodies life for uploading a couple of songs to the internet or sticking some miniature pop stars picture on their website? Simple answer is no. So I guess I am on the side of the pirates but only because the punishment is far exceeding the crime.

            Home taping didn't kill music back in the day and downloading won't kill it now. It won't happen as there are still far too many people making too much money out of it.

            One notable exception!

            Download U2’s stuff because they refused to pay tax in Ireland and provide no benefit to any society. They steal from their fans (the tax payers) so anybody should be able to steal it back. But their music is $hit anyway so don’t bother.

            1. Meph

              In homage to the ancient masters

              My object all sublime

              I shall achieve in time —

              To let the punishment fit the crime —

              The punishment fit the crime;

              And make each prisoner pent

              Unwillingly represent

              A source of innocent merriment!

              Of innocent merriment!

              Methinks Sir's Gilbert and Sullivan were more prophetic than they realised. Long gone are my days of "extended software and film trialling" but I still class myself a pirate, if for no other reason than that listed above. Freedom to enjoy life is more important than living in a cage, no matter how gilded. Now, bring me that horizon!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      You did misunderstand Andrew. He is pro - property rights and enforcement. He is against SOPA.

      As for speed bumps - I prefer cobblestones, meself.

  1. JDX Gold badge

    Turning off JS

    Or just pressing ESC as the page loads.

  2. agedslacker

    Some reasons to protest:

    1. Copyright was originally introduced to balance the interests of the creators and the rest of the population; balance is the important word.

    2. Originally copyright lasted for some 5 years, considered enough time for the creator to realise a reasonable return for her/his work. The US Congress, influenced by large payments from MPIAA, has again and again increased the period of copyright to an unconscionable level whenever the copyright in Mickey Mouse was about to run out.

    3. The reason why Draconian legislation is "necessary" to enforce the law is, with the ridiculous length of time now reaching towards the 100 year mark, any idea of balance has long gone, and the whole idea of copyright has become contemptible to the normal person.

    4. Any law which is widely seen to be unbalanced and unjust will always be disregarded by a large proportion of ordinary people.

    5. Breach of copyright has always been and should always be a civil offence.

  3. Petrea Mitchell

    Be sure to read...

    ...The Daily WTF ('s "whiteout" in support of SOPA, the dismantlement of DNS, and a nostalgic return to the days of dialup BBSes, or at least Gopher.

  4. John A Blackley


    The rights or wrongs of SOPA aside, are we really so dependent on Wikipedia that it's absence is worth even thinking about?

    Oh my!

    1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge


      Do a twitter search for "WTF."

      Screaming teenagers unable to do homework without wikipedia abound.

      1. Local Group

        Drooling Seniors, too,

        who can't remember the 9 letter word for the thing that opens a can. Sure, they'll remember it tomorrow, but if they want to use it in an email right now, they need wikipedia. 24/7.

        1. Archimedes_Circle

          What 9 letter word?

          You can't mean a can opener. That's two words.

          What are you on about?

          1. TeeCee Gold badge

            ....and "nitroglycerine" has 14 letters, so that's not it either.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Thumb Up


              I think my neighbors heard me laugh at this one.

              I needed that.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward



          3. Steve Renouf

            Ha ha

            That's another reason they need Wiki - they don't even know the language properly!

            1. This post has been deleted by its author

            2. Local Group

              theodore: "I needed that."

              Glad to be of service. "Tis a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done".

  5. Gannon (J.) Dick
    Thumb Up


    "The Motion Picture Ass. of America and its cohorts shall not get away with this."

    Please, here is your Period back (see title). Even El Reg cannot afford to throw away perfectly good punctuation.

    I regret that the Colons of the Entertainment Industry and the Semicolons of Silicon Valley remain far too entrenched for reuse. It's as if they were human.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The Apotheosis of Dumbness

    I don't know which is more moronic -- this worthless non-funny "article" or the moronic comments of many of the readers. I was against SOPA/PIPA because it could destroy the interwebs, but I've changed my mind. Now I'm in favor of destroying the intertubes, because it's morons all the way down.

    Back to pigeons I say.

    1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge

      IP over Avian Carriers

      Pigeons are but one possible transport mechanism for the internet. Can't stop the signal...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        We don't want to stop IP over Avian (IPOA, as we call it). We don't want to be under IP over Avian either. Or tests indicate the signal to be quite spotty from that vantage point.

        Best Regards,

        The Little People

        1. Trevor_Pott Gold badge


          IPOA would have some bandwidth scaling problems for those on the ground, its true. But that will be addressed in a future RFC...

          1. Richard 120
            IT Angle


            Can we not use semaphore it's got to be cheaper and cleaner too?

            Think of the jobs created getting spotters and signallers installed on all the hills, mounds, mountains over the country, that'd be good for the economy too.

            Of course binary data would need to be re-encoded into hexavigesimal.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re-encoded Carefully

              Hexavigesimal is a mating ritual in some cultures and a Pre-Nuptual Agreement on others. The IT Community has never been good with either concept in spite of extensive Education & Outreach efforts.

          2. Meph

            Never underestimate

            Never underestimate the bandwidth of a van filled with backup tapes!

  7. Keep Refrigerated

    Had a glance at the Beeb article

    That fine gentleman Mr Orlowski is name-checked I see!

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    SOPA is a Capital SIN!

    According to the Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster, fighting piracy is akin to denying the Saints (e.g. not drinking on St Patrick's, not going on a spending spree before the annual Coming Of Saint Claus).


    seriously though, in a non-fascist state protests should have a good chance of working. In a democracy politicians should not be so stupid (or just not self-serving enough) as to attempt to pass a legislation that would anger their constituents.

    But the masses, on the whole, are made up of individuals with too varying interests to point to a common direction. So they can be easily led like sheep. Individually they may not be idiots. Communally we all are. Sad but true. So stuff like SOPA is easily passed, and do pass without a fuss.

    Thing is, SOPA is a USA law. Why it should affect the rest of the world is the real question. WWW is not really World Wide Web, when the Web is actually in custody. WWW should be decentralized. No more GoDaddy, no more US federal whatnot oversight.

  9. Anonymous Coward


  10. Trevor_Pott Gold badge
    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What a waste of words

    Like whining is some how going to stop increased punishment for piracy. Right.

    1. Ben Tasker

      It may not, but if it at least gets rid of some of the biggest problems of SOPA (and it has with DNS Blocking being dropped) then it's a good step forward.

      Thieving is wrong, but are you telling me that you'd consider it OK for someone to take your hand based on an unsubstantiated accusation? OK I'll accept that's a bit extreme, but the point is valid - due process exists for a reason. The Yanks already try and block DNS for sites when issued with a court order, but that's a bit inconvenient for MPAA etc so they'd like to dispense with having to go to the courts.

      I was once told that those who do not oppose something bad are by default supporting it. Call it whining if you want, but at least some are actually bothering to try and keep things right rather than having basic liberties trampled all over.

    2. Anonymous Coward

      Looks like it did, though. Oops.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The problem is...

    ... legislators, pressured to regulate things they don't understand, make bad laws.

    A law that is just, reasonable, and well written, won't attract so much opposition, will be passed, and people will learn to live with it.

    Lobbyists know this. Hence the pressure to pass bad laws, more favourable to their clients, before the politicians fully understand the implications.

  13. b166er

    Let's all connect our Sky dishes to our routers and set up a mesh!

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    SOPA will still pass in some form

    Pirates are going to get punished even more.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Instead of wasting time disabling js

    You could have used that time to simply search for an authoritative source of information, rather than the deranged ramblings of a bunch of unemployable neckbeards.


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